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[BEC高级] 2010年BEC商务英语:介绍函

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
厂商外出洽谈生意、考察市场,个人谋求职务等,常有其他公司、银行、公司本身或其他有地位的人写信介绍,希望对方予以适当的接待。这类信函称为介绍函( LETTER OF INTRODUCTION )。
+ d, [) u& m  W2 b. Z2 F(Example)% U# l* H& t6 P3 A9 ?3 x
+ j; l+ u- Z, D/ h5 {
7 w4 R" B2 A9 F! PDear Sir,
, g; m# l, w/ `: K/ m0 Y. n" i# k8 k$ ~0 ?) y9 R  T/ T5 {( X
I am pleased to advise that a trade mission from Australia comprising 12 members from leading chemical manufactures will visit the Republic of China during November, 1993.8 K) X% L3 o1 x3 u/ m1 d
# N! K+ w% i. a+ h
In this connection, Mission Member Mr. Bernard Rogers, South Australian Manager of Bank of New South Wales, would very appreciate the pleasure of calling on you at your office at 11:00 18th November, 1992 to discuss matter fo mutual interest. The visit would last up to half an hour.
' i6 O9 L1 V; B. _$ c7 a5 U. Z
3 J9 k! m5 z  fI would appreciate your kind advice as to whether the proposed appointment would be suitable for you.1 t; {5 G% z0 M) v  Z
& m3 h8 D7 x" P
I wish to thank you in advance for any assistance you can extend to the visitor.' e  v! y6 G- D( I

  W9 Z- m0 s) k0 X" Y1 g  d3 i. g. I- J. k
Yours faithfully,
' j0 h/ j0 O- I, t1 Z1 h***: \9 t' n! H6 p
% s( M5 [3 Z( V; a

, V6 g. Y1 ]9 M2 c2.
8 t6 S+ j  ]$ J" M* pDear Mr. Kotwal,
$ ]: E7 T: u; p! b# z) w7 i2 U/ x5 P, R5 _5 w; u8 O
This is to introduce to you Mr. D. S. Lee, the son of a very close friend fo mine.
* [1 M" G; A  `/ D+ A4 Y" d
' y* v+ _: H& [/ U  f5 B1 uMr. Lee has just passed this MBA from the Institute of Manatement. Two years ago he passed his B.E.(Mechanical) from I.I.T. with distinction. Besides having a brilliant academic record, he is of cheerful disposition and can get along easily with people. He is now looking for a suitable job and I thought I should send him to you just in case you have an opening for a young man of his qualification.
  k# J4 H. _+ s( n
& d, A7 n; e; k& Y  {I trust you will be able to spare a few minutes to talk to him about his interests and areas of specialisaton. If there is no immediate vacancy in your company, I should be grateful if you could refer him to some other organization.
; u1 p& q: C/ F' w4 L8 Z
5 n* W+ f  z1 }! y% _4 lAnd what about the holidays we planned for October which is just two months away? If you convey your firm 'yes' by return mail, I shall go ahead with the arrangements.  z; W. m$ Z2 \- a8 C# x' k

' G0 q1 a- a, U2 X/ g2 c* IWith kind regards and best wishes.: m+ s- ?! x. E- `
3 |) u2 }( M$ V# i: ?
1 y) i" E  J5 z- R9 V
Yours sincerely$ q5 `+ }) _7 V7 Z) O9 ~
P.N. Tay

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