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[BEC中级] BEC商务写作资料(4)商业信函中的抱歉及提醒等

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9. 抱歉:
% L* P0 F: m4 V" e" j; o% R& dWe must apologize for …
9 R2 ^  [* V* Z  L$ ]We apologize for …
+ t; @, A4 \7 L- e8 z# mWe are extremely sorry for …0 s' U6 F# m1 p$ \
1 X( h, W% J! d4 n: D4 _" Q6 X6 i5 c! J以上句型中的for可以换成that,然后用从句表达。, p/ O! n9 n2 `- a5 @
一般来说,解释产生问题的原因,然后在信的结尾处再次表达歉意。* G5 j6 @5 Z. Z) e% C4 X. p9 x' X0 |

: W: ]$ H* t5 d! x1 E, o再次抱歉:& ~; `4 R: v! _0 r, P3 \% K
Please accept our apologies once again." o/ m8 L0 x+ s8 A3 g1 B
We hope that this has not caused you any inconvenience.
: H* z9 P  s9 LWith apologies once again.6 ~0 a  G5 Y' `
2 u9 D1 n9 {- k, z' J! c  }: U: ?
10. 要求提供信息:
: S5 ~& a! U; U  ^Please could you# B+ @- }* c% k4 Y7 S8 S1 M' |+ v
We would be grateful if you could8 j) b8 V3 b8 O) l: b3 ?2 M
We would appreciate it if you could give us further details about ..
& w( Y; r% S  d7 c- t4 Kinform us (about/if) …5 }' b( n  ^4 m
let us know ( about/if ) …4 z/ i; r- \2 z) L1 i
We would like to know ( about/if ) …/ k5 m' N) ]- |; c' I: F
注:如果需要特别重要的信息,可以在以上句型前使用:in particular。. e9 |! r  A4 s  }8 _3 `, F! v

' L/ g8 l4 K: [) [5 F. P环境:
5 q9 D/ v- _. x2 z+ X) }You wrote a letter to someone and they haven’t replied. You want to know if they received the letter. , X/ N1 p: J: }4 G+ D
We would be grateful if you could let us know if the letter has reached you.7 R* m. R+ ^5 J3 s
A businessman is going to your country. He wants you to get a visa for him. You need all the details about his passport (his nationality, date of birth, where his passport was issued, and when it expires).
6 q  j# d- ?/ D6 _. A% G8 aPlease could you give details about your passport. I would like to know your nationality, date of birth, where your passport was issued and when it expires.
% e8 h( O* o& S( K3 ]3 b7 h1 cYou want to know about the same businessman’s flight (flight number, date and time of arrival).4 V. N- j; c( `7 u  x
In particular, I would like to know your flight number, date and time of arrival.
9 Q$ {7 ]3 H$ \$ j2 m. z: o& w' q, H, M8 P. h% `1 s- t% K
11. 轻度抱怨:+ d' `; U$ E9 @& {" a- ]
Unfortunately, + 表 示 something is wrong 的 句 子0 C* \( [7 X' u, C8 s- G! C' o
( t( {; ^: \. m: {! X
" w( H9 Z; Q; r7 yA company has sent you a bill for the wrong goods.
% B) e4 R' G+ G" k+ z& U8 x- z  {Unfortunately you sent us a bill for the wrong goods. Please could you send us a correct bill as soon as possible.0 a, S* R( `, {. G
Your new photocopier has broken down. You have to write to the company who sold it to you.% Q/ ^* G  c! d& o3 ^* R, L
Unfortunately our new photocopier has broken down. Please could you send a repairman to fix it for us as soon as possible., ~+ I  e0 @! j' C4 a0 S" v0 @: `
Two temporary secretaries do not speak English. You have to write to the agency who sent them to you.+ E& O% v) |* Z3 ]! V0 `4 |& v
Unfortunately two temporary secretaries you recommended to us do not speak English. We would be grateful if you could recommend two more who could speak English.# e8 }3 O! _0 f
You keep receiving letters for someone else. You have to write to the post office.' D+ S+ J1 N, R# Y" i- J
Unfortunately I keep receiving letters for someone else. Please could you make the address clear before you deliver letters every day.
: c7 r( K& e( |6 N: K1 q12. 提醒某人对某事的注意:
+ V3 @1 J  Z" W0 U- tI should like to draw your attention to (the fact that)…
$ M+ h# V+ R. m% pI should like to point out that …
; K' v4 i9 b6 ]% B8 M& S0 c) W! ?4 E! l
如果你提醒的事情对方已经知道(你想表达你的生气):- b3 G. \9 k5 ^( v
I should like to remind you that…) x. H2 {7 ?* e0 T, a6 k  L: w  s
I hope that it is not necessary to remind you that …
5 C, P9 X. h  w
  ^/ ~3 n0 A/ n环境:" m% o$ R: f1 Q- Q2 I
One of your staff keeps parking his car in front of the main door, the space which is reserved for the MD.& o- y# f" z4 ]; H
I should like to remind you that the space in front of the main door is reserved for the MD.4 J+ O9 m- A/ D, X( d" y
Someone is interested in purchasing a large quantity of your simplex cameras. Tell him about 25% discount for large orders.% s: `+ I9 f3 r  a5 c, G3 E
I should like t draw your attention to the fact that we offer about 25% discount for larger orders.8 g# s: F! a; U4 L. [- U
One of your staff arrives half an hour late for work every day. (She should start at 9.30.)2 s# C, l0 I; J9 d7 t& r6 v
I hope that it is not necessary to remind you that work start at 9: 30 every day.
/ t1 M8 P' i! [" r6 K: ]' F! }Someone is interested in your products. Tell him that you guarantee that your prices are the largest in the country.
; i6 }& U5 U8 {8 n) y; o3 w# G! @I should like to point out that we guarantee that all prices are the lowest in the country.
$ y$ s; Q9 P/ s
# U! ]9 }% E  r: R6 O, W13. 要求某人采取行动:* s9 A: H4 X3 ~- b( b/ I
We must insist that …DO… ( DO指 动 词 原 型 )2 g. B3 V1 \, R+ I$ `4 p1 J
- W/ c5 \5 D) W- _+ I5 t1 R8 g
, v2 n; t2 K! V0 u# A  t1 CWe must insist that you deliver the goods immediately.
& q: n" O& i1 Y7 B
0 L2 d  D2 a* H$ [* O% s" x( \14. 警告:$ d# M" O/ L" T8 Q
: p% m+ Y) N3 C5 Z3 g6 E: x- @4 \: TIf…(not)… We will be forced to …
) g# x6 h# G( z3 r( [# j+ I+ I8 @
0 _; x: B8 D" E/ m环境:(What warnings would you give these people?)' k+ v7 ?3 M: J
A company that has not paid your bill
1 Q% E3 i8 k! T) R& A; L% xUnless you pay the bill, we will be forced to take legal actions.
9 l  x. @5 [- ?/ s3 DAnother company that is using your company’s car park. x, M6 L3 F1 g0 I6 g! n
If you do not move your car away from our park, we will be forced to turn to the police.8 m' D2 K. e( @# E
An employee who always arrives late for work
# }+ n: e- k2 w3 \/ ZUnless you come to work on time, we will be forced to fire you.. Z" x, D) j6 w0 r% H  [  r' ^3 e
A builder who has left a lot of their tools in your office

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:55 | 显示全部楼层


If you do not take your tools from our office, we will be forced to throw them away.
* k" q, r5 F3 v
. [& k3 T5 B) n: V7 |: b15. 强烈抱怨:
  q# g  ?3 z* ^! B! G0 E注:7 s, }9 S: J4 w% Y6 t( `. u
强烈抱怨遵循以下步骤:+ e* f9 d$ ]) d" ~3 Z( T
a. 阐述发生的问题:it is now over nine months since we placed this order and we are still waiting for the cabinets.: T6 h- _  C+ W& u/ Y9 p- M( s
b. 使用句型12:I should like to point out that we have already paid for these cabinets.
/ ?# E/ H. y9 v" ]c. 使用句型 13:we must insist that you deliver them immediately.: z* @5 o2 C! m, c0 c3 x) Q
d. 使用句型14:unless we hear from you within 7 days we will take legal action.
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