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[雅思写作] 雅思写作技巧:常见中心句4

发表于 2012-8-14 21:56:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  17) As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different views/positions/attitudes/stands(或peoples attitudes are quite opposite to each other.)。A   (e.g. As to whether birth of various associations on campus is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different stands.): n: Z$ m' j+ T6 `( h
+ m3 ^# b- p. _# C% d% \2 l8 [. @% R2 ~& n  例:可是至于校园出现各种社团是好事还是坏事,人们立场不一。
8 W  P8 F9 m" S- E5 c% g8 Y  18) Peoples views, however, are divergent on the matter in question. A+ `8 f1 i8 r( _4 |# c
  或:People are divided in opinion/outlook/view on the matter in question. A' T4 X( O  V0 L- [$ F9 _
  (e.g. Peoples views, however, are divergent on the newborn thing.)+ T7 p  B5 P" k2 x. C9 Q
  然而人们讨论这一问题的看法互有分歧。或:人们对此问题的观点不一。- s+ p* k% m# i" l
  例:但是,人们对新生事物的看法有分歧。1 A/ n5 h; e3 o2 j4 C+ n
  19) People respond/react to…in the manners/ways opposite to each other.
4 ]& O6 [0 ~/ X  e, _2 |  A(e.g. People respond to the stress in the manners opposite to each other.)% J) u- ?) Q! H
- o4 O. M. i0 U- {  例:人们对压力的反应方式互不相同。9 Y. N# c2 f/ ~# T. y
  20) Although people arrive at/reach/achieve the common understanding of sth., their views/ideas about its influence/future/impact (on our life) are at opposite poles. A1 ~/ Y- y7 j  f, v" E
  (e.g. Although people have arrived at the common understanding of Chinas achievement, their views about her future are at opposite poles.)9 F$ x8 f  `* Z" l( m; x' n7 P/ ^
  尽管人们对某事达成了共识,但他们关于其影响/未来/对我们生活的影响看法不一。8 A0 ~5 l3 x$ u

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