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[历年真题] 托福阅读历年真题精选19

发表于 2012-8-14 22:34:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Because the low latitudes of the Earth, the areas near the equator, receive more heat
9 p7 A8 j- N5 |3 J+ h0 m3 ?Than the latitudes near the poles, and because the nature of heat is to expand and move,
' r7 V# C6 q9 B/ GHeat is transported from the tropics to the middle and high latitudes. Some of this heat is
7 m, t- O2 {+ d+ z# hLine Moved by winds and some by ocean currents, and some gets stored in the atmosphere in
) b* h0 {- a+ A2 {  H9 X; e& u3 V9 H(5)  the form of latent heat. The term “latent heat” refers to the energy that has to be used to . y1 o9 ]" i- w
Convert liquid water to water vapor. We know that if we warm a pan of water on a stove,7 K$ B3 v3 ]+ C8 n/ S
it will evaporate, or turn into vapor, faster than if it is allowed to sit at room temperature. 1 N5 J$ H# m9 ~. w: F* \
We also know that if we hang wet clothes outside in the summertime they will dry faster 0 p# B3 q' i6 ^4 N7 h) `
than in winter, when temperatures are colder. The energy used in both cases to change ( l3 h3 r# q$ E9 u8 ]
(10)  liquid water to water vapor is supplied by heat—supplied by the stove in the first case
8 C9 y8 y- C. C; E& A" ^and by the Sun in the latter case. This energy is not lost. It is stored in water vapor in the
4 O3 U; m$ y; p; l  [2 ?atmosphere as latent heat. Eventually, the water stored as vapor in the atmosphere will
5 h' H% r3 v, y& o2 U! fcondense to liquid again, and the energy will be released to the atmosphere.2 l! G* o6 a9 E" f& _4 A8 U
       In the atmosphere, a large portion of the Sun’s incoming energy is used to evaporate
2 K* E% ^) \; O4 F& k(15)  Water, primarily in the tropical oceans. Scientists have tried to quantify this proportion
7 G# j  u: R( k- ], ^; ^; e& [* @of the Sun’s energy. By analyzing temperature, water vapor, and wind data around the
3 c) e& m' G. t2 @( Iglobe, they have estimated the quantity to be about 90 watts per square meter, or nearly # Q# {9 I& W3 t9 P3 \
30 percent of the Sun’s energy. Once this latent heat is stored within the atmosphere, it
  G6 C. w6 X1 Z! Dcan be transported, primarily to higher latitudes, by prevailing, large-scale winds. Or it 0 W) Y, R) d5 i) r) u# N
(20)  can be transported vertically to higher levels in the atmosphere, where it forms clouds
1 K* e0 H( p/ ?  k8 B! T6 \, yand subsequent storms, which then release the energy back to the atmosphere.% ]7 W# e( L: L3 b0 y' m* E, d# \
31. The passage mainly discusses how heat
& ]# g7 P+ I8 M! Y; ?& Q7 ^is transformed and transported in the Earth’s atmosphere
( P  |2 M' V0 C- @is transported by ocean currents: a$ O7 q4 U5 x7 y' v. F" }
can be measured and analyzed by scientists9 G; W; g" l6 T- E
moves about the Earth’s equator
; H4 w& Q! U: s0 Q& q9 r32. The passage mentions that the tropics differ from the Earth’s polar regions in which of the following ways?
3 m* N/ r0 ^8 }: f6 zThe height of cloud formation in the atmosphere* p$ y9 v& H9 U2 d! _! G
The amount of heat they receive from the Sun
/ {, [( l  Q/ w/ b- q. O. O! vThe strength of their largescale winds.; h  E+ e& i$ e/ x# ]$ f) o" Z
The strength of their oceanic currents
2 z- q# V: p' D4 n- s33. The word “convert” line 6 is closest in meaning to
3 u  g" f5 W, `. s- nmix& ?  k* p2 N6 Q5 [! X, d3 J& l
& ~9 N1 t9 E( dadapt
1 q' m$ X9 ]: H! H( Freduce8 s. ?0 j  B! k

# L; i+ I1 @' I0 O  D# j. E% O34. Why does the author mention “the stove” in line 10?
' z8 z6 B) K0 [  A+ x4 b( yTo describe the heat of the Sun6 J( V' H( t9 f# W6 \/ M) k( {
To illustrate how water vapor is stored' @$ I" {. e' l
To show how energy is stored6 U2 ?) P# x# `8 w* t8 M" G9 |6 l
To give an example of a heat source

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 22:34:36 | 显示全部楼层


35. According to the passage, most ocean water evaporation occurs especially </p>around the higher latitudes) Z" ^0 y- r0 \/ t+ ]; d6 @: @
in the tropics
; v$ E7 I* e8 b7 Ubecause of large-scale winds
1 x; r! `# `+ J/ K! `0 y" `4 S' V. ^because of strong ocean currents
; ]; v5 M5 m% w2 \/ o7 y36. According to the passage, 30 percent of the Sun’s incoming energy/ c6 b" S( ^- u: N" ]! }
is stored in clouds in the lower latitudes0 {0 A. B) a' G( K7 E# X
is transported by ocean currents
) O0 O+ C& G6 b( n, Ynever leaves the upper atmosphere
0 a" G0 M+ P- C" H# X- ]" [, m% Vgets stored as latent heat. ^" w: y6 r9 I3 n6 j8 b
6 Q3 k& p7 S2 S8 Y9 k
37. The word “it” in line 18 refers to ( ~( g( c, `1 |
square meter' A0 S2 ]1 G+ b
the Sun’s energy/ F4 ?& {2 f# u: y: d, z
latent heat
8 C8 _4 }6 @  k$ e3 U4 f5 d$ Bthe atmosphere
# ]1 F; A, D  }" ~; i
- r4 R& ], l& l% `4 L9 M38. The word “primarily” in line 19 is closest in meaning to
( u! ^4 o/ P+ S) cchiefly
* ?4 ^5 |* }5 a- }originally
- D9 s% n( r) w# L/ r8 c9 r/ Abasically
9 Q! O" S8 b8 ]& [3 Rclearly
  x. U. Y4 j- T$ Q, T  q3 t / U/ P, V% I& {$ B; g! X
39. The word “prevailing” in line 19 is closest in meaning to
- p: s5 ]& e8 {, j0 kessential
, t3 Z, k+ Z$ K, A" Odominant
  i/ |* ~. b0 H& w0 scircular
! h# |: d  R  r6 iclosest; n3 ^) V+ }6 G. s" S5 U# e

7 Z: L9 I& I4 A( g: p40. All of the following words are defined in the passage EXCEPT' f2 s- B, R+ G
low latitudes (line1)% ^$ `" o: ?* j* A* V0 v# i
latent heat (line5)" ?& `3 x9 o: `
evaporate (line7)! R- U( A7 B3 M* c, v
atmosphere (line140)
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