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[BEC初级] 初级商务英语(BEC)实用谚语200句10

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
38.The crow thinks his own bird fairest.. _% v$ [' x1 [
  乌鸦总以为自己的雏鸟最美。. i! w4 Q# r2 [! d4 [1 u( V* J1 S2 _" G
  39.A crow is never the whiter for washing herself often.
9 B& Q4 a! @0 S3 w: J& ^& Q  乌鸦不管怎样经常洗澡,也不会变白。8 S. _: z9 |/ ~) M  t- |5 {
  40.Wheresoever the carcase is,there will the ravens be gathered together.4 g$ z; _8 S. _, c
3 {) `" }1 ]2 q6 M& f) J9 k" Q  41.One swallow does not make a summer.0 a/ {( @, C* P1 Z) G* S
2 M- Y. ?( F+ g& G  X" m  42.The snail slides up the tower at last though the swallow mounteth it sooner.
+ @, T6 H1 U' Y9 x  燕子一飞就上塔,蜗牛悄悄爬,最后也上塔。1 |% q1 M9 ?) y" k
  43.The cuckoo comes in April,and stays the month of May;sings a song at Midsummer,and then goes away.
8 D8 D* J/ R2 m! D  布谷鸟,四月来,五月一直在,仲夏唱支歌,然后就离开。$ J0 T& u4 Y% ]6 y) [; H
  44.If the sky falls,we shall catch larks.5 Y: k) @$ U5 l. U
  B2 t. }4 ^; h; y: d5 n  45.An owl is the king of the night.
8 n4 K) f; D: ^( q  猫头鹰是黑夜之王。) h# S2 @1 ?9 l0 o4 f3 q1 {+ `7 a
  46.When the owl sings,the nightingale will hold her peace.
+ y8 P/ ?8 V! d* m" d  枭鸟唱歌,夜莺屏息。
: s/ \1 I& n/ D, M- K  47.Cats hide their paws.  r5 E! W( ]' R5 l
  猫儿不露爪。5 B$ V$ `& Z* L6 \$ `
  48.A gloved cat catches no mice.' M4 Y. d4 N( W& f
3 Y- k$ L) A5 _  D: f' |  49.When the cat's away,the mice will play.
: c1 a! c* J3 c. u+ F) e6 ^  猫儿不在家,老鼠就玩耍;猫儿不在耗子闹。
& n: [' r- m4 F  50.Ale will make cat speak.  g5 x, q6 `# y( H) q% q' F0 @4 m& T

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