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[托福听力] 2012年新托福听力:对话讲座类题目的出题套路

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
% l6 A, Y$ j  N5 V  ?2 K" N 1.对话或讲座的目的(purpose)意指其功能,是这个对话或讲座发生的主要理由。对话中,说话人的目的是与对话的话题、说话人之间的关系以及谈话的背景相关的。) I% r* m) T1 }7 F7 j
, {% H+ ~  o$ y, U* k' i+ s  Why does the student go to see the professor? What is the man's problem?' u& o7 [" r' L& L/ q" P
  Why is the woman concerned?www.Examw.com
- _$ s" X3 X0 D/ \" L& H  What is the purpose of the conversation?
# ^! q0 k* \  g! _  2.谈话或讲座的目的与主题相关。新托福考试中关于目的的试题形式如下:
. }4 S. g% K0 L/ m( A6 q  What is the purpose of the talk? ' i What is the main purpose of the lecture'l What is the speaker's main purpose?
8 ]9 D- c; w8 W$ k- H. A1 }  3.有些关于目的的试题只与部分对话或讲座的内容相关。这些问题通常问的是某个短语或句子的作用:9 f4 K4 W% @# K, @# i
  Why does the student say _?& u: d- M9 @3 P
  Why does the professor mention -?
) q3 C, G5 E. w2 v: Y: Z  Why does the instructor talk about . ? Why does the speaker tell a story about -? Why does the professor ask the class about _
" O9 K8 M2 D0 C% m/ d  4.有时考生可以再听一次部分对话或讲座的内容。之后会听到问题问及说话人的目的。例如:
+ W( p3 O; o! B* k4 a2 v' |  Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question. (You hear part oftbe lecture again.) : .. w3 Y% z. b! i" m  e( r+ `5 C
  Why does the professor say this.
; d7 B( N8 s; i) g  j) x  C0 p  5. 下面是一些新托福考试中对话或讲座目的的例子:
7 j  k& E( j' w; g" @7 {  To ask for advice
! g5 e, R2 l- m  p! ^( e/ ^  To answer a question
1 d7 x# `3 o- H1 u3 X$ W! t3 c. `5 k  To compare two or more things To complain about something To define a term
* E$ |# x! Q2 W  To describe a process
. R- _2 C  x1 K5 y: t0 Y, ]' B" R  To emphasize importance3 T( m, m% m5 @* {. s4 \. J
  To explain causes and effects
7 c7 k0 X4 l& V1 K4 e  To give examples :0 b' W: R/ V) _
  To give reasons$ r( \( V: G' O% P# V
  To introduce a new concept
. J/ ?; A# \% N- R  To recommend a course of action转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]0 ]# H, u9 U9 G2 o' h0 {, I
  6.有时说话人会直接说出其目的:. u) P- R8 B+ a8 Z. J
  “l need advice about my paper."% Z- |, a- O5 {
  “I'm concerned about my grade for this class."8 ?: s' [- `9 F$ J& v
  “I'm applying to graduate school,and l was wonde渤g if you,d wrjte me a5 V/ p/ P& a4 q
  1etter Of reCommendatiOn.”

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