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[BEC中级] 2012年商务英语考试中级口语对话练习(7)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年商务英语考试中级口语对话练习(7)3 ]1 q3 ?5 F5 u  A* ?) u% x, n
The script of this programme 本节目台词. _+ G" W) a7 a% U9 A: |% P1 j9 B
Rob: Hello and welcome to the English We Speak. I'm Rob.大家好,我是Helen. 今天我们准备到美丽的英国乡村走一走,感受一下田园风光。Isn't the countryside wonderful Rob?
# e; l* v9 Z6 PRob: Mmmm, yes, smell the fresh air. Listen to the birds. It's great to be outdoors!
. C. o) t2 |! U8 Z0 l: ]. FHelen: Oh, well it was…but not now it's raining. 怎么下雨了! Come on Rob I think we should head back.) v. A0 B1 @' {$ b: M: C
Rob: Hold on Helen. Not that way! According to the map, it's this way…; ^* M; {- N7 T5 K$ b9 W
Helen: Rob, you're always wrong. Just follow me but hurry up we're getting wet.
$ d+ R* h8 b6 i& s: r: E& \Rob: Oh, get lost!5 |4 _5 ]: m" F( B- Y
Helen: Get lost? 迷失方向 – 让我自己迷路? But Rob, we are lost!2 S/ J! q) S' G/ G! {  ?
Rob: No Helen – get lost – I mean go away. Don't tell me the way to go.- g1 c- R! k5 G* e- v- A0 c$ c
Helen: Oh! 对人说 'get lost' 在英语里是你靠边站,不要来烦我的意思。That's not a very nice thing to say.
  d+ R7 R' U! x* {% A# JRob: Well, it's what you can say to someone if they're really annoying you. So go away, get lost so I can't find you!
# ^) K' G& w# k' AHelen: Hmm, 原来Rob 让我自己迷路 'get lost' 是他嫌我啰嗦。他想让我从眼前消失! 那我就自己找路,没什么大不了的。 I'm off. See you back at the car!# A( L+ z( ?# L
Rob: I'll get there first! OK, here are some other examples of using 'get lost':7 a- Y. H9 M4 f- F; J* h- I: h
2 |7 [; {9 R; d  O- F. b# v
I'm tired of hearing about how you know everything, just get lost. ( l7 Q' R0 t( U0 d
Get lost! I'm having a break so don't disturb me., y, {8 v6 h9 ^+ H
You say you climbed Mount Everest on your own?! Get lost, I don't believe you.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:55 | 显示全部楼层


Rob: Mmm, saying get lost is quite impolite so you need to be careful how you say it and who you say it to. Maybe I was a bit rude to Helen. Helen, Helen, come back…I didn't mean to be so rude. </p>9 M- ~* O  P" R+ n* g" w7 s0 T
Helen: …well you weren't being very nice. 对人说 'get lost' 其实是很不礼貌,所以你需要特别小心这句话的场合和对象。 Anyway Rob, I was going to come back and find you.4 Q! h, t* W9 @# S$ K* E
Is it a nice thing to say 'get lost' to someone else?
* h) L. I2 s, ~7 z: c0 z9 E. j: \3 w8 L  y# c; F( N% [

* O) {' r) _1 ^2 ?; F/ q& SRob: And why was that Helen?
+ A/ ^/ V4 J- s: X6 tHelen: Because I got lost. 我真的迷路了!I needed the map!
# t  ^6 s( f) y' W" {$ m, ^6 C% dRob: Ha. Well, here it is. Come on follow me.
' Q" f4 O1 A7 i8 s5 zHelen: OK Rob. See you next time.9 Q, J! O/ J  i* T, \/ g& m4 M3 S- N
Both: Bye.中 华 考 试 网
. h9 X& o2 F, O- H- J# ~Rob: Right, it's definitely this way.
* b# J5 O7 H  M, ?$ D) ^/ |Helen: Are you sure?
8 g, s+ H; D4 Z6 F0 |Rob: Yes, that's what the map says.
) H" s2 `/ q" b  V* qHelen: Rob you've got the map upside down!
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