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[BEC高级] 2012商务英语写作指导:对代理请求的回应六

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
406. We do not think the time is right for the discussion of the question of exclusive agency., [! [4 l  B  C; D. g8 ?2 U
我们认为讨论独家代理问题的时机尚不成熟。2 X3 f, X# y$ i- f' L' D7 j
407. We regret to say that since there is so far no transaction concluded between us, we have to decline your quest for agency.' o$ {; o, V# v2 k9 J4 ]6 ]
: E8 l5 D; @# C: x  s408. The question of agency is still under consideration and we hope you will continue your effort to push the sale of our product at present stage.
1 l1 Z" Y" @3 v代理的问题还在考虑中,我方希望在现阶段贵方还要继续努力推销我方的产品。0 O% |* Z3 t8 v# J9 A; r
409. We shall not consider pointing you as our sole agent until your sales record justify our doing so.
# n+ g) C% {* x: q待你们的销售成绩足以表明可以委托你方独家代理时,我们才会考虑此事。" d0 a3 o1 M' Y" `/ y
410. Shall we discuss the matter of agency when your market condition turns better?
0 T8 ?, U# i* U! A我们是否等到中方市场情况好转时再来谈代理的事情,好吗?

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