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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:Explodingstar’viewedin3D’

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 在智利用大望远镜观看距离地球168,000光年的超新星爆炸会是怎样的景象呢?科学家又有怎样的发现呢?我们一起来看看吧。  6 E3 V9 B# i0 p) x! b+ v. W
  Astronomers have for the first time obtained a 3D view of the aftermath of a star exploding (which is known as a supernova).1 g( T7 L  W3 A- z; p* T
" X5 t( H. ~) P; }! M
  The team used the Very Large Telescope in Chile to study the supernova 1987A, which lies 168,000 light-years away.( t- W7 T: ^8 R% D5 U

" `  ^# }$ O7 \" f" Z0 P) `  The results show the original blast was very powerful and concentrated in one particular direction.( x$ i! g0 R& |

% S2 Q, V+ S! ]  Seen in 1987, it was the first supernova visible with the naked eye to have been observed for some 383 years.
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# d4 _( q1 g) q; Y5 R0 O# L6 x1 d  The 3-D view shows the explosion was stronger and faster in some directions than others, leading to an irregular shape with some parts stretching further out into space.* x: z, C6 x, r0 V7 I% S8 D  v

9 Z! _! [7 I3 E8 u% f  This phenomenon was predicted by some of the most recent computer models of supernovae, which found that large-scale instabilities take place during the explosion.
" J1 V) O1 U8 v7 g- e: j* u' S
3 y  a/ V" V: z8 d% P  The observations of SN 1987A were made using the SINFONI instrument on the European Southern Observatory's (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile.1 x$ e% V- ~: m* V% P* D

3 `) `8 ^& E# \- Y2 ~  The first material to be ejected from the explosion travelled at 100 million km per hour, which is about 100,000 times faster than a passenger jet.
" S) `2 v( w( v5 F' X7 V) k
* q3 M( Q# {7 q' e( X! k) q  Even at this incredible speed it has taken 10 years to reach a previously existing ring of gas and dust puffed out by the star while it was dying.
# F2 D* k/ N& Q7 ?
, `0 D8 K; ?+ S: {& S5 L7 ]  The images also show another wave of material is travelling ten times more slowly and is being heated by radioactive elements created in the explosion.: G; [' y9 `9 I" ^& }0 O
2 `( z# N; z; p6 R" m! \3 l; F' v
  The research is to be published in the academic journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.

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