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[BEC高级] 2012商务英语写作指导:对还盘的反应六

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
226. Our offer might be a bit high, but you will soon make bigger profits when market fluctuations stop., O. V0 w5 N: u; H' S
我方的报价可能会略微偏高一点,但一旦市场回稳,你们会赚取更高的利润的。. s/ X& r# W* d7 @
227. The present market situation is on an upward trend, so you don’t have to worry about the profit.) m: n/ W4 T' u/ a7 a
目前的市场趋势在往上走,所以贵方不必担心利润的问题。* Y2 X2 m. X  y6 ]3 I7 j
228. Our product is rather competitive, so there is no question of profit.& h0 A$ M. f; y6 A6 O
) _$ J1 P$ V1 d' Q6 G  p2 j229. Your counter-offer seems to be a little tight. If so, our profit margin will be too small.
9 i5 i2 O8 q# n) K; \9 h' ?: N* C贵方的还盘是不是太低了些,如果这样的话,我方的利润额就太小了。9 W5 P& J& u, h  E7 l* S
230. If you increase your initial order to 30,000, I suppose we would consider reducing the price to $380 per unit.2 U/ g" {/ Q% f' O

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