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[BEC高级] 2012商务英语写作指导:货运要求及答复四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
686. You should send one copy of the shipping documents to the port of destination together with the shipment.
5 s7 ~# K! c( z: I0 x7 a6 ^装船同时贵方应将货运单据副本寄送目的港。
' f5 _2 d7 r: V9 s$ D5 C" @687. When all of the details of the shipment are finished, please send us the shipping documents that we will need to get the shipment.
* E/ F3 a. w+ `9 f" \9 H( z在将装船的所有细节处理完之后,请将我方提货所需的货运提单邮寄给我们。
5 U# p: a5 @$ L# a: h/ _: M% s688. The delivery will be arranged and the shipping charges will be prepaid by you, we will repay the shipping charges against original receipt.
* s- t, i1 v+ W  e货物发运将由贵方安排并预付运费,我方将会按原始发票将运费付给贵方。: G! F9 p! C. Y( O0 W; d! m
689. You should guarantee that the commodity is in conformity to all respects with the quality, specifications and performance as stipulated in this contract.
; r; j  j- R; @2 z* s8 R贵方应保证货物质量、规格和性能与本合同规定相符。
, \5 a+ G* t+ T* F; i/ b690. We prefer direct sailings, as transshipment adds to the risk of damage and also delays arrival to some extent.
' d4 R) }4 F: Z+ {: Y由于转运会增加货物遭损的风险,在某种程度上也会延误货物的抵达时间,所以我方倾向直运。

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