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[BEC高级] 2012商务英语写作指导:买方的支付方式二

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
516. We will start the payment in half a year and all the amounts will be cleared off within 3 years by six installments.8 \0 L! K$ s) `' c
半年后我方将开始支付货款、所有的货款将在3年内分6期全部付清。7 R  L; G7 A6 D; h0 q; z
517. We prefer to have the payment made by L/C through the negotiating bank in Sweden.
3 r8 ~. j+ p% H* P我们更倾向于通过瑞典的议付行用信用证来支付货款。3 E: Q( s( `) y" E: I) ^" s* q
518. Payments shall be made by us after receipt of the shipping documents specified in clause 10 of this contract.
* }2 f1 I7 P5 i9 I  V# g我方将在接到按本合同第10条所规定的货运单据之后付款。% m. Z' K" o" c; }! Y/ U
519. We shall open a letter of credit in your favor to be settled in US dollars.
; `. N/ v3 y. X6 p我们将开立以你主为收益人的信用证,以美元结算。
& z$ z  t, Q$ M$ r3 y( _; Y520. We agree to accept goods in 3 shipments and you may draw on us at 60d/s from the date of dispatch of each shipment.
; J8 q, J; a3 h% [! K- L; U我方同意分3批发货,贵方可以向我方开立以每次发货日期乍起的见票后60天付款的汇票。

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