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[BEC中级] BEC商务写作资料(3)商业信函中的告知及说明

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5. 告知好、坏消息:
( U2 @/ U0 e4 Y: Y- I好消息:
7 |; M3 ?8 q) X9 r. ~4 V( @I am pleased/delighted/happy to tell/inform/advise you that …
& y# R% H! }0 c) E, L9 ?0 S' `; @9 ]; D5 y7 x# Z5 r
  ~* `9 g6 V0 F: z5 N8 B1 oI regret/am sorry to tell/inform/advise you that …
2 t0 l0 U( u8 p, z+ Y9 JWe regret that …
) d) V: t) }9 g! `
5 u. c# |; C  h环境:(complete these sentences using phrases for referring and giving good or bad news.)4 t3 q$ _; }" W5 X" l
a. ___________________________ your order for some cupboards, _____________________ we have had to increase the price.9 s( ]; u8 {, F  ^" }7 j5 Y. l

2 W( U$ ]( X9 S3 @b. ____________________________ your application for a post as secretary, ______________________________ that we would like you to start work as soon as possible. 2 C7 C; E2 x# d. k, U, q
9 }/ d! c2 R4 z  o; ?' a# K# Q1 `
c. _________________________________ your application for a post as secretary, ______________________________ that you were not successful.
; _' w1 T$ _/ |' c6 {. i# ]" A
: S8 e$ D6 w2 z, Hd. _________________________________ our telephone conversation this morning, ______________________________ that your car is now ready for you to collect. 0 P9 g, r# d: F/ U

0 w5 X" z8 U0 r. W6. 说明你所能做的和不能做的:7 ^9 y/ T' h7 ~1 i$ Y
We are unable to …* y$ J- x' J  c4 Y# f; P8 Q
We are able to …9 G; D! P+ }% o' a
We have been forced to …2 \3 `  S& E# j. S

+ [/ W$ E9 a4 L) \9 ]3 Y0 D% V3 \环境:
0 L: l0 r0 X/ S; Y( j4 g% c  ~You cannot lower your prices.. N. G0 H! I7 }8 O4 d. N
We regret that we are unable to reduce out prices.
: Y6 [0 {$ E( }3 D: LYou have had to raise your prices because the government has increased the sales tax.
; ?7 ~# {4 Q4 l: b; e) i4 |We have been forced to raise our prices because the government has increased the sales tax.
9 z2 X5 D. A* e, f# I" FHowever, you can give them a discount of 5% if their order is for more than $8,000.
4 b% \- ~  X3 j" tWe are able to give you a discount of 5% if your order is more than $8,000.
( u' A: A* h& f! cWith regard to their second question, you cannot accept payment in Egyptian pounds but you can accept US dollars or Euros. 8 y1 K8 C& H8 Y$ |
We are sorry that we are unable to accept payments in Egyptian pounds but we are able to accept US dollars or Euros.
. o! l' y2 P8 ~* C& o* n
4 q' P8 {& s* ]- H% s) Y1 Q# N7. 说明原因:) L  m, X! T. h3 p- b) q9 U8 C
This is owing to …/due to …/a result of … /because of …
3 S3 P" g1 }2 E" x) o注:owing to 通常用于不好的消息。如果想在原因中使用动词,请加上the fact that的从句。
6 \! i. ?2 o) c# D1 [% K4 B5 f+ E* {0 M# W
0 w. }$ s& t- L7 W1 _# `( Sincrease prices --- fall of the dollar
% Z/ G8 h# O+ ?8 J9 b1 v5 \, L. w  YWe have been force to increase our prices. This is owing to the fall of the dollar.
# u. L& k0 h1 b& G4 A! qDelay the delivery of the goods --- strike by airline pilots
/ ?7 s% b  R/ o7 U' _We have been forced to delay the delivery of the goods. This is owing to the strike by airline pilots.
- @  @# ~+ R- J9 T4 XIncrease all salaries by 10% --- rise in sales, z7 D9 v9 i4 h) {) L
We are able to increase all salaries by 10%. This is the result of a big rise in sales.7 X+ @7 x* C  {
Cut all salaries by 10% --- fall in sales$ B3 M# M% C8 f) C5 c: s
We have been forced to cut all salaries by 10%. This is due to the fact that there has been a fall in sales in the past ten months.& p! a9 ~$ |) v  ]
Cannot deliver your new order --- we have not received your payment fro the last order
$ B* N) W$ y+ t" rWe regret that we are unable to deliver your new order immediately. This is owing to the fact that we have not received your payment for the last order.
7 E  B6 |6 r* o5 y4 s% xCancel the meeting --- a lot of staff have been ill
0 i) ~* N$ `0 X" K& _$ Z. BWe have been forced to cancel the meeting. This is because some members of our staff have been ill./ Z% U" J" V0 Y% ~
8. 请求采取行动:
$ q. l. O# Y1 X: b& g. m9 PPlease could you …as soon as possible.
. g0 B! s5 }, k5 a( E# jWe would be grateful if you could …without delay.
5 B5 M& i" o: h; q$ HWe would be appreciate it if you could …immediately., @) V5 r/ J, {" ]; `$ K' @: W& ~9 ^
9 Q6 X* o: f: O: Y0 x4 y: v

& z9 ~, N4 p8 O5 ]3 q6 n* V* \注:please could you … 是最直接的方式。在要求一些一般性的事情时,可以使用这种表达。, \# J& {1 k' x( t* L
; {8 O- g% ?) n' P; m
环境:* A* |* T# _, Y( N. V4 `7 e
You have seen an advertisement in the newspaper for a post as office manger. You want an application form.. p& |1 x# q: x" I3 c
I would appreciate it if you could send me an application form.
) E* ~. q0 H, s9 rThe photocopier in your office has broken down. You want to have it repaired, quickly.' M+ p& y# i3 U' m
We would be grateful if you could send a repairman to fix our photocopier as soon as possible./ r% l- z; L4 t: Q5 |9 K
You have moved your office and you want the post office to forward your letters to your new address.
, @4 e" d) E0 }* k* L$ K; }" A8 E' xPlease could you forward my letters to my new address.+ \, m) X/ o+ y* I
You want the telephone company to put another telephone in your office. You need it urgently.# a  {4 i2 T7 m. ^& \  V& {
We would appreciate it if you could put another telephone in our office immediately." }$ Q( a" V+ y' n; E# v1 R
You have written to a company and you want them to reply quickly.
( d9 V6 v+ e" w4 Y$ G" [I would be grateful if you could give us a reply quickly.% g! D$ p/ A. A6 D4 O) D
5 X4 \' Z) p( d
/ D) j, Y/ d5 U  K  T
4 c# x2 C4 K: }" v& r8 h
5环境答案:9 x  G  c% y, [5 A# n
a. __I have got _________________________ your order for some cupboards, ____but i must inform you that_________________ we have had to increase the price.+ [+ c5 Z! C$ _, o3 z2 ]

) T2 o; V1 a9 w* e) Lb. ______I have received ______________________ your application for a post as secretary, __and it is pleased____________________________ that we would like you to start work as soon as possible.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:55 | 显示全部楼层


c. _____I have received____________________________ your application for a post as secretary, ___________________but i am sorry to tell you___________ that you were not successful.7 R8 C% k6 H9 y1 }! \6 p1 z
5 z, z: M: r. [! M: o
d. ______________We will have___________________ our telephone conversation this morning, _____i advise_________________________ that your car is now ready for you 3 k1 h+ d4 ?( E5 _
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