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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(102)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
& U3 T. u3 b1 g, q  1.Background information 背景信息
6 {( j# D9 z  U! A1 q  A: Can we have detailed background information for this joint venture?( S6 E) D, b' A, ~' @8 {( t5 i3 o
  B: Of course. I'll get it to you ASAP.4 C- c* z% n6 G& M
& z" o" \6 J, g% U  B:当然,我会尽快提供给你们。 ! ]' s4 V) _( ?
  Note: ASAP = As Soon As Possible
2 E6 E! t* u& q7 r  2.Captial 资本6 L9 X, h8 F3 a  N
  A: How much captial investment are we talking about?
  I! h# F& @0 c6 `  B: About twenty million dollars.) o( C0 H1 B! u' z. b
  A:我们在考虑多少投资资本?( {# P# J7 x; ~1 S
/ d  r0 e) g* I' M+ e  3.Feasibility analysis 可行性分析5 N7 \) R$ h/ H2 \# ~& n
  A: Do we do a feasibility analysis?3 J. M! H3 B; c8 l% J. H
  B: We did. It is absolutely feasible.4 D2 |  ]8 b1 i5 r  [9 c
# J" L$ Q/ @- M  B:做过,这是完全可行的。1 i$ D9 A9 X" E1 B& E' g: c
  4.Legal representative 法定代理人
6 e' f! r! r3 x& W& D$ H  A: Who is our legal representative of our Company?
6 T1 _- W! \5 t( F  B: Dave Cargel.5 l( o' r( d% A, E( o# W/ n7 w. m
  A:谁是我们公司的法定代理人?- @7 D2 H) `$ U9 l5 G5 [) r# E
  B:戴夫·卡勾。$ O/ R  z9 V& ?/ H( v; _3 f" c
  5.Loan application 贷款申请
7 o4 k' n! \  M0 M! B0 |5 U5 E, Q5 L  A: We need to start our loan application. Who will take care of this?& V+ x5 |2 U" q8 V6 ~# D
  B: Mr.Ma will.
; G6 Y" R" j0 |5 c/ g; Q: K  A:我们得开始申请贷款了,谁来负责这个?3 F0 e$ D8 d% C

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