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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(101)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
- S  c4 E8 `$ ^& c: A  1.Price Cut 降价: o$ L: B% k+ V6 u4 d& B
  A: For this year, we want to start a new round of price cut.8 i# L: m+ E0 Y( c" |0 v
  B: We knew already, but just didn't konw how much you want to cut.
+ d( [; _/ g1 S7 S; z: z' h& M  A:今年我们要开始新一轮的降价。
) M- t0 P: K) x- m3 ~  B:我们已经知道了,但是不知道你们要减多少。
- h% Z1 W0 ~7 M  }  2.Recall 召回
: G% i3 s" N$ u  v3 m  A: Your problem has caused recalls of seventy thousand cars.3 l/ ^$ n" r( W! G9 z: K1 R2 _
  B: We are sorry about the problem. We have provided a solution to the issue.
1 p& Q9 D, W  d  A:你们的问题造成了七万辆轿车的召回。
. W2 P0 }8 E7 f* f6 a( Z  B:真的很抱歉,我们已经提供了问题的解决办法。
& D5 }8 k8 u# N0 |  3.Request for support 要求支持( b0 p  ]- {) a% V
  A: There was a request for support from our customer.
0 j9 n- C5 b4 S  B: Well, what are you waiting for? Go and assign someone this job.
( G& @# S/ P; D  A:我们的客户要求技术支持。
) |" T1 v  ~- B0 R6 @; I  B:那你还等什么?快去把工作布置下去。. I2 S' L- o- |( e! Y  R
  4.Supplier chain 供应商链
8 j3 M2 B4 p( l& o) ~7 m& k  A: How are you going to develop the supplier chain?
* X( r& x8 K+ |8 p" }  B: We have some suppliers in line already. We have targets for the rest.
3 k3 V. a' A7 X) Z) ?4 h4 E" B  A:你要怎样开发供应商链?
' J% o' O% |1 d' a/ X- i  B:我们已经有一些供应商了,对其他供应商,我们也有目标了。
. ?8 D7 t- _( b0 m3 _4 |* I  5.Terms of payment 付款条款; V3 s3 I8 [, o0 k$ e) a8 ]
  A: Is there any chance to negotiate the terms of payment?
8 R! I( K. e' A, x5 P- I+ ~  B: Anything is possible. You need to convince me that you are reasonable.
' v2 r3 w; w1 A  A:付款条款还有没有再谈谈的可能?, C$ Y! X9 D! k2 z# G- X- w0 C0 d

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