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[BEC高级] BEC考试辅导:2011年商务英语(高级)难词解析汇编(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  annoyance 令人讨厌的人或事) E6 I4 D. N7 |& C3 F& W
  例:The target market has viewed the ad so many times that it no longer makes a positive impression, and, in fact, it may make a negative impression in the form of an annoyance.3 B! U: n5 Y# {" y
  annual general meeting 年度股东大会(根据法律规定每年举行,出席的包括公司成员,股东和董事),简称AGM.口语里也称the yearly shareholders' meeting.
8 i7 x& }9 ^4 I6 z& `. v! O$ M0 h  例: The financial results will be announced at the annual general meeting.% W! X# d- R8 y; j- w6 a
  annualization 年工时制8 T" S( Z3 S, v
  例: She also said companies might be able to implement the government's measures based on the "annualization" of working hours rather than a calculation week by week.
0 o! @  g- u5 R/ H  K. f: [  annual production 年产量
, a8 h7 [% t  Z! z  例: Within five years annual production went from 20 000 to 230 000 cars and the company founded its first South American subsidiary.! [# t. k/ L. y7 m; {/ J( W( c
  annual profit 年收益,年利润
  T' g# [% E8 y/ B  X: h  例: The company produces an annual profit of 25 million.
- w7 j, v8 \0 u; k  annual report 年报( H6 D: B& H/ s7 L
  例: An annual report is a document which tells you about the company's performance over the year.
9 @$ N6 T' ^# H7 T  appointment 任命,(聘任的)职位8 ?8 Z3 N8 M3 L" C; B* s6 ~
  例: There has been a new appointment to the board.
5 X! v* w. H; Z* o  appraisal 评价,评估( N$ u# x/ P2 h( i, |* v/ f/ V7 H
  例: annual appraisal interviews 年度能力评估面试9 r- J4 k6 r/ y3 F# |
  appointed 1 任命的+ I- }$ o# |5 B0 ~  J5 k( Y2 k9 [
  例1: Measures are taken to ensure that newly-appointed members of staff are integrated effectively into existing teams.
+ ?; t- o4 r$ J' _  appreciation  增值,升值' S7 ?1 f2 R7 X" i- G
  例:For investors, innovation has translated into stong earnings growth and stock price appreciation.6 B2 f1 u6 [1 x' G: s7 m
  approach to dialogue谈话方式; k3 P% z. j" V
  例:Different language have their own approach to dialogue.
9 t# n8 ~# x+ d" z* |  arrival notice到货通知./ p* b1 y$ c1 v$ k" U
  例:We have not yetreceived the carrier's arrival notice.
( D5 T; O# \7 f: @% m) e  articles (在法律事务所)培训期,律师实习* j& h0 D8 E( o% Q' q
  例:She's doing her articles with a firm in London.) @% H& I+ g( i0 Z/ F% c) F
  A share A股股票(持有者没有投票权的普通股票)
6 Q6 [1 N2 c  O9 [/ o4 w, J  例: But the A shares, off limits to foreign investors, were still among the best performers.
: M! _  r7 K! N: ?0 L  Asian crises of the late 1990s 90年代末亚洲金融危机2 G4 w( I0 \# m! o1 y' V2 x
  例:As Asian crises of the late 1990s illustrated, U.S.firms entering international business transactions need to be cautious of foreign governments.
  a4 a- y+ P% w9 |- @+ l4 X# q  as is 按现状出售,概不保证,亦作as seen.
0 `' G# G6 @  b) e5 r% L1 b  例:The goods are to be sold as is .- x# m+ O8 f: h! K3 B" B
  asking price 索要价,要价
; F) R' S; y- q) R  例:Always negotiate, never pay the full asking price.7 _# O; }. l* K. o
  asleep at the switch 玩忽职守,坐失良机- M2 p" Y3 g* {- b$ m3 Z% s
  例:Interest rates dropped significantly for a month before climbing back to higher levels, but our finance manager was asleep at the switch and failed to renegotiate our loans.3 s6 j7 B, `% t) K) P# W( G$ v* S
  as of 自......起,等于as from8 f! d8 m8 i3 Z# r% s$ T, ?
  例:I would like to inform you that as of September 6, 2001,the new name for our company will be Sunrise.
) ^0 m7 k; a; n! ~0 ]7 r  as per 按照,依据, Z# `. o/ t0 A9 [/ C
  例:The client requested that we send our report to him on a computer disc, so we wrote a short note to him saying"as per your request, we are sending you our report on disc," and elclosed it with the disc./ h, O  e3 P' w6 K  W. j2 P
  aspirational group 带领性消费群体,领导性消费群体
6 d+ q- y7 Z' _6 Y2 h; v; N  例:Our emulates certain reference groups(aspirational groups) whereas one is actually a member of other groups.' ?1 t& x$ Y/ a, G
  as seen 看货买卖,现场交易(货物按买者所见现状出售,卖方不保证质量)2 \% t5 y4 K3 t, V
  例: If you buy at a car auction you take the vehicle as seen.0 o, w9 h# I; K4 h2 }) A1 `
  Assembly line 装配线
( t' r# s+ F+ J# e' ~6 t( m8 Q# ^. g  e.g. He first worked on the shop floor on the assembly line. 他先是在工厂的装配线上工作。
" L, e; j" e! q- `! ^7 O  e.g. I hope that all the training programs they run for the staff on the assembly line might have begun to have an effect. 希望那些为工作在装配线上的员工提供的专业培训,如今已经开始发挥作用

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