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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读练习材料:久坐危害健康

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 在工作过程中,很多人都习惯长时间坐着办公,但是也许大家不知道,久坐已成为了影响职场人士身体健康的一大杀手。  1 M! ~3 e' c, i6 q" h
4 T% ^7 q& J6 l. V0 u; W2 h5 i % M$ `/ q6 Z+ R/ b
  You may hit the gym at lunchtime or go for a run when you get home. But such efforts will have minimal effect if you spend the rest of your time doing what you are probably doing now - sitting down.- z/ g+ E, f: q, n
7 j7 @/ x; {3 J% y4 ]( D
0 ^/ @/ i, P0 P8 D. H  In a glut of new research on the subject, experts are warning that we should 'beware our chair', as spending too long in it can raise the risk of high blood pressure, a sluggish metabolism and weight gain.
( ]# y; I2 {) U. o2 U  在最近大量的研究发现中,专家们警告大众要“当心你的椅子”,因为长时间“黏”在椅子上可能面临患高血压,代谢减缓和体重增加的风险。
9 w5 t% A2 \1 f$ K 8 \: ^. Y& l# |! h4 }8 z+ P8 f$ u
  With the average person sitting down for just under nine hours a day at the office, at home or in the car, even a daily workout is unlikely to offset the risks of being seated for too long., @" o/ [8 l1 c; B- z1 @
  一般人每天有近9小时的时间坐在办公室、家中或者汽车上,即使每天坚持锻炼,也无法抵消久坐的危害。: \$ W% W1 D& E# v' ?9 k
. c; }- `) n  e, J/ P9 \
  Sit ups: Being chair-bound for too long can raise the risk of high blood pressure, a sluggish metabolism and weight gain.; T9 l$ a; d( J
( a2 g9 W: F) {7 n
9 M6 V( V7 |/ a+ B$ c  According to Swedish scientists, quoted in the British Journal of Sports Medicine recently, prolonged sitting should carry a public health warning.9 P+ z& w" B2 K5 i& ^  f% d% m
; F+ z0 Y! j0 c. r* J
# ~- S7 E0 ~$ a/ V8 e2 o  So why is the humble chair being blacklisted? As the most passive activity behind lying down, being seated burns a bare minimum of calories - even eating an apple or fidgeting uses more energy than parking your bottom on a chair.
+ t( O9 ^- k7 B7 ^/ V3 E! n  但为什么这次是“老实巴交”的椅子被列入黑名单呢?作为被动性仅次于躺的活动,“坐”的状态将人体热量消耗降至最低--吃一颗苹果或“坐立不安”的扭来扭去,都比“黏”坐在椅子上消耗的热量多。
' b1 O+ t: h5 q9 s " e2 C' y  G! @8 z+ C) j
  While standing engages muscles in your back, shoulders and legs, sitting presents no positive physical challenge to the body, forcing it instead into an inactive state.6 O& r2 v. |  u5 c& I' \# H# a
+ ^' }: Y3 q% y+ A
' y7 V. X$ T" z( D. s. t1 r  It is almost inevitable, researchers say, that long-term sitters find their waistline expanding.
* V9 L% c* c: P5 A% e, {  研究人员说,长期的“坐者”都不可避免的遭遇了腰围增大的现实。
0 h+ C- k# C$ f4 [ - N( \6 R2 a) Q8 Y
  While the action of standing up only burns a few calories, do it enough times a day and it makes a real difference.) p* [- w6 ^( I0 p8 M1 P
  虽然“站起来”一次只能消耗几卡路里的热量,但只要每天坚持做几次,就能起到明显的作用。" J, n7 m0 s- p& b7 @  w; H2 y' k
; H3 V. T/ O% r/ q+ v3 w; i
  It's easy to burn 30 to 50 extra calories a day, which is enough to prevent a weight gain of 2lb to 3lb a year. Spend your time sitting down and the pounds will creep on unnoticed.
( m* D1 G# Q- E  每日多消耗30到50卡路里并不难,但足以防止体重每年增加2到3磅。如果大量时间都处于 “坐”的状态,肥肉就会悄悄的降临到你身上。

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