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[BEC中级] 2012年商务英语中级阅读理解练习22

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
PART  TWO  - W5 t  e- e6 S6 E: f2 b% |
Questions 8 – 12 % e" v  L; K" Y& _0 D' S
l     Read the following text.
) N. V0 s, \3 L) Sl     Choose the best sentence from the list on page 36 to fill each of the gaps. ( H$ F7 B6 [: t7 `; H7 l( E  c3 T
l     For each gap 8 – 12 mark one letter A – I on your Answer Sheet. , a  n0 ~( z3 ]6 m3 s$ H
l     Do not mark any letter twice. # h0 f% M7 z% x0 ^  ], P
3 U3 n$ s( R* R7 N6 I9 t8 [Marketing
) X) Z+ y7 a4 V6 a( }In the past, the concept of marketing emphasised sales. The producer or manufacturer made a product he wanted to sell. ____ example ____ . Basically, selling the product would be accomplished by sales promotion, which included advertising and personal selling ____ (8) ____ Distribution consisted of transportation, storage,  and related services such as financing, standardisation and grading, and the related risks. + j) Z. T8 ?3 J. Y( d/ m3 Q, B
/ j( `' u$ `0 nThe modern marketing concept encompasses all of the activities mentioned, but it is based on a different set of principles ____ (9) ____ In other words, goods should be produced only if they can be sold. Therefore, the producer should consider who is  going to buy the product ------ or what the market for the product is ---- before production begins. " O0 s* Z3 U2 v5 O
' R2 r, c& X9 O9 h4 h& YMarketing now involves first deciding what the customer wants, and designing and producing a product that satisfies these wants at a profit to the company ____(11)____ This is much more difficult since it involves human behaviour. ____(12)____ Thus, demand and market forces are still an important aspect of modern marketing, but they are considered prior to the production process. ; e1 T9 E) s( x) r1 H/ A, q
  E7 M# K2 a2 O8 w5 F7 KExample: C
( ~, W; D0 p" U# x  
: \& Q# n% p6 E3 W5 |9 _# ]A.       It subscribes to the notion that production can be economically justified only by consumption.
2 A/ z" n' Z$ ~B.        Marketing was the task of figuring out how to sell the product. + F! w" P( [* J8 O
C.       Marketing is as important in today’s economy as the production of goods and services.
2 T8 m2 W# m, QD.       Production, on the other hand, is mostly an engineering problem. " c; f  M. O0 Y% X- U" ]; i
E.        Such markets must be created and stimulated by managers. 8 G' D9 o! t+ w! v* L
F.        This is very different from making a product and then thinking about how to sell it. ' _2 ?- B% ~1 J% l, V
G.       More than half the cost of consumer goods can be traced to marketing activities.
8 l0 r- J6 V9 k; q+ NH.       In addition to sales promotion, marketing also involved the physical distribution of the   
3 r4 `0 r' ^4 D; F. H9 R% q6 ], rproduct to the places where it was actually sold.
7 ]& D4 E9 p: v* M% G! yI.         Instead of concentrating solely on production, the company must consider the desires of the    7 l$ a8 ~% w' }) c' |
consumer. % G! i. q% z2 \. Q) y
  ( h" ~5 o& g! P  j7 x4 _
答案:Questions 8 - 12:       H, A, F, I, D

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