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[BEC初级] 2011初级商务英语阅读指导二

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 买卖过招第一回 Buy and Sell* q3 S* s  j$ d2 N
  Dan Smith是一位美国的健身用品经销商,此次是Robert第一回与他交手。就在短短几分钟的交谈中,Robert即感到这位大汉粗犷的外表下,藏有狡黠如脱兔的心思--他肯定是名沙场老将,自己绝不可掉以轻心。双方第一回过招如下:
1 c( D) ]( }/ i0 y. V& d% b; L' j  英文正文
) t) ^6 T" L; G" B  Dan: I'd like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices.
- U6 i; ~& {! @9 k  Robert: Shoot. I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.5 A, g% _4 K$ t  p) }/ Y1 \
  Dan: Your products are very good. But I'm a little worried about the prices you're asking./ l( n* T, d- U* f4 |
  Robert: You think we should be asking for more?
0 ~3 P' V8 k4 y( k9 n3 C! m  Dan: That's not exactly what I had in mind. I know your research costs are high, but what I'd like is a 25% discount.
, W2 i, c, Q* J4 ~$ \; f$ Y+ N; w  Robert: That seems to be a little high, Mr. Smith. I don't know how we can make a profit with those numbers.+ d& F9 K$ r* Z8 }3 e2 Y9 R
  Dan: Please, Robert, call me Dan. Well, if we promise future business -- volume sales that will slash your costs for making the Exec-U-Ciser, right?: X+ R) q9 M$ _
  Robert: Yes, but it's hard to see how you can place such large orders. How could you turn over so many? We'd need a guarantee of future business, not just a promise.
$ a7 W2 {: {) l3 a  Dan: We said we wanted 1000 pieces over a six month period. What if we place orders for twelve months, with a guarantee?
9 X/ N) v# L% m8 P4 j1 \  Robert: If you can guarantee that on paper, I think we can discuss this further.
8 H( q, H3 G* x$ Z" j  中文翻译
5 t% y; ]& [, X9 J& ]+ b' M1 ?  D: 我想就从价钱方面开始谈吧!
; q* b0 i& U5 s7 j+ r  R: 洗耳恭听!我很乐意答复任何问题。% N5 e% ]& N2 h9 B( I# ^
  D: 贵公司的产品很出色;但你们开的价码,让我觉得有点困难。. V; D" N3 r( V" i( v
  R: 你是觉得我们应该把价钱开高一点啰?. X% ?3 }. w* A3 z( ?- ^6 s
  D: 我不是这个意思。我知道你们投入很高的开发费用,但是,我想要七五折。
! n& `3 s: ?! g  R: Smith先生,这个折扣似乎多了点。这样的价格,我们公司怎么能有利润可赚!
, v$ W, `$ v8 J7 S6 u5 C' `  D: Robert,请叫我Dan好了。这样吧!若我们答应以后继续合作,而且是大笔的生意,就可以使你们大幅降低‘健你乐’的制造成本,对不?- ^. N% ?6 V7 h: t  a3 W2 t0 J& h
  R: 嗯!不过,我看不出您怎能下这么大笔的订单?!贵公司如何销售这么多的货呢?我们要的可是保证,而不是随口答应就算数的哦!
' C6 b9 h# T  o  D: 我们本来说半年内订货1000件。如果现在我们保证一年内都会跟你们订货,你意下如何?
0 J0 J- o- P. F3 t0 H  R: 如果你们能以书面保证,我想我们可以再谈。
+ S1 }: n6 u2 n; L& @  短语解说5 g/ Y1 \( C, ^+ @' T3 W
  get the ball rolling 开始: n* U, ?! n5 B* o. ?- ~  f( F
  "get the ball rolling"字面意思是‘让球滚动’。此词组乃源自足球惯例:由一位球员开球,把球传给队友,借此展开一场比赛;因此这个‘让球滚动’的动作,就引申为‘开始某活动’。; \0 `5 ?; I9 C" u% U
  We can get the ball rolling on this deal by talking to the company's vice president.% m- }$ I) i$ t1 s# O  B/ d! s7 K
5 r* u% h3 J" Q$ v  shoot 有话直说;洗耳恭听3 A7 K" D" N( K
  "shoot",当动词有‘发射’的含意。在本文中为感叹语,作用是鼓励他人踊跃发言,意思是‘有话尽管说,我洗耳恭听’,为美式口语。; M& y, j( Z0 g" Z! k4 D# [
  If you think you have a better idea than this, shoot.' L' T& K% d: N
" c1 l7 d, ]: i  make a profit 赚钱;获利3 ~1 I5 T7 ^; y0 r9 W1 b
  ‘赚钱’这个词组的动词为 "make" -- 用法是 "make a profit"。请注意 "profit" 要加冠词 "a" ,或改为复数形 -- "make profits "来使用。: D! w0 }" a2 c4 c" ], q

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:43 | 显示全部楼层


I don't see how his company can make a profit; his marketing costs are much too high." f  L4 F% W2 M; B
  我不认为他的公司有办法赚到钱,他的行销成本太高了。$ C' G) \' B) H* |  b9 m
  volume sales 量贩销售、大笔交易  Y  Q! v# K% B/ w+ k; G
  "volume sales" 是指做生意时,购买的数量超过一定限度,就可以获得折扣或其它方面的优惠(因为理论上,大量生产的制造成本比较低。)
' |3 Y8 d- A5 l+ m! d- h  We only do business in volume sales, so we can offer lower prices than other companies.+ R. \6 k' D+ k" ]" l0 s* Q
  我们只作量贩的生意,所以才有办法把价格压得比别家公司低。  x$ X5 a7 j' D5 z6 D1 B# j  U4 g
  slash (one's) costs 大幅减低成本% I4 L, S; c/ D. C% u$ L2 f
  "slash" 原指‘砍下’,在此作‘删减’,通常是形容突然大幅度地减低价格或产量等。. _& c8 L$ U& j# C( j% \  d
  We've decided to slash our costs by making the products in Fukien instead of Taiwan.
: P2 Q/ R7 b# U  我们决定从台湾移师到福建来生产,以求大幅减低制造成本。- P& X9 z2 I. h) U+ N6 ~2 B5 b* j
  turn over 做....总额的生意;售磬
/ R" H0 k# D+ t1 U  "turn over" 字面的意思是‘翻转’。在商业上有特殊的涵义,指在一段期间内,将所进的货品售磬,或是做了总额多少的生意。名词仍为"turnover" 表示‘某期间的销售总额’。
% x: `% G5 @/ d+ ~4 R5 o  We need to turn over these summer fashions by August.- L, X5 }# `/ U
% y! Y0 N0 |# ?  句型总结
5 P; d' }$ G8 z- t) }  ●  欢迎发问
3 L5 r- i9 G+ o9 q" [* B  1. I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.9 C' }& b' Z0 H* v: i
  2. I'm ready to answer any questions you may have.6 m$ s9 ~1 R9 Z0 J) w* \( h
  3. I'm very willing to answer any questions you may have.
+ g5 Q6 j2 f- C  4. It would be my pleasure to answer any questions you may have.2 @! E# ^& [3 a0 k
  "I'd be happy to answer...",这个句型是鼓励对方发问,表示自己十分重视对方的反应,及乐于回答与作解释的诚意;有助于双向的沟通。 "would be happy to..."是‘乐意去…’, "would" 在此不是过去式助动词,而是表达一种客气的语调。"any questions you may have"中的 "may" 表示可能性,即‘有可能’的意思,而且 "may" 在此有缓和语气的作用。
0 W. u( B3 s4 }" e  ●  解释误会' E* }1 I( f( m8 D$ o8 v2 \) t- D
  1. That's not exactly what I had in mind.
- \1 ~' x$ F# c! h  2. That's not exactly what I was getting at.
, R4 G: y" V: Q0 f. m* t  3. That's not exactly what I was alluding to.9 Z7 I$ R5 ?8 a! s) g' \# x' S
  4. That's not exactly what I was thinking about.
8 h8 u/ o+ ?# s  当对方误解你的想法,你想要予以纠正时,实用的句型可用: "That's not exactly what I had in mind."‘我(心里/刚才所说的)并不是这个意思’。 "have (something) in mind"意思是‘心中想着(某件事)’"not exactly"则为‘不尽然,不完全是’,紧接这句话之后,你应即刻说明自己真正的意思。/ z* L/ F' |3 ~7 V8 f
  ●  提出条件
, L) c$ h, B3 |: u. _  1. If you can ....., I think we can discuss this further.
( ]9 f" }% W9 F% {5 ^  2. If you can ....., perhaps we can discuss this more.
( _; V+ @% \) b  o- s0 y8 J( s  3. If you can ....., maybe we can talk more about this.
1 ~, K5 W4 C( x7 r  h0 G# C  `9 z# J. @! W  4. If you can ....., we may be able to agree (to/on) what you're proposing.
( j( h3 P2 j; d' |) n, V7 E  谈判陷入僵局,你欲提出折衷办法来突破现况时,可使用"If you can..., I think we can discuss this further."这个句型。此条件句,以"if"子句引导特定的条件,而以主要子句"I think..."表达结果;主要用意是告诉对方:‘如果能同意此条件,或许彼此之间还能继续再谈。’主要子句采"I think...",而非"I promise...",在于强调‘可能…’,但不愿打包票;这也是一种谈判技巧。* Z/ s3 s/ k! H/ K2 [
  特别提示' J7 c, d( v8 A- u9 M+ L
  A. 利用‘称名’与‘道姓’,暗示彼此间的距离% y7 P: y, _0 k5 C. t
  在正式场合中当双方第一次会面,通常以Mr.或Ms.,即‘某先生、某小姐’称呼对方;但美加人士习惯直呼其名,以示亲近。例如文中,当Robert称对方Mr. Smith,且抱怨其杀价不合理时,Dan Smith马上请Robert叫他Dan就可以了;这就是刻意缩短彼此间的距离,表示"有话好商量"的讯号。
4 p) R+ e: k) Q6 s; `3 {( d' _! L) i) i  B. 强而不悍,才是真正的强人
2 b' K1 j/ r( Y/ ]  y( V  谈判时虽要坚持原则,但最好不要给人剽悍的印象,否则就算做成第一笔生意,第二次合作的机会也是渺茫。避免用第二人称"You"来指责对方,如文中Robert并不直说‘你要的折扣太多了!’,而说:"I don't know how we can make a profit with those numbers"(这样的价格我们怎么能赚钱?!);使得措辞较婉转、较无威胁性,对方听进耳里也较不刺耳,微妙地将指责转换为软性的抱怨。
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