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[BEC中级] 商务英语写作:商务信件全攻略之格式问题

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Time: 45minutes
1 u* I8 H8 g, i. K& C6 ]0 kPART
& d2 V0 C! R: I* B. Q" X4 W- {Functions/Communicative Task
6 ?8 g2 U: O4 r( v& P! ^$ \Input7 \9 [  C, d4 C6 u
5 j: ~3 z  R+ g9 L( }, YRegister) S7 M2 @* U! n8 `* L+ C0 p
/ N  m1 G& M9 X4 I4 @. ie.g. giving instructions, explaining a development, asking for comments, requesting information, agreeing to requests  f) h/ ~: i* R; M+ ?0 X- |% _6 J6 I
Rubric only (plus layout of output text type)
# P% }& w) h( Y2 p! ^' L% MInternal communication (medium may be note or message or memo or e-mail) (40-50 words)( G# Y$ Y( G, k! F% x5 _. z1 f  [
Neutral/informal: G5 K; |0 T- C! i6 J  B
2+ c) y, j- f% P# j7 X
Correspondence: e.g. explaining, apologizing, reassuring, complaining
1 D7 ^. \! U0 Q- @5 [5 _0 b. kReport: describing summarizing" {  I$ R. j7 w: E: B: ^4 ?
Proposal: describing, summarizing, recommending, persuading
5 f8 p& Q4 ^" ]One or more pieces of input from: business correspondence (medium may be letter, fax or e-mail), internal communication (medium may be note, memo or e-mail), notice, advert, graphs, charts, etc. (plus layout if output is fax or e-mail)/ m1 W8 u" l( {8 g  r1 ^
Business correspondence ( medium may be letter, fax or e-mail ) or short report or proposal (medium may be memo or e-mail ) (120-140 words)7 Y; z3 S$ \7 t7 E
Neutral/formal+ G/ g, N3 ^* z4 A! D+ C. M
  Notes: Note writing is very easy. Just write as you speak to another person face to face. You write a note when you want to speak to the person who is now absent. You write it in a very informal style: the language is simple and easy, and only a few sentences are needed.0 L9 U" }4 D6 H4 j: V: d% Z
  Write down the date first (sometimes you can even drop this down when it is not important).) G- o# G! M- q% D& L
  Then spell his or her name, usually the first name, since it is very friendly and intimate.
! Q& F5 I/ z8 F; f* I  Next begin the message at another line and finish it to the end." s8 ]# U0 b- r5 ~4 C% X' q' n" I
  Finally end the note with your name, also first name.# F# s  A) x2 O6 f1 Z
  (For further reference, see Student Book Page 78.)& q& w, L( \& ~1 v% Q: T0 E3 D. p
  Messages: (For further reference, see Student Book Page 14.)
2 b4 }* b! O7 N. o0 D6 u  E-mails: (For further reference, see Student Book Page 37.)( ]& {' n/ R' t0 @
  Memos: A few words should be said about the format of memos. Generally they have all the features of letters in format. But they usually have more formalities and features that will make them easy to be recognized and filed. These features are:
/ B: Q$ u' j# l7 {( ^$ Q. l+ J  A typed or printed heading$ U# M: e! l7 o5 V
/ ]+ F9 P1 B5 _' p. I* P5 G4 ?; G  File or reference numbers+ Z, p9 `6 @* s; _( c+ N1 {8 F  F
  Reader’s full name% Y1 e3 ]' A4 W- @$ V% ]1 A5 u
  Writer’s full name
! j: [9 x/ d4 A3 I. I  Subject lineDirections are available in Student Book. See Page 81-82.$ f6 ]7 i$ |3 r" T) z1 P4 U
  Letters: Directions are available in Student Book. See Page 79-80.
; t$ d3 g' @" ~' m( s  Appendix:1 F5 c6 L; j0 @" y" u! }7 l
7 [! ^8 y& m& K第一章 格式问题
3 W7 e3 s) }( e  {  1. 格式问题:6 A3 s+ u6 K- i' m
  请同学们在BEC的写作中采用平头式的写法。0 Y) `* J/ s9 }4 p5 c
  收信人的姓名和地址置于信纸的左上方( O7 K4 \2 _& H! U5 F% h
  地址、称呼和结束礼词后没有标点符号, G. x/ G) d' u: `+ t
  日期在右上方6 m! m& Q8 H5 _2 j' ^/ b
. i/ m4 _; o; \  写信人的名字和头衔在签名下方8 z, {, |6 K+ m/ ^
  2. 称呼和结束礼词的注意事项:
! D1 C/ P. t- w1 E% r" U  称呼的写法遵循下列原则:; t7 C% C. h1 n. E7 _7 }
Dear Sir or Madam
' U$ g! R/ _* b2 s写信给某一公司,不确定具体的收信人 ( Z- B( A& k7 r3 y4 s: _9 F
Dear Sir+ [# J/ r/ O" E& T( G/ A
对男士,但是你不知道他的具体姓名 " y, I4 I! s- T4 @6 C
Dear Madam
- Q9 u" H# l# |& ~对女士,但是你不知道他的具体姓名 , J- T2 D0 \% Z8 ]3 v
Dear Mr Smith' s+ u& g) s& t1 X$ Q7 f% h' [
/ m/ m3 n7 A( l% s- V4 _7 w7 CDear Ms Smith
3 z% R7 I2 {( E- j# r* R( X对已婚或未婚的女士
" F6 ]5 H! N# ^0 a& xDear Mrs Smith, ^- I6 P6 i2 b0 O
5 s" K" r; O. b+ F- ?; p5 ?Dear Miss Smith
0 V! h( U4 N  a0 w! j对未婚女士 * ^  X# O# F6 @  W
Dear John (此处John 为英语中常用男名)
9 Z- T6 Z  ]% ]& s. k" W1 M* c对朋友或你比较熟悉的人(通常为多年生意伙伴)
5 D9 }" ^) \4 B: ~- g# l7 j9 x$ e  称呼与结束礼词存在对应的关系,请同学们特别注意:
. b  W4 k' _0 n5 X: l( G6 J3 aDear Sir or Madam$ x4 g) l) _1 G- s, v
Yours faithfully% G: l+ h% F7 D1 P
Dear Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss Smith1 ^" i5 l1 g) Q' Q; p8 l3 }" A  x& y4 Z
Yours sincerely
7 X: n: j2 {& V' t1 l: HDear John
6 i: o+ ~, e+ J/ s+ V1 P1 PBest wishes- V8 _5 Z/ m4 }" y5 S* u3 O: k
  以下均为错误用法:8 ~) @9 C: _( ?% U- E. l
  Dear Mr John
! K2 C8 g. G: V+ t  @  Dear Mr John Smith8 g0 S5 P8 W$ O, V  B2 K( C
  3. 日期:
; |* M1 U8 J$ }. n7 p+ n  在英国英语中,天在前,但是在美国英语中,月份在前。所以某些特别的时期容易引起误解。例如:12 06 20033 S% }- i5 H. h# i  ^. ^2 u9 c* z
  在英国指的是:6月21日6 L6 _9 q4 s  z* M3 b% z7 h+ V
  在美国指的是:12月6日5 q; n: [! o8 X' @8 B# L7 B
  因此日期要写成:12 June 20039 H9 c$ K  G4 }$ N
  注释:在BEC考试中同学们可以采用恩波所推荐的用法。但是12 06 2003 的用法仍然是可以使用的,因为BEC为英版考试。" ?! f3 ?7 `$ K: q8 F

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