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[BEC高级] BEC阅读词汇:中国日报汉英词汇表十八

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ ?# k7 r( V. C3 ^, t回到顶部; K/ i0 }7 m  R
马到成功 achieve immediate victory; win instant success4 t8 G7 n0 z+ |& F4 a
马尔萨斯人口论 Malthusian Theory of Population; Malthusianism (Thomas Robert Malthus, 1766-1834, British economist)
: }+ E1 O: `4 K( N4 ~# ?) c马拉松式竞选活动 campaignathon
& Q' ]6 d" _1 U8 f# l  ^" p马路菜场入室工程 the project to build indoor free market to accommodate street vegetable vendors
1 @+ r: J) O, d. _+ i. p8 Z4 m马太效应 "the Matthew effect (A phenomenon in specific circles whereby one's accomplishments and reputation tend to snowball, and those with meager accomplishments have greater difficulty achieving accomplishments. ) ", u( i/ g+ w- u( G# o) z  g5 }8 ]
玛雅文化 Mayan civilization
: E  e! f3 s( R$ ~* v- z" t码分多址 (一种扩频多址数字式通信技术) CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)5 Z. m, ~* O, O+ |9 n& a, F2 x
买方市场 buyer's market+ B) O8 Y1 E; R# |
买壳上市 go public through buying a shell
* l& _8 i* D2 J3 K( V  t买空卖空 bulls and bears; fictitious transaction
. g1 Z5 a* C" @& Y买一送一 "two-for-one offer, buy one get one free", P4 ]$ N' [) o
麦克马洪线 McMahon Line
8 _- Y7 T2 o# I6 ^' ^) u* q满意度 degree of satisfaction) \; s' c% D+ L* N
慢性萧条 chronic depression
& O# H( M0 O8 {0 Q' `' J; q( j+ ?盲流 blind influx (labourers aimlessly flowing from rural areas into large cities)
" N* Q: m/ W1 \! H' q盲流和倒流人员 transient from the countryside# D/ h0 @- k* V
盲目投资 blindness in investment
  j! Q0 T% B0 h, [( w- X猫腻儿 illegal deal; underhanded activity
1 W# i2 d' d9 @* V矛盾的普遍性 universality of contradictions
  e( o0 t8 m" H- m6 G6 I茅塞顿开 be suddenly enlightened
9 T' @+ P% \, A& h5 b冒充包装(销售)[指将劣质商品包装成外观像名优产品出售的做法 ] copycat packaging
+ `, X7 @; V3 O' M/ d+ j0 w贸易壁垒 trade protectionism- r5 j; }* @* x6 s2 U
贸易和投资自由化和便利化 TILF (Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation)
, h* U- [+ X7 W2 }+ C/ f8 [贸易逆差 adverse balance of trade; trade deficit; trade gap
# @2 ^/ C. c6 }2 g5 Y贸易顺差 favorable balance; trade surplus* U, B' M/ f- ^' R
贸易与发展委员会 Committee on Trade and Development8 C  \3 v! @( o# u( X  G
贸易制裁 trade sanction
$ |" y' H+ U8 c% }贸易自由化 trade liberalization
- a% W* @% _1 S4 z( N7 U帽子戏法 hat trick
& n7 c; L+ w' r没有规矩不成方圆 Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.
: q6 ~' Z' l: }* C5 s& a# a每逢佳节倍思亲 On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones far away./ It is on the festival occasions when one misses his dear most.
3 v' E3 |0 [, m" h  U+ V美国之音 Voice of America (VOA)
# K5 a  {- \% P8 L美声唱法 bel canto
" i, D/ [8 J9 F8 p7 g美食节 gourmet festival
, Y. y. v- @. m, e: g$ N8 v% l门户开放政策 open-door policy
. v" ~) M  ]% U1 B3 X门户网站 portals# S/ a8 p" A5 J4 I: N& f; o
门罗主义 Monroe Doctrine0 M! z7 Z. t  L- z
门前三包 "be responsible for general sanitation, green covering and keeping good social order in a designated area outside the unit building "& F( ]% N! M/ F  i* ~2 V0 F+ p+ I
朦胧诗 misty poetry; n; T. C3 Y0 N5 e: k, T1 G1 a
蒙古包 (Mongolian) yurt( i! V9 e1 d) A) W6 g5 ]. v) ]& F
蒙古大夫 quack
- O: `( J) x1 M) ^5 n1 H3 o( `8 a" Q孟子 Mencius
; @0 R% N. {4 \; Q8 d& }2 D' `迷彩服 battle fatigues; camouflage coat5 n8 ]* ?' T9 h% |
米袋子省长负责制 provincial governors assuming responsibility fofr the rice bag (grain supply)5 T1 Q) E  A6 x2 c) l. ?( }  A
免费搭车者(享受其他国家最惠国待遇而不进行相应减让的国家) free-rider
8 `# Y4 V" r0 V( f" Y& q& Q9 l2 C4 y免税商品 tax-free commodities& l; B' i/ K% Z, _$ F* t6 e( v: L
免淘米 clean rice
$ W% G- ^6 T0 P" H9 y1 O3 o0 C免验放行 pass without examination (P.W.E)
9 h. T6 @7 i1 Q, a  r( a# ^面向21世纪的中美建设性伙伴关系 a constructive, strategic partnership between China and the United Stated aimed at the next century
, m6 y3 X7 f5 K& v* |灭绝的物种 extinct species
: h2 T' u: N2 H6 Y( v1 D民办教师 citizen-managed teachers (teachers in rural citizen-managed or state-managed schools who do not receive the normal remuneration from the government)
+ y7 P1 }# S2 M7 J6 k0 s+ a民法通则 general provisions of the civil law
. R1 s( j. @- N9 K% g8 H: J民工 migrant laborer6 J4 {1 ^% S) V, E. \% z
民工潮 farmers' frenzied hunt for work in cities! S! A+ N: _* a
民间资本 private capital
& |6 j$ C- t- Z民进党 Democratic Progressive Party" T: R; m' }$ S
民事诉讼 civil procedure
5 N( I, ^/ f) R$ ~民以食为天 people regard food as their prime want; food the first necessity of man- z/ W' u. w* z; n" f+ Y& j
民营企业 individually-run enterprises
2 ^. |! }! A3 F; T( [* ?3 e民主党派、工商联与无党派人士 "non-Communist parties, federations of industry and commerce, personages without party affiliation "
3 Y& {: m  j* f7 _% L民主集中制 democratic centralism8 w& Z3 l3 K7 G# ^- `
民主监督 democratic supervision& i% l! K, g- `  t- L% ^: [
民族国家 nation state
" _0 T  u2 X% Z1 j3 L民族凝聚力 national cohesion
! N& ~/ z1 X! F4 x( J8 E民族区域自治 regional autonomy of ethnic minorities
5 x$ p" r- }& v% j+ [. g' X+ Q民族委员会 ethnic affairs commission
% R6 R! w7 ?5 E" p  O) x$ a民族文化大省 a province with rich ethnic culture
6 D0 t9 `$ r9 q: `4 C' {民族意识 national consciousness
9 r+ s; x2 z3 ]& I& ?; u* e2 q民族优越感 ethnocentrism' ^- |2 S1 @1 ^
名利双收 gain in both fame and wealth
, W- O, o5 z; W名片 business card% L" i5 e& y6 `5 }; L0 @
名优 famous actor; famous high quality brand
% P9 R2 J" \# u" v明明白白消费(2000年保护消费者权益工作主题) transparent consumption
4 V# ]% s3 S& K1 g& L  o摸着石头过河 fly by the seat of one’s pants0 Q6 i5 B4 B4 m# J% s
模仿秀 imitation show+ z- A. \, D- D! }8 P+ _
模糊逻辑 fuzzy logic( R! v2 S2 Y/ r% c
模糊战略(美国在台湾问题上奉行的政策) indistinct strategy$ I, c& f% m  x: H
模拟测试 mock test; simulated exam
: o3 n5 Q5 p. f: ~  Y( a1 Y. ^; w9 j! \' b+ [1 H3 k
摩门教 Mormon Church (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:02 | 显示全部楼层


</p>磨洋工 dawdle along( O" G, U5 A: B
末位淘汰 (under the new personnel system) the person graded last in the performance evaluation will be laid off from his position0 k; _. f3 g7 g! u' F. I% C
莫失良机 make hay while the sun shines' M) F7 s/ g4 T5 I2 ~) e5 _
谋事在人,成事在天 "The planning lies with man, the outcome with Heaven. / Man proposes, God disposes. "# F3 Q* b9 ?* ~) [
母系氏族社会 matriarchal clan society
4 L3 ?% C9 e: |( K目标管理 management by objectives; quota management/ Y: x$ h2 k  T/ t- o
幕后操纵 pull strings behind the scenes; wire-pulling% Z) [/ y1 d. [* |0 i3 G- Y
睦邻友好关系(合作) good-neighborly and friendly relations (cooperation)
+ e, [; H4 V" G+ h. q穆斯林 Muslim; Moslem
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