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[BEC高级] 2011商务英语辅导:BEC高级高频词汇解析(6)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
acknowledge one's letter 收到某人来信+ ^' \3 Q& e, A3 w
acknowledge orders 接受订单( m- v6 K8 o  j' D
acknowledge receipt 证实收到
" |" n0 {. V7 f4 Tacknowledgement
: }5 C4 G. j' X' D【商务语境】! Y) |) Z. R6 c
) K" z8 m+ }& O8 [- P  K( K- O. g例句# Q: p; {5 j8 E1 q0 [6 s
You'll receive a formal acknowledgement of your order of August 20. 贵公司将收到对贵公司8月20日发出的订货单的正式回单。
' Y1 H' Y  J6 S6 \# G7 D2 A" j②感谢,答谢4 `$ }* W: G1 P
商务短语6 n- V% O8 r( C" S+ X* A, o3 Q, N  ]% _
acknowledgement by partial performance 部分履行承认+ ?( a1 W! T9 L# W9 i5 T
acknowledgement of declaration 陈报确认书
4 T/ i6 N( j0 R8 macknowledgement of liability 承认债务6 X# q7 K( y4 B$ i7 D8 v
acknowledgement of order 确认订单/ ]& ~9 `2 B( }( o( H- g
  b; v! v( A1 f9 _! v$ o【商务语境】7 r. A) U$ E0 y
. B0 f5 T3 }8 A②购得之物,获得的东西或人
% p1 v7 Q& I5 G& C例句( y% P8 u. a0 u
He is a valuable acquisition to the firm. 他是公司获得的宝贵人才。
& ^  P5 e6 b6 z# `+ |" R# L. ZThis desk is my latest acquisition. 这张办公桌是我最近刚添置的。
; Q# w( R2 Q  l' {6 Qactual( X: I1 D2 j3 d7 Y( E8 M# f
% }4 J7 J7 u4 ]0 L7 \9 c8 f5 l! j* ?: kadj.实际的,真实的
5 `1 I7 ]+ V$ E! f8 {5 V0 `例句9 @' Q, r' v" K' T* k5 c/ B" s6 A
Mrs. Green sustained an actual loss when she had to make mortgage repayments without any tax relief. 格林小姐在付抵押款时没有得到税款减免,因而遭受实际损失。- }5 S7 U* w- }
n." P8 ^' E! j8 p
+ |- n! ?" E* L. bThese are the actuals for last year's turnover. 这些是去年销售额的实际数字。2 s0 E# h, N! w3 c8 B$ J9 F# {
2 u- o. L% [6 R0 K【商务语境】0 D: p4 d- U8 ], P! b6 I! }
n.①[U]增加 ②[C]增加的人或物- e- J: P9 X" r9 V4 J
* r0 v8 T+ `. R8 y8 N3 ^' tWe are exhibiting several additions to our product line. 我们正在展览产品系列中的几种新产品。

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