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[历年真题] 托福阅读历年真题精选23

发表于 2012-8-14 22:34:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Newspaper publishers in the United States have long been enthusiastic users  ! K" C6 N+ U1 [& f6 q3 G  z
and distributors of weather maps. Although some newspapers that had carried the  . @9 _0 e( w8 Q8 f7 [  E
United States Weather Bureau's national weather map in 1912 dropped it once the  - f5 [2 N  X2 b  x
novelty had passed, many continued to print the daily weather chart provided by  
5 P7 G* E  g, W) H(5) their local forecasting office. In the 1930's, when interest in aviation and progress in  
' B( a- r: \* A: D7 `& bair-mass analysis made weather patterns more newsworthy, additional newspapers  / u- e! S2 x& u' {/ W' l
started or resumed the daily weather map. In 1935, The Associated Press (AP) news
! I; [% O2 r2 }9 S/ t& K8 hservice inaugurated its WirePhoto network and offered subscribing newspapers  
9 ?9 q6 S& J& w. s5 Y& P& s+ x' nmorning and afternoon weather maps redrafted by the AP's Washington, B.C., office  
) |7 z% p5 @' Y) H' }0 {# U: H(10)from charts provided by the government agency. Another news service, United Press   International (UPI), developed a competing photowire network and also provided  ! @0 U6 Z% r. L( |0 x0 m0 a8 N+ m# D
timely weather maps for both morning and afternoon newspapers. After the United  $ a9 C; p& a) o+ L# |: A
States government launched a series of weather satellites in 1966, both the AP and  6 p" h) K: \* ~( b# @, ]5 g
UPI offered cloud-cover photos obtained from the Weather Bureau.  
" ^5 U# {$ D$ z2 H9 L3 g(15) In the late 1970's and early 1980's, the weather map became an essential  , @5 F. [; L+ s, t; u
ingredient in the redesign of the American newspaper. News publishers, threatened  7 T( ~& Y7 d' w" g/ p
by increased competition from television for readers' attention, sought to package  
/ y+ Y1 Z' f3 T/ |the news more conveniently and attractively. In 1982, many publishers felt  ; y3 J; G" y) k( y$ d. |
threatened by the new USA Today, a national daily newspaper that used a page-wide,
  l5 N2 ]4 r+ ]' \6 ?5 ^# n(20)full-color weather map as its key design element. That the weather map in USA  / C3 F% f6 N" _! H% D* D# r2 e
    21 Today did not include information about weather fronts and pressures attests to the  
. d( i* \7 |" S2 l* A5 Hlargely symbolic role it played. Nonetheless, competing local and metropolitan  
! J2 w- r9 G6 ]- P9 `  p  i  Gnewspapers responded in a variety of ways. Most substituted full-color temperature  
3 X7 X# w1 ~" W- Ymaps for the standard weather maps, while others dropped the comparatively drab - x, S4 A0 J  {; a9 L/ U
(25)satellite photos or added regional forecast maps with pictorial symbols to indicate  ! C. @4 Q; j4 {- `/ L" ]  K: B
rainy, snowy, cloudy, or clear conditions. A few newspapers, notably The New York  
; @9 I- ?8 z0 G; l+ eTimes, adopted a highly informative yet less visually prominent weather map that  
. M: Q/ @8 x  u& ~was specially designed to explain an important recent or imminent weather event.  
: `6 ?6 E4 N. g$ j7 u: k# PIronically, a newspaper's richest, most instructive weather maps often are & o5 B+ W. J: v; s  t# W; R& _7 I
(30)comparatively small and inconspicuous.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 22:34:36 | 显示全部楼层


10.  What does the passage mainly discuss? </p>(A) The differences between government and newspaper weather forecasting in the United States.
" n5 h6 T2 K# C: |* s! b. Z9 ?2 `(B) The history of publishing weather maps in United States newspapers $ S6 L$ v2 \  y
(C) A comparison of regional and national weather reporting in the United States.
" W: a! x2 }% L4 w! T- n/ h(D) Information that forms the basis for weather forecasting in the United States  
; D% ]9 w& P4 B9 Z
& W# W" ^7 Q" {5 u11. The word "resumed" in line 7 is closest in meaning to
6 X. f" F3 x$ t; B/ t# T2 f(A) began again
8 ~5 P, u' h  e7 _7 g8 t% P(B) held back
0 \' z  f: G1 c& P5 B' P2 d(C) thought over
' ^+ L* H+ C* E: ?8 j& {(D) referred to
" J+ F& ]0 X0 s$ G) Q) N / P5 ?9 ^. x! ]. T
12.  According to the passage, one important reason why newspapers printed daily weather maps during the first half of the twentieth century was
/ g) o4 x: K9 a+ y% r, a- S(A) the progress in printing technology
2 T& x2 n3 H3 l% W(B) a growing interest in air transportation
1 [" z. R! N& Z. I6 C; [$ g(C) a change in atmospheric conditions ) \7 J0 h6 M3 M5 z: @8 ^; f$ v+ B
(D) the improvement of weather forecasting techniques
5 K0 t  `; ~8 b- p- d. l
$ O) W5 J+ e: n5 Q# N8 n$ r3 o; Y! w13.  What regular service did The Associated Press and United Press International begin to offer subscribing newspapers in the 1930's?
, l' U( r9 J! X  b( R(A) A new system of weather forecasting
" r# }4 _: `8 v# w1 ?4 S4 i& ?(B) An air-mass analysis
' u+ ^6 X; S( {(C) Twice daily weather maps / p3 T# m' c: B" {; F
(D) Cloud-cover photographs   `" z* g3 d. O; A
14.  The phrase "attests to" in line 21 is closest in meaning to 2 s6 {* F2 N1 z5 y
(A) makes up for
4 D/ g2 s5 L$ V4 j(B) combines with ( U$ H5 v+ {6 a, f& \/ B+ H
(C) interferes with
* J- V5 g) c6 _. u(D) gives evidence of
6 q- q' o" l/ O7 _9 h( b 15.  The word "others" in line 24 refers to
5 b0 v3 d) ^! Y# X* J3 x(A) newspapers
) n: y3 I3 p, `) ?$ d(B) ways
% p" \7 U; p6 `* T& X' w3 B5 l3 y7 e(C) temperature maps: \1 Y; {' _5 P- s4 U  y" s
(D) weather maps + x, s- ]7 z6 S! y; k
16.  The word "drab" in line 24 is closest in meaning to   B( d3 E& ^: J+ x  o* ?; f& q+ Q
(A) precise* n0 I. ?5 A2 X- J
(B) poor , i4 N8 d( Z# M5 d9 n! Z
(C) simple; T7 v4 W7 j4 C1 V
(D) dull
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 22:34:37 | 显示全部楼层


17.  In contrast to the weather maps of USA Today, weather maps in The New York Times tended to be </p>(A) printed in foil color8 Q3 s2 }" n& W& p
(B) included for symbolic reasons 9 \0 [/ _6 K: G+ l  a% R6 i, T
(C) easily understood by the readers
' a: b+ A5 h. a" Q3 z. v(D) filled with detailed information  
+ R& C7 x$ _0 A, w; h 6 z9 [) `' ~9 ?0 K' [; r& T2 y6 o
18.  The word "prominent" in line 27 is closest in meaning to
, I9 B4 D( E0 `' E  w! k/ |/ }+ c7 l# @(A) complex; u" d  h' b/ J" f3 n
(B) noticeable
5 k1 U* d; N- t" z3 ^+ t! d(C) appealing
3 R+ w* N3 ^; j! b- E0 b(D) perfect 4 u: e2 Q  h. K- V# T. Y9 s
( x/ a! O/ y$ O/ ]' u
19.  The author uses the term "Ironically" in line 29 to indicate that a weather map's - `* A8 }" x6 b) o+ i" b  x1 ]5 G
6 h1 j- T8 |0 j(A) is not important to newspaper publishers 1 u3 x1 v  \( S% @( p
(B) does not always indicate how much information it provides
0 J& x) B* o" _' t$ R6 D1 D(C) reflects how informative a newspaper can be
4 f& L  _8 c* g(D) often can improve newspaper sales
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