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[BEC中级] 2012年商务英语中级阅读指导篇二

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
央行货币政策委员会顾问余永定于周五接受采访时表示,2011年内中国的通货膨胀水平将会停留在5.8%,国家货 6 \, T8 o& X: J5 ~
# S8 ^2 h, ^3 J请看相关英文报道: & v* g) j4 W+ X- q
Inflation in China in 2011 will stand at 5.8 percent, and there will be no initiatives to further  + b7 P+ \4 X0 Z: F+ t
tighten or loosen the nation’s monetary stance, said Yu Yongding, a former adviser to the central  
7 Y: D1 c1 D/ ^6 F* _  B" ^bank’s monetary commission, on Friday.
( f% b( @/ h" G9 R6 c【解析】 % ^! z$ Y2 P1 M% }$ u" E# y! u
报道中提到的"monetary stance"即指“货币政策”,"stance"是“立场”的意思。除此之外还有更为直观 5 J/ D& ]0 M0 [" f+ x! F
的"monetary policy"。 0 b1 D7 J1 C; w5 X
' S% Q, ^4 \' Y* X) B& P: ~Asian currencies rise as Fed’s monetary stance spurs inflows. ! T0 K8 ?( R/ l; P2 P8 i/ F4 o% D# |
( Q. |: t* K; {5 D7 s5 e作为美国货币政策刺激生效的结果,亚洲货币上涨。 ; R+ G' o5 x3 j2 W% o' k9 |! Z
+ Q4 c: j4 A" V' X' |9 ^& v. @ The yield curve, however, is also an indicator of the stance of monetary policy.
' S- }$ x" e( c2 c( }& I  
; M+ H8 u5 Q0 Z+ w1 Y- D+ a3 z不过,收益率曲线也是表明货币政策立场的一项指标。
5 j& P: B% e# M8 f9 {9 d! Y) C( z   & {0 H0 S  w& K, \( @+ t
For a start, the US is not the only country that has tried to revive its economy through ultra-
, z; L8 i  ^! @" X( K4 aloose monetary policy.
- S; J' b5 }" r, y9 G  
( o3 x$ h& m0 w3 X' c& [7 ~首先,美国并非唯一试图通过实施极度宽松的货币政策来重振经济的国家。

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