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[BEC高级] 2012商务英语写作指导:要求优惠一

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
241. All your quotations are on an FOB Vancouver basis. May I ask if you allow any discount?
# z: c9 v' M2 g; _7 h你方报的都是FOB温哥华价,请问你们给不给折扣?7 P( }3 n& q9 ^% Y/ Y: W) P
242. Isn’t it possible to give us a little more discount?9 O, Z. }* c3 d6 C  J
* I6 [! N; Z) ~0 n2 ?243. If you are prepared to give me some allowance, i’ll consider placing an order for 10000 doze.
0 j: s* Q" U6 y如果你们愿意减价的话,我可以考虑订购10000打。
0 L" H) l7 w0 G  U  M244. Should you be prepared to reduce your price, we might come to terns.! E4 M% r, a9 \" p! p
' C, j5 }8 V9 d! `" D' D/ u245. If I show you an offer lower than yours, would you be able to conclude transaction at that price?
; I, @7 _( Z6 O% a如果我告诉你一个比你们低的价格,你愿意以那个价格成交吗?

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