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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读训练:Squirrel’stowaway’onwildlifeholidaycruise

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
虽然没有买船票,但是这只可爱的小松鼠却乘船漂洋过海到了远方,还受到了许多人的关注。  & K$ ?4 T2 F8 B' U: O$ W6 }2 T0 ~
  Efforts are to be made to capture a red squirrel found on a wildlife holiday cruise boat.
2 j. e" F! t, s  u& O7 r& t 2 q" y9 k1 y1 A% [) Z  n; }
  The "stowaway" was thought to have fled to The Majestic Line's Glen Massan vessel following a territorial dispute with another squirrel, or being frightened by a bird of prey.
0 Y. p# l7 |2 p0 y0 O- D" w# ^ 1 }7 ]5 P6 V: k6 f* Y/ }3 |8 x3 i! @. O4 n
  It has been on the Heritage and Wildlife of South Argyll Cruise since Monday morning.
% X2 ^9 ~8 h  e2 d& h, X, [/ O. P 4 E2 m4 ^- G1 y& E% n
  The squirrel was spotted after the boat anchored in Loch Riddon.
+ ?5 U* z. o7 s
! L/ p$ P! C$ J! d9 t  It was first sighted by Canadian professional photographer Steve Boyton.
8 k4 F( g9 T  E2 F 3 L! i# I4 h0 L6 t$ m
  Good health& y9 P- |1 n6 C- _3 n

$ t) ^# D& U1 e5 c8 N$ `9 p7 `1 W  Initial efforts to catch the animal were unsuccessful.& `# M$ f- f) J$ ~
7 X- |1 {& m; v0 {& A, g1 {0 ]
  Fresh attempts will be made to capture it on Friday morning when the cruise ends at the Holy Loch Marina.& {/ P4 P1 O- o( o' y
% J3 X9 Q  n* n5 d& S
  Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park ranger Jim Downie will board the Glen Massan and lay traps.
  q( H; a9 h+ v' R! `; H
' F; k5 h! K5 l2 P  He said he was optimistic that the squirrel would be caught unharmed and in good health.
5 j: o3 @% ~) G. k- c2 I2 S  ^! g0 x) q
1 Y. p! [+ w4 H+ H" c7 T: b  Should his attempts prove successful, it will then be returned as close to the spot where the Glen Massan was anchored.

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