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[BEC中级] 2010年商务英语BEC中级口试综合辅导(1)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. `- G/ v8 O4 b7 ^: c  ⅰ、Why take BEC exams?
# r! G( _( y$ ]  strong growth
# {  ]9 e; f- _' }5 w% _  rigorous quality control8 m! M1 z% E( W: c7 Q6 i3 r6 t1 j' W' u
  wide suitability) G: d% I. K8 l$ u. m  n, j. B
  wide business context2 _# r& `$ d: [2 O2 ^5 y
  value for study and business career/ l4 X# u! q& h% n; w
  international recognition for work and study
5 F4 w7 f0 j+ `1 o, x4 }# [3 y  ⅱ、What is International Business English? 什么是国际商务英语?
! d( O1 }+ n) y' e  国际商务英语,指的是人们从事国际商务活动中所使用的具有行业特征的英语,这些行业包括:国际贸易、国际金融、国际会计、国际运输、国际商法、保险、银行、经济、营销、物流、企业治理、商业服务等。由此看来,商务英语不是一种独立的语言,它仍然是英语,是在国际商务背景下使用的英语。% z# p* {" i% U( m! j4 E
  ⅲ、How to learn International Business English? 怎样学习国际商务英语?) F! v$ {# R& A; Q! Q, W" {2 W
' I# y9 C2 X5 f3 _4 s& W  词汇方面; q) N9 L. }% a9 \! f+ d
  commercial( i6 E9 z+ L" {
  e.g. The TV show was interrupted by too many commercials.
$ q4 l8 c8 O" k5 \  prospect1 P3 J8 p+ r* ^$ v
  e.g. He called on some prospects but failed to make a sale.
3 j% T% T$ S8 E8 P. f  _4 Q  make2 O. i$ E( x9 R: g6 F; F
  e.g. These products are of Chinese make.
8 i) b/ u6 ~. I; K6 i  The factory manufactured five makes of tractors.3 _8 F% W& d5 C" n0 x. N; s
  短语方面# ]2 m) t! Q* o. f2 l
  soft selling hard selling4 e; j9 q# f& X# J: s  G' Y0 m
  Some sales people adopt a direct hard sell approach, while others use a more indirect soft sell approach.
% Q) B' l0 F% j$ s: }+ s  have a bad year
3 K( Y, b9 ]. t! \  The corporation is having a bad year and it will probably be necessary to dismiss a few office staff.' @3 i, p! Q/ u6 q9 L5 E3 S( i- r
  break into/penetrate the market
( Q5 X) I2 G/ |+ ], Z  There is chance that well manage to break into the UK market
1 `: M6 `0 Q' |. O  句型方面- _. U$ S4 H8 I( n7 `
  I am writing to you concerningt miss it. I cant agree more. It may have slipped your mind, buts true, but on the other hands exactly what I think. Maybe, but dont you think新义8 B/ L- |) W$ e2 V
  D% C2 f/ f9 W& l8 Q( w  e.g, All credit cards honoured here. The bank honoured this cheque.
3 _7 j- m% q0 S$ E+ r+ u% F8 `  cover) |2 e3 F7 R$ X: t  K; o# e+ n
  e.g. I have got myself covered against fire.
! o  g( I& y; x6 ^* `( @6 A1 q+ L9 P  royalty6 h3 _5 s3 Z: r. I
  e.g. Besides copyright, the writer got a 10 percent royalty on sales. The technology transfer fee shall be paid in royalties.' Y3 H& [8 v0 k1 H9 w
- W7 |% X+ u8 _/ z8 v! X5 z3 ^+ ?  1) chairman, president, CEO, Managing Director, General Manager.
% r( |! k8 l0 e8 U1 f% N5 G  2) dealer, merchant, trader, businessman, distributor.5 U7 w9 Z% m7 ]
  3) deputy, vice-, associate, assistant.
& T3 i9 K' }! v- o( a% |  4) discharge, unload, land
, M3 \) B' O8 P  5) discount, reduction, rebate, allowance.7 Y5 H9 A# O- {" z1 Z9 ?
2 c: s' n3 U0 e6 F  熟悉国际商务英语有关行业的基本术语及其内涵意义。6 b9 Z+ u" m9 D5 i
  学习国际商务常识,略知相关专业知识。, o3 Z* H/ [& s8 f& w& R& k( C
, z+ [& J" x3 m  ⅳ、BEC2 Content: d# q3 w1 ^) Y8 C9 O
+ ^9 e( c' {+ \9 L- P! H: }  BEC2考试分笔试和口试两大部分。笔试包括阅读、写作和听力。, m+ j+ O+ ~0 y  h, v
  ⅴ、BEC2 Time
$ L8 @3 k3 H* v( H0 S1 O' M3 b& g  .
# \* I" D' \9 [' x* u3 b4 G  Preliminary) c9 V: l2 G0 @+ p
% r2 ?  A3 J+ a' \" ?: V  Advanced' C; m6 w5 o" {% G# [" W( W
' Y% R7 \  \! Y5 h( t  1 hr 30 mins ﹡" I) H! H0 ?( V% i2 f, p& ~
  1 hr0 N# j0 e) R4 t2 R/ u  b
  1 hr
4 Q+ B6 G, J8 d0 p  H7 o& B  Writing5 N* d0 P- ?( _/ W3 }: I
  45 mins
& b5 h0 w8 E) G! @  1 hr 10 mins
, s1 O& m6 z8 b# u- @  Listening* w5 @/ n- z5 Q- j) g
  40 mins
6 B- E# d+ n0 F" m  40 mins2 E6 X2 b* i) k! c
  40 mins
7 U, t! T2 r: w  Speaking
- K: j7 Q# c) J6 B$ X$ I% ^  12 mins ﹡﹡; ?# L( \0 M/ C' L
  14 mins ﹡﹡1 H( z  c* [! G6 t6 ^
  16 mins ﹡﹡" n. T" ]& f( c2 w6 q9 T; c
  ⅵ、BEC2 Grades) C/ c* W* B' v, m4 U
  one overall grade/ _- H$ v: s) p  P
  each skill counts for 25%
5 {6 d1 _$ Q2 i1 L2 u  candidates also receive profile of performance/ z- H4 G6 h+ X& D( f" ^
  Preliminary: two pass grades2 Z7 b4 s- U- e
  Vantage and Advance: three pass grades
! `" l9 S! s- L) @, {4 u  ⅶ、Introduction to BP Preparation Resource
6 x+ F- q$ S7 L; x6 g  vocabulary
, I; U+ Y$ N- q5 V  textbook
$ C  Z7 G& \2 x% }  《Pass Cambridge Vantage》5 d' o+ Q' y! Z0 L# K4 F
  Teamwork, Entertaining a client, Brand power, New premises, Health and safety, Business travel, Marketing disasters, Going global是BV常考的商务专题。下面以Brand power举例说明:5 [$ B: H. [" Y
  1. 把握商务词汇短语, Z# D" c' `$ z. h" C! [
  E.g. to buy/develop/launch/sell/test/own/stretch/damage a brand
6 R% w! l) x! l$ n+ m  E.g. brand image/leader/loyalty/name/power/stretching; v0 x5 {3 \( W* Q
  2. 把握相关商务知识3 C) b( Y' U6 C0 F
  E.g. Explain why you brought one of the products.  @. K* C% g  s
  strong sense of brand loyalty
: s7 U+ s- j# g1 U  reasonable price
. U* y9 E5 ?' a4 z9 T7 ~0 C7 H& [  good after-sales service
0 A% L& c3 o5 A9 z% g5 ^" k  reliability of the product
/ N. f! A/ R- O# v; F# f  good and consistent quality
$ p8 L2 O* t  h8 M8 `) l  user-friendly design( P1 O  q/ ^! i: T# s
  good value for money$ X7 ~2 R5 `& o1 N8 W
  in style4 [& r6 G  M& u' Z9 ^; i
  3. 把握相关背景知识
$ C1 X* i- D1 u6 g  Tesco, J Sainsbury, Asda
4 S$ ]! V% {( B* r7 v' G  《Working in English》/ r% z3 [2 c2 T- I* d% H
  mock exam papers: 9 sets% y' ?0 Z& k# @3 [
  ⅷ、Register for BV: \( m3 F/ B# W) ^6 V+ N( s
  ⅸ、Business Research
3 u, I8 D. U& _  Answering business studies question
3 b3 `1 J% i/ G: ~# K  j5 a  Business Studies is a skills based subject which tests students ability to use their knowledge. There are four basic skills:
8 X) B$ k" D3 r9 S/ }  Level One Description/Identification
# T% Y, y5 Y# M  Level Two Explanation

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:55 | 显示全部楼层


  Level Three    Analysis
3 R+ H3 v  f4 R, Q' u* d  Level Four    Evaluation</p>  To gain the highest grades, candidates must show evidence of the higher skills( p$ p# p1 O1 n" y" u. n4 J
  Key types of questions Responses should:
4 T5 S) m: ^  H) i2 ~/ g+ S, C  Identify/state/describe.. make a point
3 ?" t& u, ?" G( U% k  Explain/outline   make a point and develop it$ v3 e3 x6 B0 t2 p3 Y
  Discuss   present two sides of the debate
. I) v8 U4 p" D4 L7 G  Examine/assess/analyse.. make a point and develop fully with some question of it
* K; T3 H$ E, {  Critically assess/to what extent explain both sides and evaluate
+ O3 @% q. h* A4 U1 \0 M2 j' V  How to answer questions% b7 ^3 k4 |; v# g2 Q9 E4 `1 |
  Example question:
  u6 I0 ?  p; o' ^$ v& U) X  What determines the price of a product?
& A  C9 p" d  E5 L; L  Example answer:
- j: y6 |# }& T; v' @  The price of a product is influenced by the costs. 16 C% [4 {- r$ l" d4 E; J, y& g
  This is because firms have to charge a price which is greater than costs to make a profit. 2
# H- y4 t* U0 |  However in the short run a firm may sell a product at a loss. This may be to gain market share or because the product is still at the introduction phase and has high research and launch costs. 3
: J9 e7 ]$ Q2 T9 g8 N7 Z  Overall it depends on whether we are considering a short or long term pricing policy. Firms may be willing to make a loss in the short run. It will also depend on the objectives of the firm. Some public sector organisations, e.g. may simply try to cover costs.. i0 p. _+ d* j) |- r# }7 X
  Example/ F& S4 j% T1 ^6 P
  Question: Should firms train their employees?
) X! T$ P% j4 U  Answer:6 ]6 i* C8 ^  U$ u+ X! }
  By training their employees firms may be able to increase their profits BECAUSE trained staff are likely to be more productive and make les mistakes. Employees might also be more motivated BECAUSE they might be able to undertake more interesting work and BECAUSE managers are showing that they value their staff . HOWEVER training costs money and is not always successful. It can also lead to a loss of production while staff are being trained. OVERALL, management will have to weigh up the potential benefits against the costs. If, for example, the firm has the necessary resources, the training is relatively cheap and is likely to lead to significant increases in productivity and profitability the firm likely to invest in it. If, ON THE OTHER HAND, the firm lacks the necessary finance and staff already have the skills required then training is LESS LIKELY.
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