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[托福听力] 托福OG:ListeningPractice2中文参考译文

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
听写有助于练习听力,翻译有助于练习阅读和写作。最近翻译了几篇托福官方指南的听力文本,供大家参考。7 M- J4 [% A4 U0 U5 d7 ~3 P
        托福OG – Listening Practice 2 中文参考译文: T+ z% b5 y# W- c' s$ D. o4 q
        (新托福官方指南第二版 163页, 第三版 149页
9 s, b" i; i, s* F- S        OK. Another ancient Greek philosopher we need to discuss is Aristotle—Aristotle's ethical theory. What Aristotle’s ethical theory is all about is this—he's trying to show you how to be happy, what true happiness is.
- K; g# ^  G& j& ~5 d! a        另外一个需要我们讨论的古希腊哲学家是Aristotle-Aristotle的道德理论。Aristotle的道德理论主要告诉我们怎样变得幸福,什么是真正的幸福。2 ]: J$ z( j/ O) v' s( `
        Now why is he interested in human happiness? It's not just because all people want or aim for. It's more than that. But to get there, we need to first make a very important distinction. Let me introduce a couple of technical terms: extrinsic value and intrinsic value.; `* M/ `9 w$ D' H/ w6 N& x
        为什么他对人类的幸福感兴趣?不仅仅是因为人们以此为愿望或目标。远非如此。但是为了理解这个理论,我们首先得做个重要的区分。我来介绍几个术语:外在价值与内在价值。. p. q5 ~$ @! m3 F7 |
        To understand Aristotle’s interest in happiness, you need to understand this distinction.
- ~( }6 G7 x7 N" m        要了解Aristotle对人类幸福的兴趣,你需要理解这个区别。
( z# M8 {1 W2 |1 Z        Some things we aim for and value, not for themselves but for what they bring about in addition to themselves. If I value something is a means to something else, then it has what we will call “extrinsic value”. Other things we desire and hold to be valuable for themselves alone. If we value something not as a means to something else but for its own sake, let us say that it has “intrinsic value”.
& }0 N9 P( n* o, F7 g& ]        一些我们向往和看重的东西其实并不是它们本身,而是它们带来的附属品。如果我看重一件事只是把它作为达成另一件事的方式,这就叫“外在价值”。其他我们渴望和认为有价值的东西就是它们本身。如果我们看重一件事但是不把它作为达成另一件事的方式,而是它本身的缘故,这就叫“内在价值”。
0 h* q3 ~3 ~# Q; V8 N4 Q+ ?) y, {        Exercise. There may be some people value exercise for itself, but I don't. I value exercise because if I exercise, I tend to stay healthier than I would if I didn't. So I desire to engage an exercise and I value exercise extrinsically, not for its own, sake but as a means to something beyond it. It brings me good health.' Q5 A6 }5 I$ \. P- S/ Q9 p" b
        比如说运动。确实有一些人看重运动本身的价值,但我不是。我看重运动是因为如果我运动,我可以比我不运动时更健康。所以我运动,是因为我看重它的外在价值,而不是它本身,是把它作为达成另一目的一种方式。它给我带来健康。( W! ~% T& e. \7 |7 {
        Health—why do I value good health? Well, here is got a little more complicated for me. Uh, health is important for me because I can't do other things I want to do—play music, teach philosophy— if I'm ill. So health is important to me, has value to me, as a means to a productive life. But health is also important to me because I just kind of like to be healthy. It feels good. It's pleasant to be healthy, unpleasant not to be. So to some degree, I value health both for itself and as a means to something else—productivity. It's got extrinsic and intrinsic value for me.: Y, ~$ p9 |8 u- e
3 H. k& Q% O' k! g9 p4 o- f# R  x& K: d$ H3 i$ v! Z- `
        Then there are some things that just are valued for themselves. I'm a musician, not a professional musician. I just play a musical instrument for fun. Why do I value playing music? Well, like most amateur musicians, I only play because well, I just enjoy it. It's something that's an end in itself.

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</p>        还有一些自身就有价值的事。我是一个音乐热、人,但不专业。只是玩乐器找乐。为什么我喜欢玩音乐?就像大多的业余音乐人,我只是,很享受。最终的目的就是它本身。
0 H& {3 i7 _$ X2 c4 d        Now, something else I value is teaching. Why? Well, it brings me a modest income but I can make more money doing other things. I do it even if they didn't pay me I just enjoy teaching. In that sense it is an end to itself. But teaching is not something that has intrinsic value for all people. And that's true generally. Most things that are enjoyed in and of themselves vary from person to person. Some people value teaching intrinsically but others don't.5 x9 z6 w2 o; s3 f
9 e9 `) r+ c2 ~% A        So how does all this relate to human happiness? Well, Aristotle asks, is there something that all human beings value and value only intrinsically for its only sake and only for its own sake. If you could find such a thing, that would be the universal final good or truly the ultimate purpose or goal for all human beings. Aristotle thought the answer was yes. What is it? Happiness. Everyone will agree, he argues, that happiness is the ultimate end to be valued for itself and really only for itself. For what other purpose is there in being happy? What does it yield? The attainment of happiness became the ultimate or highest good for Aristotle.& x3 p) e' K  r2 o6 [
        这些和人类的幸福有什么关系呢?Aristotle问过,有没有什么事是因为它本身,让全人类都喜欢,并且仅仅从其内在角度上喜欢。如果你可以找到这样的事,它绝对是普世的终极大善,或是全人类最后的目标。Aristotle认为确有此物:那就是幸福。他说,每个人都认为幸福的确是人们追寻的最后目标,并且追寻的就是它本身。幸福还有什么其他的目的呢?它有什么用途呢?成就幸福即成为Aristotle的终极或最高大善。# J6 t/ M/ L$ [; t2 [
        The next question that Aristotle raises is: what is happiness? We all want it; we all desire it; we all seek it. It's the goal we have in life, but what is it? How do we find it? Here he notes with some frustration, people disagree.* x, n, z7 D" G/ r1 u9 {# [1 t( V% c* t4 O
        另外一个Aristotle提出的问题是:什么是幸福?我们都需要它,我们都渴望它,都找寻它。它是我们人生的目标,但它到底是什么?怎样才能找到它?他指出了一些人们不同意的看法。* H, V! _2 N) i' A: T  M
        But he does give us a couple of criteria or features to keep in mind as we look for what true human happiness is. True human happiness should be, as he put it, complete. Complete in that it's all we require. Well, true human happiness, if you had that, what else do you need? Nothing.
5 u5 w3 t$ Z  J9 f  W# [% H% ?" y        但是他给了我们一些标准或特征,让我们在找寻什么是人类真正的幸福的时候牢记在心。人类真正的幸福应该是,如他所说,全面的。幸福的全面性是我们都想要的。如果你拥有了真正的幸福,还有什么别的需要呢?没有。" U0 J* n: L9 v" s
        And second, true happiness should be something that I can obtain on my own. I shouldn't have to rely on other people for it. Many people value fame and seek fame. Fame for them becomes the goal, but according to Aristotle, this won't work either. Because fame depends all together too much on other people, I can't get it on my own without help from other people.
/ z' K8 Z/ M. O: J9 t9 @. V3 z* R        第二,真正的幸福应该是我靠自己就能获得的。我不应该依靠别人来获得幸福。很多人沽名钓誉。对于这些人来讲,名誉即目的,但是,根据Aristotle的理论,名誉也非幸福。因为名誉很大程度上需要靠别人的帮助,没有别人帮助,我得不到它。
* h  o9 t2 Y5 K; N8 z/ f/ h2 H2 W0 Y0 D3 U, W5 o4 T
        In the end, Aristotle says that true happiness is the exercise of reason, a life of intellectual contemplation of thinking. So let's see how he comes to that.
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