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[BEC高级] BEC考试辅导:2011年商务英语(高级)难词解析汇编(14)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Black Monday (股市狂跌的) 黑色星期一
! R3 r- Z+ _8 Z# E$ Q7 n0 ^' u8 y2 x% T  Blockbuster 大力促销,生意兴隆3 q6 v  i$ o) M$ {( i  V
  e.g. All the major groups are currently looking for the block buster remedies of the twenty-first century which will keep their profits at current levels. 目前所有的大型企业都在寻找如何在21世纪大力促销的灵丹妙药,以使利润保持目前水平。! j2 `/ @( o# c% w6 i7 m  X
  Block release (到高校进行一周或几周的)短期脱产进修; ]6 B! K0 Q2 P/ k0 Z- I
  e.g. We are short-staffed at the moment as two of our team are on block release. 我们目前人手不足, 因为小组里有两人脱产学习。4 V1 M: t5 q9 D! T1 `7 y
  Blue chip 1 蓝筹股, 绩优股; Y) l7 s- I% v
  e.g. She put her money into blue chips .她把钱投资在绩优股上
) ^# V  F9 Y$ N; p1 g. \  Blue chip 2* {' q7 U1 x6 w' W; x( Q7 }
  e.g. Private investors unwilling to tolerate high levels of risk can reduce this uncertainty by buying shares in blue chip companies.
" m0 ~, [. J* B# C$ r2 f# O  Blue-collar
$ B) n$ G' e: N2 Q, k- Z  e.g. Blue-collar workers work in the factory.6 g/ A: F4 Z5 a1 c) K
  e.g. The Anglo-German industrial chemical company, announced that it is to cut 600 blue-collar jobs in a series of downsizing measures at three of its British plants.3 \3 J4 ]9 |" p0 W4 e9 e, e! _( T
  Board2 S9 Q0 G8 G" C8 |" h
  e.g. He is chairman of the board.  u: b& ^6 {8 Y* Z6 m3 ]8 v2 p9 Z
  Board game: l: |! b5 F: s
  e.g. Board games and simulations are fun, time-efficient and allow managers to experience situations without the fear of failure.# `0 n/ L4 A' n* _6 i% ^% p/ _1 [
  e.g. In most of these board games, teams are required to manage an organization or practise skills which they will need in their day-to-day working life.
: `8 ?. @. d+ l! a/ }# s2 v( @9 ?( [  Board meeting# c- D" f4 d6 c1 E0 H, E7 X
  e.g. The takeover will be discussed at the next board meeting.
" Z* Q( [7 W% H2 w  Board of directors
3 i! n1 D- M; |1 k* g  e.g. The Board of directors is responsible for deciding on and controlling the strategy of a corporation or company.* W0 Z! {$ U' L& b6 z" {- I2 T5 A
; m( f- L$ u) b4 U5 R+ j" I$ ]2 ]# k  e.g. the issue of ethics in the workplace is now of such importance that it needs to be incorporated into in-company development programs for all employees, from the shop floor to the boardroom7 h0 [* t; @7 f! i5 V* c2 u
  Bond 债券% I: p" a/ s: M/ W6 `& J: V+ P
  e.g. Government bonds are usually considered to be a safe investment.
7 z+ k0 B, V+ ~( F& n  Bonus 奖金
$ g; V+ o# T3 ?) r  e.g. We will pay everyone an extra bonus at Christmas.
0 P& v3 J" B. N  U  Bonus point 消费(奖励)积分
0 _$ t3 _2 D+ W4 E  e.g. These bonus points add up to free air miles or cash discounts.
; V  L* E5 U. ]  Bonus share 红利股
5 ^$ y1 Z- V5 F( A9 f  e.g. Free shares are given to long-term share holders are called bonus share.
- Q% `! k. p; x! O' k  Book-entry security 记账式证券(由财政部或政府机构发行的证券,无须进行实物票据的转移,避免了遗失和被窃的可能性,而且还降低了处理成本)7 x6 ?5 k6 _2 [5 C: |
  Book for visitors’ suggestions 顾客留言本

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:02 | 显示全部楼层


  e.g. The hotel has a book for visitors’ suggestions about improvement.
# t- N2 |1 i' n$ e7 z/ y  Booking manager 订房(票)部经理; |" t) F; P6 f9 V4 E! `6 p
  brand extension
" Z6 M, q6 f9 S" x; L  eg: 1 The Coca-Cola Company might have been wiser to leave the old Coke alone and introduce New Coke as a brand extension.  D" K' Y$ x+ O. O2 _- c
  可口可乐公司本应聪明一点, 让老牌可乐照卖不误,同时将新口味可乐作为品牌延伸推向市场.
& |* Y' X, x- G- k* Q) R( h6 n) V  2. The idea behind a brand extension strategy is that customers will accept the new product because they are already familiar with the brand name.: F/ E9 ~7 S. k. C1 l
  品牌延伸策略背后的理念在于, 顾客因为已经熟悉某种品牌名称而接受新产品6 r0 f- p  R7 F
  brand identification6 P! @$ V: ?( P
  eg:   Brand identification insures shelf placement and other advantages in the distribution process.! ?- A/ A4 z5 g  M( t
  品牌识别确保了产品在货架上占有一席之地,同时也使销售过程中的其他优劣得到保证.1 @( e5 j3 U5 O) C9 R( B
  brand image3 T: z! K7 m: I9 C) X2 g
  eg: Mercedes cars have a quality brand image
7 n& W: I, O* {! `* g) E1 m4 r  梅塞德斯汽车享有高质量的品牌形象
7 W8 ^# G  n5 b6 N  brand leader
+ [" y9 D: ?, z/ ~% ?8 h( Y7 M  We are doing a survey to find out which is the brand leader in the coffee market.# X! {, E  b5 ]+ p7 W" `* j
  我们正在进行调查,找出咖啡市场中哪个品牌最受欢迎.' M4 Q4 V/ f# v/ H
  brand loyalty. z2 O" w5 v* X% B- N
  eg: 1 . The objective of advertising is to build up brand loyalty.( Y2 c" r- ?! k
" v$ ?- Y0 S0 z- T  2.  Customers with a strong sense of brand loyalty are rarely prepared to switch to a new competitior.0 J5 [, b- _8 R5 [* W1 g" k
  有强烈品牌信赖感的顾客很少会移情新出现的同类产品0 e& ~2 K8 h* e2 l: n0 P  y1 B
  brand -making
# F5 c* ]: m% i4 F+ B9 M: X' m  eg: Despite the Brand -Making Mystique, the Tangible Trademark is strong financial returns.9 w/ m8 v; O, M  y, x3 [+ @) U* m
  尽管存在创名牌的秘诀,但巨额资金回报本身才是众人瞩目的有形商标., `2 R2 z, g7 P
  brand name- j8 |4 C: G! V( b4 L7 c$ |
  eg: 1 The enormous strength of the McDonald's brand name has helped the company to enter new markets all over the world.
; V, I5 Z# t6 @% h1 i. U6 Q' v  麦当劳品牌名称的巨大优势使该公司在世界各地不断建立新市场.
( Y. h, [2 ]5 H4 t; n  2  Proctor and Gamble has significant distribution power because of the strength of their brand name.# w! s* S! e$ o0 ]
/ u, o8 m# z) g+ H( K- {3 r& p  brand consultants  品牌咨询公司
3 }; i# [' a0 e" d; [3 D+ v  eg: A recent survey of 1000 people by brand consultants Cook &Pearson concludes that shoppers will continue to buy a wider range of goods and services from supermarkets.
2 o3 |* N% F5 ?1 n/ q, i3 [4 s  最近由库克-皮尔森品牌顾问公司着手的一次千人调查得出结论:购物者将继续在超市购买各类商品和服务。; L% D: }3 n# U; f, e5 q! F# f& W
  brand enhancing  品牌提升
: L; x+ I& ?/ o; r# G  eg: One company says that its on-hold marketing programme, combinging messages with 'brand enhancing' music , reduces hang-ups by 50 per cent and increases sales by up to 20 per cent .
. k7 E9 e" W4 ]. f  据一家公司说:该公司的利用侯话时间营销计划把产品宣传信息和“提升品牌”的音乐结合起来,使挂断电话的人数减少了50%,销售额增加了20% </p>
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