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[BEC中级] 写作指导:2011年商务英语考试写作讲议第三讲(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  T# I  A  \' d. b1 G  商务便条一般有四个组成部分:日期、称呼、正文、签名。一些公司有印好的便条笺。如:$ X* }. q! k8 j0 |
5 A  q+ I! S" `; H0 JTo:                 Date:         
7 I7 r+ y4 o, ~; RMessage
/ V9 L' u5 m' G$ S8 `8 `& O: i! F+ C( f* F' _& U
Telephone Message+ L% ]+ {: x; L( r( U) F- J
, }; T6 ]: j- _/ s' m$ U$ aFrom:                                   
  k1 v' [6 X% [; m4 eTel.:                                    / e1 D% P6 W9 ~
: e4 l: ~2 B( s7 ]4 I  uAction required:   Please call back0 D1 h! s& m( Z' w, |. v
            Caller will call back later
9 ^' Y% X, D% G4 p( [9 w3 p+ S            No action required  `) M6 l- E# U( q8 D- l  r  g
Message taken by:                             
6 w4 h$ G- q6 F: m: D3 hDate                Time                 
" U0 E1 L) a2 ~2 m0 J0 ]! \  例:让秘书通知推迟约会9 H' i( Q; u( w" [, Q% E8 @. n
                          9 a. m.6 ~* e) U5 B$ c' r, `
Miss Wang ,
- R& h2 {( V" m% q- hI've got an urgent meeting today. Please contact the applicants to postpone the interviews till further notice.# |0 f! {7 @6 j
DS; a2 @" v$ B6 U4 k! K+ ~: H* q$ r
( E6 K9 O& ^" a: P  1 告知信息 inform7 f3 \( l# d1 Y# y
  2 布置安排 arrange! f; T/ h4 Z3 k. ^
  3 征求意见 request4 a. Z- ^  M- ]$ N
  4 询问信息 enquire
# e- P- |; Z9 W! O* u  5 求助申请 apply9 Q8 O" z0 t" f
  6 推荐建议 suggest0 j( w3 z: G* Y1 x2 L2 l
  * asking staff to use only the new name after that time.
- C7 }4 K: g! p  X5 `" K  收购与兼并 merger and aquisition1 X' ?* h" Y3 Y- \) j' }5 g
  范文:( _- }8 ^* @0 z; [; L
  As a result of our merger with Mason&Co., the name of our company will be changed MasonGolding. Please start to use the new name on 1 March 2006. You are reminded that only the new name can be used from then on.
! P- Y% X& K# |8 e2 }$ E  remind/ advise
3 M: t! ]1 U9 [* H7 `& T  总结:告知用词
6 w: n) R& C& O0 [4 I7 Z  tell notify mention express inform explain note report advise% s- q! J* m/ e
  I am writing to tell/inform you that…..- ]8 `' V% _, J0 Y9 l- }- B
  I am writing to explain…. (tell your boss why you cannot attend)' F  p8 F- D- y: R1 e+ W
  I am writing to express (my regret)
! X5 }" Q* Q- f  例题
9 U7 n8 i5 H8 _0 V  You are the training manager of a company which has won a large export order. You have been asked to organise foreign language training for some of your staff.% _! ^/ S4 B* T- q% L
  Write a memo to staff:
  S$ J1 H- _8 r* o/ I/ a  explaining why the courses are necessary
+ t' }# z9 r$ n! ~% a  saying which members of staff should attend
  ?. ^& o+ r8 `. S8 h8 \  announcing when the courses will start
* o" g8 C3 x: K9 {9 Y) R( f! F  Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet.; }) ?& d5 W0 F, ~% l6 g
  [范文]: w* u7 r- v4 _( }: _' C0 o6 M1 u
  To: All staff
$ K. @' ~9 S0 S( Z% f2 G9 m4 j  From: the Training Manager
8 P$ x1 O# V* ~* V0 O  Date: 1 March 2005( w. A0 n, x# }. j- i
  Subject: A Foreign Language Training Course
+ z, m" x4 d3 s8 x6 F# T8 M( g  I was asked to organise a foreign language training course because of the large export order we received recently. It will start on 15 March and will last 2 weeks. Those who will deal with orders should attend this course.
- Q  \5 }" \( l: u+ z& _6 h0 S  2. 布置安排类
' b& j6 y1 h9 y& {. Q0 }5 c" H/ I  · You are Head of Research for an international car manufacturer. You have to make an urgent trip tomorrow to visit Pierre Blanco, a colleague who works for a subsidiary.
, B. _4 C1 w: w) N; j: L) `% I  ·  Write a memo of 40-50 words to your secretary:
' N8 u( b0 e/ ?  ·  telling her who you are going to see and when
. B. h# D! c8 p3 K) S, Q  ·  asking her to book flight tickets and accommodation
' Q. {' U3 h3 m: y1 y: z  ·  telling her what work you would like her to do in your absence.
) E4 I3 Q5 x/ o) P8 T# _  ·  Write on your Answer Sheet." I) W% T* i( z$ x) }: m2 m
  subsidiary, parent company, holding company, affiliate, branch, headquarters, representative office
( U/ e9 U$ N* h4 Z  范文:
7 f5 h2 m- v7 @, I  I need to have an urgent meeting with Pierre Blanco of our Paris office tomorrow. Please book a return ticket to Paris and a hotel room for me as soon as possible. During my absence, please keep me informed of the progress of the project. If there is anything urgent, give me a phone call.
6 ]( E! U0 p3 y3 U, P& ^: e  注意口气:比较open the door;7 \9 P' f& d8 A# H- C" d
  please open the door;
& t* {6 P4 {1 d. o5 u& x0 V/ F  could you please open the door?; q$ F  S8 c) y0 e: [& H4 s3 o
  I would be grateful if you could open the door for me.
* |$ n5 o: A+ _  I would appreciate it if you could open the door.
: e7 s" d. p6 X: i5 k  [例文]7 j  }3 i8 P1 l+ `7 d( ]3 B
  You are the manager of a small export company. Peter Watson, an important client, is visiting your company for three days from 22 October.# w' {. h7 B4 I9 t
  Write a note of 40-50 words to your secretary:$ L: W+ I, w3 e$ W& M
  Asking her to book a hotel room
6 _; b0 ]  I) k6 [6 _2 x9 S  Saying where the hotel should be
; r( Q/ p1 e9 E' T$ X  Giving her the dates$ l' D- B. M1 \( W3 ?3 K
4 s7 U9 d# |7 X. i% }  比较下面三篇作文,注意内容点和语气的区别。. |2 j6 J7 i- R4 T* A" b( J
  作文1:Dear Ms Jones,
+ i' d' m$ f( A7 M6 K. `3 A0 d- v+ H6 a) P) p0 C2 m9 Z- g5 T  U0 h8 s
  I am writing to inform you that Mr Peter Watson will be visiting our company. Would you please be so kindly as to reserve a suitable room for him?

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:55 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  Yours sincerely) H+ T. P% `. o
  作文2:Hi Mary,! P6 y, S8 j+ K' y2 \
  Look. I’m really sorry to have to trouble you but Peter Watson – a really important client – is visiting the company for three days in October, starting on 22nd, to discuss a contract with us. Please will you book for Mr Watson a really nice hotel room as soon as possible? Thanks very much.
" a. r. _& `' t+ h& Q% C1 v0 T  See you soon!) J" ~+ u* q- c. W
  作文3 Mary,& K: I2 w: S( x7 ]! T
  Mr Peter Watson is visiting us in October. Could you please hire a hotel room for him? He is arriving on 22nd October and will stay for three nights. If possible, the hotel should be one near the office. Thank you.
4 W! y; {9 a1 }# N  L  3. 询问信息类( M3 l/ O& _' Z* S! k, v& H' V
* m$ E3 n; u& {; v  B$ I  You are the factory manager of a car company. You are waiting for urgently needed components from your purchasing department.
) y3 K( s4 A! V  [" v  Write a note to Mr Grayson, the Assistant Purchasing Manager:
8 E, ?  c) ]% t3 j5 |5 ^( L3 [, P) G( Y  enquiring about the reason for the delay;4 c- z/ Y& x! u7 D, t# N1 I
  stating when the components are needed;: ~9 F' P4 a6 ~+ n5 C! @' Y1 z
  suggesting a meeting to discuss future deliveries.6 \2 p& Y$ M+ H! s- t. {) h/ Y
  Write 40 - 50 words on your Answer Sheet.
; W6 K4 t- C- z, P8 u  [范文]
/ W; e% Q' x; c, y% b: S* k  I am writing to enquire about the reason of the late delivery of the ordered components. We need the components by next Monday. In order to smooth our cooperation, I suggest that we have a meeting to discuss future deliveries.
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