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[BEC高级] 2012商务英语写作指导:索赔理由及依据四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
766. The quality of your shipment for your order No. 346 is far from the agreed specifications.
0 P- ?0 k; \' b: k! P! x你方发送的我方第346号订单项下的货物质量与我方认可的规格不符。
% l* p! ]! q: `6 ?+ X$ Q  {6 ]/ M" V767. Closer inspection by the health officers showed that the canned fruit were considered unfit for human consumption.5 S* z5 r; q8 ^5 W% ?9 m5 j; z
经卫生检疫所官员仔细检查认为,罐头水果不宜供人们食用。! i$ [. z. p0 R) |$ y
768. The loss was due to the use of substandard bags for which you should be responsible./ o2 e5 T: {+ V6 t: _* R5 V
0 a" i; O2 ?/ O% x+ R! p769. It was found, upon examination, that nearly 20% of the packages had been broken, apparently to faulty packing.
4 m  C, C/ D2 ?( u+ k: y5 d在对货品检验时,我方发现近20%的包装破裂,显然是由于包装不良所致。: ~- T0 P% D  L, \, Q0 T. ]& x/ C
770. The survey report can certify that the weight shortage was caused by improper packing.3 |) u4 t! S0 a& D

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