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[托福阅读] 托福阅读:WorldCup:NewWordsEnterTheLexicon

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  本期关注:新名词的诞生。6月11日晚,世界杯在众人企望中开幕了,世界关注的盛会,我们岂能落下,一起来关注世界杯吧!童鞋们有什么关于世界杯的趣闻或想法?一起来分享下。 : q3 q" i  v8 g1 s- M& I
  In 2002, the word "metatarsal" suddenly entered the mainstream, such was the focus on David Beckham's broken foot. Four years later, the wives and girlfriends' ostentatious stint in Baden-Baden, Germany, brought the nickname Wag into common parlance. + `, B: C. s" ^$ v. C6 y
  Adrian Beard, author of the Language of Sport, says certain words tend to catch on because of cultural repetition and "playfulness" with language.' C" p) L; v# T( l6 I( p
  "The interesting thing about metatarsal is we had a specialist medical term being applied to a highly non-medical group of people. It got to the stage where Rooney and Beckham were almost defined by the term," he says./ J2 x9 z8 C- R  M/ S& s+ D- Y
  It's hard to predict which words will spring from the South African tournament as language reacts to, rather than sets, the agenda.
* H. K8 w: r' y2 P  "It will probably emerge - in terms of England coverage - from key figures in the team, who they are playing and where they are playing. But sometimes we get quite a creative blend of words. Because the World Cup is in South Africa, words from Afrikaans might come into play too."
4 ^% I  O' R  H0 M2 ]  But there is a huge repertoire for play, and not just with language.
5 n( S- b8 _* a  "After all, who could predict the Mexican wave in 1986 or Johan Cruyff's famous turn in 1974?"

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