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[BEC中级] 商务英语写作:写英文商务信函的7个步骤

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Planning a Business Letter: 7 Steps" x4 n5 P4 u8 Z+ c& Z8 n9 K
  1. Write down your AIM: why are you writing this letter?
3 J0 R! x' R4 {9 R; _8 Y  2.ASSEMBLE all relevant information and documents: copies of previous correspondence, reports, figures etc.
# Z, a4 z: h  Y& _! s  3.ARRANGE the points in order of importance. Decide which points are irrelevant and can be left out. Make rough notes.
3 O( Y" v: d0 F+ u8 o$ s3 G, o  4.Write an OUTLINE in note form. Check it through, considering these questions:
. f8 ]: |1 ~, n" L  Have you left any important points out?
8 n3 \$ P4 {- G1 p* D$ K  Can the order of presentation be made clearer?, j" f$ y1 `, [
  Have you included anything that is not relevant?) T0 W6 o# ]5 J7 b6 q
  5. Write a FIRST DRAFT, leaving space for additions, changes and revisions.- @7 l, \. e! n3 S
  6. REVIEW your first draft by considering these questions:" E/ g5 L( Q7 l
  INFORMATION:, {( h8 W+ Y2 x  l7 [3 o
  Does it cover all the essential points? Is the information relevant, corrent and complete?
. E/ ?% H, b1 v# u& c0 C  ENGLISH:( y8 {4 k# N0 b
  Are the grammar, spelling and punctuation correct?
+ _7 L% ?" j1 k8 v( C5 F  STYLE:
9 c$ F7 ]5 J8 l! u+ f  Does it look attractive?' F9 B5 d- E9 N& k5 p9 J! \
  Does it sound natural and sincere?% B" n1 W; b+ k& Y
  Is it the kind of letter you would like to receive yourself?" M# l1 Z* o- m7 {7 t
  Is it clear, concise and courteous?1 f  ^$ ~! b2 R& o3 W) V& v
  Will it give the right impression?. O) p5 Z5 {% w
  7. Write, type or dictate your FINAL VERSION.

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