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[BEC高级] BEC阅读词汇:中国日报汉英词汇表七

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
导播 instructor in broadcasting+ n, }+ g+ V6 K8 {; V8 ~. Z; F
导弹发射场 missile launching site; missile site: P) @0 _6 ?. L2 K
导弹护卫舰 (guided) missile destroyer0 B! T7 j; r0 T  t1 Z1 Y
倒春寒 unusually cold spell in an otherwise warm early spring  w; E2 q# Y) d" b  o; C" M" l0 j
倒挂销售 sell at a price lower than the purchasing price/ O0 U. v+ q$ i3 @+ X" ^7 z
倒汇 speculate in foreign currency5 a( f% U# {* z4 E! A
倒计时 countdown3 T" p# ^+ G1 E; u# s: u2 v
倒买倒卖 profiteering  D0 a* c# }5 _2 B& I( r0 L( L# \
倒票 speculative reselling of tickets
4 J% p. ~9 v" d0 f# ^  q$ p倒爷 profiteer. N: i- M- C/ G7 D( U. u  a  Y# M& A
捣浆糊 give the runaround; run wild; act restlessly) k: d, u) ?9 {* F  e' J$ V
盗版 VCD pirated VCD
8 l. i7 y. E9 Y. [% N盗打 (电话) free call on somebody else's expense through illegal means
- e3 ?- }! h. h$ C2 @% H盗用公款 embezzlement
! l5 |2 m1 z8 D8 E) ?0 o* w0 Y道德法庭 court of ethics
, |4 ?8 V+ N+ ^% ]德才兼备 have both political integrity and ability; people who possess both political integrity and professional ability
" {' v0 R2 W4 ~8 t. E德高望重 be of high integrity and prestige; enjoy high prestige and command universal respect; be of noble character and enjoys high prestige& E% \; x  h! b' e
德智体美劳 "all around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labour education "  e3 c/ P: ?; I2 ^8 w  A! h. p3 l
登革热 Dengue Fever7 X5 X. c4 \" s8 ?4 }3 }: X
登月舱 lunar module
' J# j# R" s& |  G等额选举 single-candidate election% v8 V3 X% S) C* M) K
等价交换 equal value exchange
. l. U% v. m7 K  D6 h1 u# Q等距离外交 equidistant diplomacy
; l7 y, _  m+ Q0 y3 i) b等外品 "off-grade goods, rejects"& I- ?+ W6 y4 W4 u
邓小平理论 Deng Xiaoping Theory
* o! O( P/ ^0 p9 `: H邓小平外交思想 Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic thoughts
* V% W3 C5 h3 G3 k( v低调 low keyed (a metaphor for taking a cautious and slow approach)
, j$ u  k, m4 I8 \  Q& H0 W1 \- h低谷 all-time low; at a low ebb
2 o% h0 k$ `# s低级市 prefecture-level city
6 j- H: K  G  N% p/ s低价住房 low-cose housing4 }: z' b' Z! u2 r$ L7 q
低空飞行 low-altitude flying
) q1 {* e' P& b: \, l低水平重复建设 low-level redundant development
: Z* }+ ^. M" H" F1 Z! r) g/ b滴入式经济 trickle-down economy5 D( S2 h4 k; a# ]0 D" _/ A
迪斯尼乐园 Disney Land. _% Z1 C  }: v) y) C( F: I
敌对势力 hostile forces3 D0 H2 W' y1 |; E' P1 z
底夸克 bottom quark
" Y+ u6 E- R+ D9 u抵抗全球经济衰退 combat the global economic slump
! D6 ]4 T; k$ T& n抵免 offset
7 N5 J4 r9 Q& c3 X6 S% k0 l* _7 f! C' k地磁暴 geomagnetic storm caused by the activities of the sunspot
8 n. N8 n% S; l: C8 n+ }地对地导弹 surface-to-surface ballistic missiles0 |1 S/ A+ \0 p+ Q0 R9 e: A) F
地方保护主义 regional protectionism/ y7 a$ }1 G$ S% c
地方财政包干制 system whereby local authorities take full responsibility for their finances
0 H' ?7 N+ L4 d/ `地勤人员 ground crew* d, [8 N& d9 v0 h
地球村 global village  s- s. j: [) T3 g( D. E
地球末日 geocide
1 `$ ~' _  C2 x9 Q, O  L) k8 G地球日 Earth Day (April 22)  p& d4 H3 l- M; N
地区霸权主义 regional hegemonism9 Z! f; u& f9 u! m, o' _
地区差异 regional disparity: x$ O: N$ G# Z' q2 t  _8 M, L
地热资源 geothermal resources1 L8 g4 i% g; T- s, t
地市级城市 prefecture-level city1 j9 _( b& |7 v; x9 U# Z8 h+ d
地下出版物 underground publications: |1 `$ G& j+ z3 |) A0 C: h7 L
地下经济 underground economy6 @4 r# s6 M* q+ W" G9 j& h
地下钱庄 illegal private bank
2 I3 o1 L9 P: y0 \& V) [  ]地效飞机 land-effet plane7 S4 I, y2 t: p1 V, I
地震 earthquak, quake
! x- I# p3 h5 ?! t地震棚 earthquake shelter-tents (used as emergency shelter after an earthquake)
' F3 Y3 I3 q+ v6 ^0 W, \+ U8 I第二产业 secondary industry
3 w9 x4 A3 S7 P第二上市 secondary listing4 }8 J( M/ E5 U# Q: {3 y% o
第三产业 tertiary industry; service sector
, U4 D  G! \6 ~, y' q* r& T第三代移动电话(3G手机) third generation mobile; 3G mobile
7 o1 U3 K. ^1 A4 L' o# s第一发球权 first inning
9 }6 w6 j& L$ j; R# f/ Q; Q第一发球员 first server/ d* L9 t" q1 X& p& y
第一双打 first pair
* d# |8 I9 Y/ N, z$ w) s点播节目 request programme
- p+ n5 k3 M( |, U! m) q1 n点面结合 integrate point and sphere
% o2 A6 e  N; ]2 b( h, A3 Y5 ]点名册 roll book. J8 y5 [5 d) k, d2 A+ e
点球 penalty kick
2 w/ a' ?9 q# L3 L点子公司 consultancy company1 D7 }4 c6 l5 `9 d
电大 college courses broadcast on television0 d2 H1 c. d) P4 h4 v
电话号码升位 upgrade telephone number, H$ |9 `( x4 T4 h7 b$ z
电话会议 teleconference
9 g, G" y  v8 B" `7 h电话会议呼叫 Conference calling- L8 Y$ F5 }& @/ U$ V0 J5 g
电话留言机 answering machine
% T( C: P7 C3 R8 y电老虎 electricity guzzler; big power consumer
& ^& c9 }, ~# {- d  v' e) p, i; f电脑病毒 computer virus9 @0 c' W+ @8 y7 w2 o" Q, |; _# w
电脑空间 cyberspace
4 Z, T8 D! }& y3 w; R! {2 B电脑盲 computer illiterate
# t: P$ }- H6 {, ~4 K电脑迷 mouse potato
5 ~3 h; A, n* u9 z: |电脑校对机 electronic-brain collator
' c2 r" N: C* K. N6 V- b5 n电视发射台 television network- h* P" G. E+ I& C
电视会议 video conference* J. C; p6 E5 N' k. y8 k
电视直销 TV home shopping
9 a  B4 D, n4 _6 m3 u% s5 H电信运营商 telecom operators
- R6 k3 q2 k/ e( k电子报刊 electronic press
: s) O' H$ \$ b* s" U  R) B电子出版 electronic publishing
& Q; I" t/ ^1 k4 K6 v" i1 [# _! y$ B( ~电子词典 electronic dictionary, o: O9 K; O7 L: H4 v, d
电子耳 electronic ears
: n4 `. j! w- I3 k( Z+ K电子公告牌 bulletin board service (BBS); E-business; E-commerce! d1 b& M* [* q! e% Y) n
电子商务平台 e-commerce platform
3 {5 }" L  i: J8 j$ `电子商务认证 e-business certification  Z! z7 h/ J8 I1 q) \' x1 C" }
电子数据交换业务 electronic data interchange service- T" G; v5 W% ?* S/ e
垫付 "advancement, payment on account"
8 `9 j$ o4 N6 h) n5 o5 _5 e4 d吊带衫 sun-top, tank-top9 ~5 }3 ^& ^: h5 d/ _; I0 o
吊球 drop shot3 H7 E6 A+ _! H# ]% K) ~
吊胃口 tempt (someone with something); stimulate someone's desire
0 |4 Z: j. j% q吊销执照 revoke license
2 ]! C5 b, N7 b# t+ g  e2 S钓鱼工程 angling engineering projects/ O; L  h" r$ _8 a; b( P
调酒师 bartender7 H# v. U: C& T) V) Z
调侃 1.joke, tease; 2. chitchat, empty talk. C+ ~, k9 h, r* K3 y; H7 @# [, G: C
掉价 fall in price; degrade oneself2 p! y$ a" v6 a% [
跌幅 range of a price drop& l  h3 q7 X9 P8 _* a
跌眼镜 have people drop glasses (make unexpected mistakes so as to shock people with wonder and have them drop their glasses)

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