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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(113)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* y) u/ F3 s$ T0 J# i9 o  n9 n  F  1.Food 食物
4 r+ q' M5 A0 O0 ]% g3 J  A: Is the food good for this party?
/ K; o6 x* W% k* N* \0 {$ e  B: Very good. You can look at the menu.
% q  b4 A3 _/ Z$ I: E  A:这个聚会吃得好吗?2 n! a9 Q$ M) j
! v1 l1 Q( n9 K: ~- [( K  F3 t  2.Wine 葡萄酒
: L- @" S+ ~% T: O# t2 G  A: Is there any wine available of the party?
8 L6 u; Q1 e3 m1 z  k6 d  B: Sure, there will be all kinds of wine.
; |5 O: P, F" V1 S' c6 e  A:晚会上有葡萄酒吗?
0 \* P9 i+ Y3 a/ Q; Y; Z- d  B:当然,会有各种各样的葡萄酒。& J9 N( M5 @4 x1 S8 t
  3.Kids 孩子
5 R# \8 c5 @7 z& a  A: Can we bring the kids to the party?. d. Y) g1 w1 C5 |$ b0 V3 f
  B: Unfortunately no.) d2 |! W" q. S- n+ G* _  j; h
9 J- O7 F0 O. O5 z% `% O  B:可惜不能。
6 e% V- {! J$ _+ {# h- W$ W  4.Spouse 配偶,爱人
8 ]* d& F3 q+ o  A: Is a spouse allowed in the Annual Party?.. V# P" u. b" T6 l
  B: In fact, you are encouraged to bring your spouse.
4 A4 n3 g/ B# n* l* s! R  A:年终晚会允许带爱人吗?
- o& _: F/ @. F! R% ?! r7 B  B:实际上,公司顾虑员工带配偶来。
% l- m/ y" R" u  5.Tuxedo 燕尾服
- E1 S; g+ C$ r: E3 G8 X4 `* O  A: Anybody wearing a tuxedo at the Annual Party?
5 O% c+ M9 z; E7 z  B: Usually not. But you should if you are the award winner.
* d% J( s# M+ ]' Q* F  j2 v2 o  A:年终晚会上有人穿燕尾服吗?/ @2 O- V. e$ i0 K. r- Q

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