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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(70)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7 ?# q: f, N$ A' P6 j! ^' d1.Proposal 企划书
- |- \# W  z8 x: f6 aA: When is the proposal due?3 ?$ P# ], Q- r. P) W, ]
B: It's due Thursday next week.
4 v& N( s. q9 p. I$ v, FA:企划书什么时候必须出?% U5 S& ?! w3 j3 u
B:定的是下周四。 ; K. I3 x1 T3 U. _& a
2.Quotation 报价" C& O6 r- R* P* S9 }' k
A: Have we got the quotation ready?, O! I. @! V( h+ ^% _
B: It is ready. We just need the management to review., p- l. L3 o, P5 J7 B
& E% i- |# e# l  r. K+ S* G2 [B:准备好了,就等管理层审核了。 : `8 y3 l$ ~1 h2 J" m
3.RFQ (Request for quote)询价5 z) ], `: a# o' w+ |
A: Did you receive the RFQ for the new program?* Y: p! f- U" N' t
B: Yes. We did. The deadline for quotation is only two weeks from now.
0 n2 L  K' a1 t* f; @1 K! j7 k& uA:你收到新项目的询价单了吗?. Y7 v3 Q/ y% q+ Q: L, h
+ d/ O! u$ s7 F% b1 c4.Supplier base 供应商体系
* ]$ t: R! L) q  LA: I feel that we do not have a mature supplier base.4 w& S5 N. H7 y$ @" c( e& [
B: That is true. We need to help our suppliers grow.
7 L# J9 N/ v+ t" h0 rA:我觉得我们的供应商体系不是很成熟。0 ^( a1 O3 j/ B
: r+ c. V. P6 g& p5.Win the bid 中标8 m& X1 Y  P) i! h8 F7 B& U7 ~
A: Mark, we won the bid!
. d% Z' a& J; V% M, D1 Y" rB: Really? We need to celebrate.
2 P% K4 x0 C+ U: {/ YA:马克,我们中标了!" j! t! g7 G7 @6 q* P; c

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