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[BEC中级] 商务英语写作:商务信件全攻略之检查(图表写作和report)2

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Exercise Four) l5 K5 a7 t# _1 h, l( q
  Part One
$ M1 F" g/ m$ o6 t( J! i& b  Question 44
$ g3 h( L$ h3 R  You are Head of Research for an international car manufacturer. You have to make an urgent trip tomorrow to visit Pierre Blanco, a colleague who works for a subsidiary.
4 `# ?, W& e0 j, n9 U4 Q- z% o! l  Write a memo of 30-40 words to your secretary.' n+ f* C5 y7 M( S' h' e
  Telling her who you are going to see and when;/ Y, F# i+ W6 l3 A
  Asking her to book flight tickets and accommodation;
1 F+ W% d$ F$ \6 s$ j. G6 \  Telling her what work you would like her to do in your absence;) X# O; i+ q* j) o
  Write on your answer sheet.
- {1 I/ N- J) b9 B  Part Two* x' P  x; s: ?2 _4 D
  Question 45* k8 l/ B2 o+ o, m3 `
  You are the manager of a TV and radio repair workshop. One of your employees has received the letter below about a faulty cassette player which he inspected. He has written his comments on the customer’s letter and asked you to write a reply.7 a( g& [$ ~4 z3 d9 `
  Write a letter of 100-120 words to the customer, using the employee’s comments and explaining why your company cannot repair the cassette player.
+ Y! R: W: G1 k0 G, K# j6 P0 G$ K  Do not include addresses.
* _1 ~5 i4 h) r  Write on your answer sheet.
5 P0 _* e+ a5 i$ w  Mr D. Mason
# Q. ~) y0 I! `1 ?6 O. \0 f! n  Radio World6 b: p. i/ ~3 S) {7 f
  6 Adelaide Park  g! i& N8 C; A
  London w6
2 V$ ^( q9 X3 z0 P& w- X3 U* z, {  Dear Mr Mason, t& ^4 F5 U1 E; z
  Re: repair of Tashita Cassette Player
  z' p/ O% J0 ?  You returned our cassette player to us on 5th September, after having it in your shop for over a month, (sorry! Technician off sick) saying that you could not repair the following faults:3 ]3 w& j- I0 V3 Y
  1. a problem with the volume control (needs replacing; part not available)
/ d; p: P% W/ C1 m( j" k. E, W+ _8 O  2. difficulty operating the on/off switch. (possible to replace but very expensive)
4 ~6 z/ p/ p) s2 p- t+ o  I was very surprised to hear this, because the equipment is not all that old.(manufactured in 1985)5 G; ~: C/ \4 s2 H4 V( D
  Therefore I would be grateful if you could explain in writing why the equipment is, in your opinion, beyond repair, so that I can discuss this matter with the manufacturers.(out of business since 1990)
- ^+ r0 l0 {* O% Y. C  Yours sincerely,
" X; t( g, S0 k2 z  Paul Johnson( U* q/ [+ A% \
  Exercise Five
: c0 M- w, u+ W+ H4 ~# G4 t  Part One* `# U1 e6 W8 _0 E) {
  Question 44
4 A  S0 Y6 a) C4 D. M  You are a manager in a company which manufactures office furniture. Next month you are going to London to discuss an important contract.
6 d2 {  J9 b7 r3 u$ _: L! N  Write a note of 30-40 words to your assistant:& L9 Y8 S' Z. _. z2 D
  1. saying when you want to leave and return
( U4 L5 L' \% b* Z: p# m* V2 o5 E  U+ O  2. asking him to book flights' V) t- K- o3 `$ E) @$ Q5 L% X
  3. telling him which hotel to book
" x  H: b" {) ]  d0 t; @0 G0 v  Part Two1 C( c: K; v# x5 x% K
  Question 45: _; N+ X( i8 e
  You recently attended a one-day training course on health and safety. You were disappointed with the course.
+ y/ B7 {2 F7 O2 c9 \; S: n% I  Read the advertisement below, which gives the details of the course. You have written some notes on the advertisement.
# |8 S9 B$ Y5 ^  Then using your handwritten notes, write a letter to the company, complaining about the course.9 A; T/ ]# s# G
  Do not include postal address.
( n& ]# a' }3 Y; L  Write 100-120 words.
: D) j& \) }  D' Z# _  Write on your answer sheet.
) t, p5 C+ O8 u) T5 F  m5 H  GBG Certification Services
# j2 k, ~6 b3 r+ b! ~  Good for business, good for you.' }) D3 [7 E1 |' U7 C. E
  Regardless of whether you are in a manufacturing or service industry, you are required by law to operate your business in a manner which is safe and healthy for your workforce. Our courses will help you provide a safe and legally sound working environment for your staff.& v" P# U9 z5 r% j" H7 N  I3 r
  Our one-day courses include:$ u3 g+ U4 Y. M- ^
  Experienced and highly-qualified trainers (trainer was sick --- replacement poor)- X/ ?+ ]! o- h1 s5 Z0 H( C
  High-quality information packs (pile of loose photocopies)& k3 B2 W" @/ e; f- ^
  Small groups (maximum 8 people) (not true)6 w2 _5 ?8 Q4 a' `4 ^: _
  Price includes lunch and refreshments (explain what was wrong with lunch)
4 w+ D/ a2 f1 \% M  All one-day courses run Monday – Friday from 9:30 – 17:00 (started late)+ P0 [+ W+ @# B& |7 m3 v" ]6 F
  For more information contact:
) n% r. Q0 Q9 t$ Z  Moira Geddings. ~% h( |9 q1 Q& ]3 Z5 q( _
  GBG House, T4 [  J2 F2 a/ ?* D  V- C' n% _4 f
  Summerfield Road
9 D8 @& a7 y/ V: W  Oxford OX8 4DN

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