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[BEC高级] 2012商务英语写作指导:对还盘的反应五

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
221. I dare say that the prices we offer compare favorably with any quotations you can obtain elsewhere.- n  O" @3 a8 X
0 M. r; N) S% [; ]6 e222. I’m afraid you won’t find another company who will give you a cheaper price than ours.+ `  o9 }1 G% {' T$ y7 k0 f: z$ F
恐怕你找不出能给出比我们价更低的另外一家公司。! B9 q( V; t( X
223. What we give you is a good price. We don’t think it could be put better. Take it or leave it, it’s up to you.
& g0 R$ }( d: D- B我们所报的价格是很优惠的,不可能再低了,要不要随你。1 Y4 {: F$ q6 S
224. If you compare the quality of our goods with that of other countries, you will see that our price is very reasonable.1 S! T; g/ U1 b# z3 K8 E3 f
! c1 L2 I/ L7 Y: Z225. The price we quoted you for belts is much lower than that of last year’s. You must have found it very competitive.
7 M  {7 [9 ]! f$ g% U9 t  ~( f我方的皮带报价比去年的报价要低的多,贵方应该能看出该报价很具有竞争力。

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