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[BEC高级] BEC考试辅导:2011年商务英语(高级)难词解析汇编(7)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Book value 账面价值(反映在账簿上的资产值)
6 n, P7 n+ P$ |- w7 \* d+ Q9 Y9 Z  e.g. The old photocopier is still useful, although its book value is almost nothing.. w1 C( L% }5 U2 x
  Boring and repetitive 单调重复的5 u" a  R7 }7 h1 @5 B: D  n
  e.g. In general, the computer serves best in doing all the jobs which are boring and repetitive, such as producing invoices and statements.2 l/ a: S! V3 D6 k
  Bottom-end of the market 低端市场/ _# L* s5 L( V# D% R
  e.g. A large computer hardware retailer positioned itself at the bottom-end of the market by undercutting all its competitors.: `) k/ n" X0 Q+ N, ]2 P/ a
  Bottom line 账本底线,盈亏一览结算线8 ^2 ~7 \5 @  H9 u  \7 v( _( b
  e.g. You run millions of dollars through all that and you come out with nothing on the bottom line.. z5 w% A  f$ |! W9 U$ `: G
  e.g. we never lost sight of the bottom line.. |+ J$ G& P% G$ c  C1 T  C
  Bounce (电子邮件)弹回,退回: P$ Z/ S* T  S* v" l. o8 r
  Bounce message (电子邮件器给发信人的)退件通知) J3 Z0 p. [8 ]* V) e& L* i
  Bounced cheque 拒付支票" n: |( Q$ i% V4 J
  e.g. Charges can be very high for bounced cheque, and administration fees are charged each time the debt increases.
# _- Z2 a& z) {- ]8 B  Boundaryless marketing 无界营销
7 K4 o# H0 C" R8 A/ }  e.g. The notion of boundaryless marketing was fist used by Jack Welch, chairperson and CEO of General Electric., K% U9 \& X7 @% n/ B
  Bourse 证券交易所,证券市场/ ^: t5 B3 W3 I$ w
  e.g. Shares at China’s two bourses fell nearly 20 percent, although a few so-called WTO plays, such as Tianjin Port, still held retail interest& a' w5 T# _- S- q% u
  之前那个解释没经过大脑,请忽略$ z8 w( X# g4 f5 ?+ \
  e.g. shares at china’s two bourses fell nearly 20 percent, although a few so-called wto plays, such as tianjin port, still held retail interest.
* t- c" ^- k0 S3 D& q% Z& A6 J( e  中国两大证券交易市场股票下跌近一成,但一些象"天津港"之类的"世贸股"仍受股民青睐.
# c" D- X- u0 K4 j% @  retail adj.  original meaning is 零售的.  引申一下, 股市里,以零售的,零散的形式购买的,只有中小股民了box file 文件盒
: D/ C+ N. z/ {( i1 \$ t# a  eg: The invoice is in the box file marked "invoice".这张发票在标明‘发票’的文件盒里' W* x! S. ]9 \
  brainstorming  集思广益
4 \8 f. d+ L" U  eg: Brainstorming can produce a lot of ideas very quickly .  G$ e3 e. B' I8 x* O; p7 O
  通过大家自由讨论可以迅速收集多种意见1 [( \6 @5 n& d' y
  brainstorming session 集体讨论会
3 m' G; o9 ~$ E' O6 a  eg: 1. We're holding a brainstroming session on our new product next Tuesday.
% d" |( n2 s8 P+ [6 `- D  下周二召开集体讨论会,研究我们的新产品
9 ~/ C+ |3 A" A' X+ M  2. A brainstorming session between the managing director, the marketing director and their accountant produced a new name for the company.
% x+ }5 _+ j# f$ a  在一次由总经理,营销主管及公司会计师参加的三人集体讨论会上,公司有了新名称
- ~+ n. @( N, y9 X& K  branch office 分公司( M$ v% ~! ^  v
  eg: A decision must be made about whether the branch office is to hold stock or not.
8 l& F& n" n& B' \" z. {0 D% u  必须作出决策是否让分公司持有股份
- l" k% F( @2 F' n$ S- V+ l2 f7 P1 ~  branch out 拓展业务
/ s( \, _9 `/ }  _% l. ?  eg: They are branching out to locations around the world.
; E3 g: P, u$ e. x  他们正在世界各地迅速拓展业务

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:02 | 显示全部楼层


  brand preference7 U2 u/ w8 W0 p% B' J+ b7 H
  eg: We're collecting information about people's brand preferences for the study of different kinds of food products.2 D9 x! D. ~# A  t" R) H
% ]+ J9 V* A, X& o& x: i, L  eg: They are stretching their brands into new markets .
* h! J; J9 P* y: Q' g  bridging loan
) b, e( }& u4 W) s) ?! J  eg: If you want to buy something quickly you can borrow  money on your assets by taking out a bridging loan. You pay back the loan after you sell some assets.9 m$ b% ?2 e3 N3 I1 {" I: _: q
! Q2 A. i4 c9 _) y# h/ X. v8 c  briefing* G  r! N7 H+ v/ ~8 V  n3 R
  eg: We usually hold our weekly sales briefings on Friday morning
! c4 C' p) v/ Q/ \; C9 H  1. bright collor 亮领,成功职业人士
. C: W( k. y! i9 N: E  2. brochure
$ P. W* A, E: x8 T" I' v1 i! ]' E  a. They provide free travel brochures
4 q$ n0 {! C$ N, R- {, }% K: O- F9 Z  他们免费提供旅游小册子
" I& T# `7 ?3 Z+ M" K1 C  b. All holidays described in our brochure are advertised by us in good faith and every care is taken to ensure their accuracy.$ F" y) V/ L; x% N+ b) h; m7 {
  小册子中所宣传的均为我们诚意推广的度假计划,我们尽量保证内容准确无误.  d: `! _# q1 X2 c
  3. broken lot 零星散股
* K* z/ Y" [; @7 E2 c& I  4. broker
( W: q% \& }5 I; k; E& C" U  The broker will tell you which policy he or she thinks you should take out.  f  N" R* o; Y# }& a  j
& D; z- K) S# w( ]0 T  u  5. broker's commission* c! z, r  f7 s) ]+ w. o$ ]( r
  To deal in shares on the Internet incurs none of the regular broker's commission and investors can therefore easily afford to buy and sell shares more regularly.
# Z' I* D. w; u  在网上进行股票交易无须按常规付经纪人佣金,从而使投资者得以更为长期轻松地买卖股票
  y4 ^2 |; p2 a' T: M  6. brokerage fee
2 R% F: h' p  u  q1 ^  One reliable way of managing investments is through a broker, who charges a brokerage fee in the form of a percentage of the money invested.* C; ?. d& G) d" }  Y, J
8 s% P8 `; J$ u8 f4 `- o& v6 Y  bulletin
, k2 ^! t9 b* W7 ?+ l" i  The Internet is very flexible and allows companis to update their news bulletins very
" f  A5 A% x8 v4 r! u  quickly.
' Q8 Z! p% B" h9 ]( m/ y  bulletin board
- x: ^" h( G2 ~  America Online is home to hundreds of electronic bulletin boards.</p>
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