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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:城市让生活更美好

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
# Y' h* V* W! s$ K4 s" \, N9 e- x  Gardens in the streets instead of parking places for carbon-emitting cars mean a 7% increase in your property value. Walking-only zones in city centers increase retail sales in those areas by up to 20%. Happier planet, in other words, happier people.
7 b/ P" r" w; q* y+ t
% _  E5 C* O8 Q. {  These results come from a recent report from Transportation Alternatives (TA), the New York City group--of which I am a board member--that advocates both for livable streets and for safe and easy biking, walking and transit use.8 Z% a6 i: I) s- v' ~
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  Citing the TA report, the New York Observer writes:+ T! ?8 d# ?3 W( R1 f

. H8 Q7 z' {+ i) s! W  In Grand Rapids, Mich., property values increased by nearly one-third following traffic-calming measures.; h7 |( c0 l; Z* ^( J

6 j  T! C) T8 l. ]0 S2 C1 y  An effort to make downtown Melbourne, Australia, more livable spurred a 50 percent pedestrian volume increase over 10 years. The number of outdoor cafes quadrupled and the number of cafe seats nearly tripled.
8 q$ P  k% S0 Z2 v. N
" ^9 Z$ K, G  E1 B7 u, P  After two through-traffic streets in Cambridge, England, were closed, daily traffic levels dropped by more than 7,300 vehicles with no effect on retail." h* F0 i3 [# T6 x2 O
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  A survey of shoppers in central London retail districts found that those who walked to stores spent much more over the week than those who drove.
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7 l5 f! p) A( R) A; X) `' J! A  As the Observer says, and I have to assume this would be true of most cities:% h  z  i2 Y$ p) B8 }2 p' O

1 S4 o3 \1 i) T1 I, t  "The gathering evidence suggests a sunny mantra: Design additional livable streets and New Yorkers would come—and property owners and retailers would benefit."

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