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[托福词汇] TWE常见疑难词汇纠错实例分析(下)

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
# |3 o5 ]" q( `& BF:He rose his hand before asking a question.
# c; }" Q' k' P7 f6 ST:He raised his hand before asking a question, (past tense)
& l  ^7 S6 D% I# M/ `F:Having finished lunch, he raised from the table. 5 t1 e. O: Z9 ~! I
T:Having finished lunch, he rose from the table, (past tense)
7 F$ r/ g% f( vF:The sun is raising high in the sky.
1 z& @$ z( @0 j0 M& iT:The sun is rising high in the sky. (present participle)
! W" ^- M( R- n# u# i0 QF:Some questions were risen about taxes.
$ R: ~- ^+ }7 w% q6 VT:Some questions were raised about taxes, (past participle) 7 D# t  B# T+ i, C% @% ]$ {- E' R6 U
F:My grandfather raises early every morning. + s( l3 x4 a+ k1 Z% j$ e8 X( z
T:My grandfather rises early every morning, (present tense) * B5 t: r7 M: B/ E7 L
F:Private income has raised steadily for the past decade.
- _6 O+ a: W4 ?& x( E7 |T:Private income has risen steadily for the past decade. (past participle). 2 o9 D% t, `7 O; Z  k" x6 u: h" v/ k
41.reason...because为误用,应说reason...that。 ( x$ B" e. ]' _
F:The reason he makes poor grades is because he never studies. 3 S4 f* s# M* H) t& ?5 k0 t# |# K
T:The reason he makes poor grades is that he never studies.
1 J# |/ Z. d; l6 R. D$ S. xF:My reason for using a typewriter is because my handwriting is poor. + S# p8 e: Z/ l6 H* H2 b* s6 F  t
T:My reason for using a typewriter is that my handwriting is poor. 1 Q' t* }6 G( F, P
42.seldom ever,seldom or ever为误用,应说seldom if ever或hardly ever. 5 L- [  U# h) f7 Z9 b; @$ z
F:Tigers seldom ever eat human beings. & x/ t1 {( X0 \/ X" S0 {, {$ H
T:Tigers seldom if ever (or hardly ever) eat human beings.
- r8 \) }0 q$ d4 x5 V43.some,somewhat.Some是形容词;some what是副词。
) `7 U' t) ]' u/ E" MF:Students find that mathematical concept some difficult. 3 Q! v* Y- M8 g8 J! c- F
T:Students find that mathematical concept somewhat diffi-cult.   H9 g8 m  _0 I( B% ^+ r
F:Mis shirt looks some dirty.
- h, T* j8 p0 h! Y; NT:His shirt looks somewhat dirty. * Z- ]3 @; d2 t2 U3 ^- t+ V5 f( L
44.sit,set.sit不跟宾语;set跟宾语。 + Y2 p% g) }! ^3 a
F:.The old man is setting on the porch.
' Z' O3 {. l2 J* s# dT:The old man is sitting on the porch, (present participle)
2 V+ }' M' I! C# X& B- b% ^7 nF:The woman sat the groceries on the table. * R; [) k' `0 p$ j# I. o
T:The woman set the groceries on the table, (past tense)
8 Y$ D# x; n/ c- {( B. i& U+ pF:Exhausted, the hiker set down to rest.
) }1 m7 v" y+ G8 B8 JT:Exhausted, the hiker sat down to rest, (past tense) - U6 I& i" D, U9 i; U3 w4 l- i7 F* h2 E
F:Please set here if you‘re tired.
+ @& Z! V- ^+ j% M  D) mT:Please sit here if youVe tired, (present tense)
( p, {) U7 X% K! D% U45.so that 指目的,不能省略that。 ! C* j2 V0 S3 e% a2 m
F:He came here so he could study English. 6 z& A+ o7 |0 a4 f/ c
T:He came here so that he could study English. " k+ e; I0 i. k" [
F:The spider spins a web so it can catch insects. & e; q% b' Z% S5 h5 e6 p
T:The spider spins a web so that it can catch insects,
1 \' B  g$ F) g  X) ~! A1 G46.such,so.避免用这两个词代替very. 7 P5 {0 J' w. p4 H2 l2 Y6 p& V
F:Taxes are so high today. ! H& j2 |# ^! N/ r3 j$ s/ g7 h
T:Taxes are very high today.
8 H# |, M/ S. Y; d. EOR
. F& q9 h1 z1 e  }F:Taxes are so high today that some people try to cheat on their tax returns. ! m# |- L/ \5 ~  P0 f$ g( I- \: y
F:Professor Davis is such a good lecturer. ; n; Y9 N& |8 Q$ ^7 |
T:Professor Davis is a very good lecturer.
1 Y6 b" {$ Y: y% v$ qOR
( ?/ s0 _  J* e4 f; v! XProfessor Davis is such a good lecturer that students enjoy being in his class.
8 M, _) I) T; c- B. q5 U47.sure和try后面不跟and。
5 Q( |7 b' g3 M$ cF:You should try and write legibly.
2 D6 R* ~1 n% w: BT:You should try to write legibly.
0 o2 r2 p+ L' `7 G# U1 U8 N# _9 {F:I am going to try and get some sleep tonight. : _  _7 }/ N; l- B4 ~
T:I am going to try to get some sleep tonight. 5 ?: S* v( k' P0 e2 t8 U) B
F:Be sure and bring a pencil to class tomorrow.
$ P8 X) o4 {0 o! h* m  ^T:Be sure to bring a pencil to class tomorrow. ( P! G9 }. P* R4 y
& I6 J* ?8 U' ?7 x8 ^% H; KF:My objection to smoking is it is dangerous to health. ( w* H4 U7 R* e' u
T:My objection to smoking is that it is dangerous to health. F:Everyone knows Greenland is an island and it is located to the north.
9 C! ^4 I4 o1 L7 K% p: iT:Everyone knows that Greenland is an island and that it is located to the north. % H9 m! @3 a. p! N6 t/ O
  q1 S/ ~. [# ]$ J5 Z% s) a8 y5 xF:I am interested in they‘re habits. & G* X5 X- ]* \3 |
T:I am interested in their habits. . K# I" b+ _: y( \- R+ i! Z
F:Their coming later this afternoon. : O8 E4 o: e& p& h; J( i
T:They‘re coming later this afternoon.
, G6 Q/ W9 W# P, m3 M, s, W7 LF:They‘re coming surprised us. 4 {4 S" a: Z+ ?2 W! U) L
T:Their coming surprised us. ' o1 x# L- e* @/ Y2 C
F:They‘re several ways to use the word correctly. " K, k* d" Q9 m/ R
T:There are several ways to use the word correctly.
1 c7 J& R0 J: G+ z8 {' d' N50.too,enough.Too意为to an excessive degree.Enough意为 adequate or sufficient for the purpose desired. ( N0 y" f2 n1 m3 j
F:Your brother is too old to know better.
8 T" X( v2 w% d$ z- U/ \T:Your brother is old enough to know better.
" W5 S5 D8 Q5 ^- [9 ~F:The window was dirty enough to see through. , x7 P  C: z: B% E) R9 N( g
T:The window was too dirty to see through.
2 _7 U8 z8 r* x4 o$ ]F:I am too sick to miss class.
+ k! j: e& q/ Q! L: B1 N- qT:I am sick enough to miss class.
+ R; |4 a+ z) _F:John is too clever to solve the problem. T:John is clever enough to soive the problem.
0 l4 U* p+ s( ^5 `51.used to, supposed to.不能省略 d。 ; Z; ^7 v5 a4 A, i
F:I use to enjoy gardening.
. V2 k4 ~; |2 y1 X7 ~; q7 qT:I used to enjoy gardening. 0 \  [: [  h0 m. h3 J# [
F:My uncle has trouble breathing: he isn‘t suppose to smoke.
3 m: |3 S, X% x$ m! ?T:My uncle has trouble breathing: he isn‘t supposed to smoke, ' t3 v1 [+ G- X
) d/ `9 C2 H% p7 hF:This book is .very old to use anymore. 8 ~; ]; f- N. M
T:This book is too old to use anymore. : _" M$ `& F( h6 Y# x% Z; m
F:The weather is very cold to go swimming.   ?( O5 _  D4 b/ f! h# ]7 P+ C* \
T:The weather is too cold to go swimming.
! a0 Z' f. J) Q/ V. E  LF:The actor is very nervous to go on stage.
, b; O8 H% |, n* z8 S+ ET:The actor is too nervous to go on stage.
7 h) b9 @1 g5 S8 [+ W+ I/ v53.wait on意为serve, 不要与 wait for混淆。 & [6 ]. m5 J, M! Q  N
F:My friend was late; I had to wait on him for half an hour.
4 F- ?( a" |( fT:My friend was late; 1 had to wait for him for half an hour.
' p- B5 c( J; z+ C6 uF:Good clerks are happy to wait for their customers.
( f  g3 M( c8 U, u* Q/ AT:Good clerks are happy to wait on their customers. * V% Z5 T+ J' A3 d% E% C4 W
54.want 后面不跟名词从句,而跟不定式。
) y9 _) O* R* HF:She wants that she can pass the test. + o5 j' S, Z6 \. P$ u8 o4 O
T:She wants to pass the test. 1 y. t2 h6 ?  O" ]0 H7 ?
F:My father wants that I do well in school. # r5 _4 p* H/ ?0 l
T:My father wants me to do well in school.
3 ]# }; C) ?9 e* m55.where 指地点,避免where用作that的同义词。
$ V9 b& \" R; s) z! `F: I read in the newspaper where crime is on the increase.
$ O5 ]* Y+ F) q. J6 k+ I; OT: I read in the newspaper that crime is on the increase. $ f% W- Y: b0 P! L2 C
F: Have you noticed where people are smoking less than they used to?
7 c( k6 @$ D" \. V$ ST:Have you noticed that people are smoking less than they used to?
6 F. o* r( u5 T8 b4 h* V" t# y56.which 是关系代词, 指物, 从不指人。 5 O: q1 p# `. [2 _
F:The person with which I had the argument was the chair-man.
7 @# I# K, D% p6 o9 W+ N1 i. D, XT:The person with whom I had the argument was the chair-man.
& h2 G/ V- I$ bF:The scientist which invented the electric light was Thomas Edison.
+ p; k6 u' ~( [. `/ s- gT:The scientist who invented the electric light was Thomas Edison. 6 Z# i$ q4 }4 D. C$ J
F:I was annoyed by the salesman which came to my door.
0 \, y& p7 k3 J: I2 A5 kT:I was annoyed by the salesman who came to my door. 5 A1 K* U( u* c1 }" t/ t
9 y8 o% t' ~# _3 z4 @F:While my family is not rich, we have many advan-tages. - X9 o* t0 ]. b; Y% r
T:Although my family is not rich, we have many advantages.
1 L8 n5 u5 c4 cF:While I was not busy, I couldn‘t help him.
  k$ O9 P8 I* m! ^. ST:Although I was not busy, I couldn‘t help him. 0 _; @* [5 J: l# e. \! w; ]
F:While teaching seems like a good profession. I would prefer to be a lawyer.
+ F) Z  k/ c  S4 C- yT:Although teaching seems like a good profession, I would prefer to be a lawyer.
& l9 `. A: d: Y- v: }) t58.who,whom.Who是代词主格,whom是代词宾格。 $ |; x: w0 A9 G9 p" |+ X
F:Who did you speak to about your problem?
* f; U  c5 d& y) w' hT:Whom did you speak to about your problem? (Whom is the object of the preposition to.) 2 w7 ?( |* Z- n/ N% ~4 F& @7 E
F:Whom did you say ruled the country at that time?
. k2 v9 g+ Y, i5 m  ST:Who did you say ruled the country at that time? (Who is the subject of the verb ruled.)
2 R3 \0 Z% Q3 [0 Z" W4 ?# jF:John Kennedy was a man who many people admired. ) G, X/ U' @# h2 j
T:John Kennedy was a man whom many people admired.(Whom is the object of the verb admired.) ' r9 F4 _$ t& C1 Y
59.who‘s,whose.Who‘s意为who is;Whose则表示所属。 6 P# k3 ~/ N! Q- T% @, j" E
F:The counselor was the person who‘s advice I took. 6 F- t. I" E. N  y
T:The counselor was the person whose advice I took.
; I7 N% v! w; [4 K8 v; M/ g5 wF:Do you remember whose in charge of preparing the menu? 6 P) R8 n3 Q5 H5 b; a, h, \! |
T:Do you remember who‘s in charge of preparing the menu? 8 N7 p2 g' b) H5 a
60.would尽管此词是will的过去式,但常常用来表示现在发生的动作,同时也经常在主要为过去式的名词从句中。 ; g8 u( Q2 @! S. M2 d  B& _
F:Will you like a cup of coffee now?
1 L% j; _4 \7 ^4 IT:Would you like a cup of coffee now? " w/ b1 M' [+ T; E
F:I have never met your parents, but I will like to know them.
0 ^3 S0 x, I( u; V* M  T- s( [T:I have never met your parents, but I would like to know them.
! B1 t+ C/ f- _; T0 pF:My boss told me that he will increase my salasy next year.
4 q, Q& ]- {. ~7 X( X: z5 YT:My boss told me that he would increase my salary next year.
1 Y! |) N6 T3 K' i4 S  PF:We heard on the radio that it will rain tomorrow. T:We heard on the radio that it would rain tomorrow.

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