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[托福阅读] 托福趣味阅读:10FoodQuestionsforWeightLossandBetterHealth

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 健康的生活需要平时我们养成良好的生活和饮食习惯,吃什么食物才能有助健康呢?下面我们的托福阅读材料就将给你一些小建议。  7 B0 B: t% g- v4 Y& A. ]( X
  1. A packed lunch or a purchased lunch?
0 s/ _% s0 @" z, l
7 H4 K2 `  w5 Q: o5 E  ANSWER: A PACKED LUNCH.
* w" n4 Y0 \" b
- R; v$ Q+ H( q$ w* L; m  It'll be healthier, it'll probably have fewer calories, it'll be cheaper and it'll save you lots of time that you can use for walking, reading or socializing instead.
4 w8 B5 p' X  ]) P. \
: V( \( g. S( h' b+ |4 g# k; R  自带午餐更健康,热量较少,也便宜些。为你节约出更多的时间散步,阅读或参加更多的社交活动。8 E5 T+ I) W, c; I1 D0 u

9 b" |4 _0 H8 s* Q0 j9 D) s  2. Coffee or tea?1 k, Z, Y  U3 w+ e% u

  b6 Q7 C$ _! N$ b- @+ }  ANSWER: TEA.
4 o# I, X4 r8 }3 K% D2 M- y# P - T& Z1 d/ u2 ?4 y. m7 ^$ g
  Choose black or green tea. These are jammed with heart-healthy antioxidants that provide more than just an energy-boosting punch; as well as contributing to healthier arteries; they may also help to prevent cancer.+ m# M6 Y5 O& C1 `# C  |& I

/ G9 m7 p/ n, S$ `  选择红茶还是绿茶。他们都含有丰富的有益心脏健康的抗氧化物。这些不仅能抗氧化物促进能源生成,还能促进动脉健康;也可以预防癌症。' K  S2 s# N7 r. Q8 w' M/ A
6 J7 q/ b7 Y& }: I) Y
  3. Strawberries or blueberries?
. M  T$ V! J6 }& ] + h$ e1 I2 J) q/ [" B; X( C
  ANSWER: BLUEBERRIES.$ L8 m0 a8 `  ^
0 a/ Z) m$ i3 I5 @( s# V9 k
  Of course, both are great for you, so try to eat lots of these two fruits. But when you compare the nutrients in an equal amount of each, blueberries have a slight edge. Blueberries are particularly rich in fiber – four times that of strawberries – as well as containing more natural sugars, much more vitamin E and some unique micronutrients that are good for memory。; O- h  E2 a3 W, P% W8 m9 H

+ y' j2 F$ V2 r# `  当然,两者对身体都有益。因此要多吃这两种水果。但当你比较他们所含的营养成分会发现,蓝莓里的含量要高一些。蓝莓的纤维是草莓的四倍,并且它含有更多的天然糖分和维生素E,以及一些对记忆力很好的微量元素。% \8 G0 J( v; w" d4 {2 j4 T
+ d, ]9 f9 Y. N- k" s# |5 p
  4. Fresh fruit or dried?; S- ]! L5 T3 o1 q- i# z8 r6 X

- |1 F+ [  N/ V  ANSWER: FRESH.0 Q3 `% \1 k! ^* O
  ~; O8 j, W, ~+ y. Y" h
  The higher water content (most fresh fruits are more than 80 percent water) means a larger volume, making the fruit more filling and satisfying with fewer calories. But for convenience and shelf life, use dried fruit as your back-up plan.& M- h# T% u' m  I) s9 U, u/ W

- V7 b/ d% J! b; _  水分含量高(大多数水果百分之八十以上的水)指体积较大,使水果含更少的热量。但为了方便,保质期,你可以吧干果作为后备计划。
- y1 B. |) I* B/ R9 o
; v$ w  U0 S, D: E  5. Fruit juice or fruit?1 E; h6 e' j3 @( q9 s  E

; g- i! V9 A& A8 U: g  ANSWER: FRUIT.; Y8 A/ j& j  E9 w' c+ w

2 O) t  c* w) F: I  Get the real thing. Not only are most fruit juices loaded with sugar, they've been stripped of an important element found in fruit – fiber.
" @4 b$ \" J8 \. K- | ' c) B* f. a0 Q1 k
# r# ?9 @. Y+ P1 w ( x( j5 j6 I, t* N5 ^5 m1 ]$ v
  6. Broccoli or cauliflower?
; F" N$ A& @0 a% r; E   \9 h4 O* _8 `" ?* v
$ Y' l+ w7 M; [: R8 ~- [
9 F* X0 n$ u. i' n# k  At 2.6 grams of fiber per 100 grams, broccoli has twice the fiber oomph of cauliflower.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:40 | 显示全部楼层


  每100克中有2.6克纤维,西兰花含的纤维是花椰菜的两倍。: G, ^8 o( O' {( `
( e3 S* x- @7 t" I; T; w
  7. An apple or sugar-free apple sauce?; D) z+ u! N7 \" A$ p
# P+ q: a6 u% [& b/ \. B
  ANSWER: AN APPLE." E+ b2 F9 [2 g: ~$ C# ^9 U3 |2 O
/ ]) A, g( w, Z
  You'll get all the nutrients of the apple sauce, but you'll also get the added fiber kick from the skin of the apple, which is removed before the apple sauce is made.4 V2 i! o. u8 D; _% \

' h' N* K4 o$ d0 k2 a  你能吸收到苹果汁所有的营养成分,但是你还可以从苹果皮中得到纤维球。那是苹果汁当中没有的。1 z8 u7 _" h& c3 R

+ y, M8 s& b; y, V1 z  8. Natural sugar or white sugar?
5 r3 R/ l2 j- y  x1 |
0 f1 g, m2 ]+ b* G# L9 }+ u  ANSWER: NEITHER.
. e( z' _/ X4 r* L- W2 S& Z 7 l2 h( R, d5 i! A0 c6 ~
  They're both sugar. Neither has any nutritional benefit or is any better than the other. Here's a case where the brown color does not imply a healthier version.
% j$ r: p. H) j$ g
7 f6 C; L, p! {1 F  K. h  他们都是糖。两者都么有任何有益的营养成分,也都不会相对于另外一种要好。褐色的东西并不都是健康的。- v8 b/ b. b" Q  G

4 v% ~2 @- Q  K2 g  9. Green olives or black olives# ?! m& K& b* m
3 y; X  l+ f$ C4 ~
+ x1 N7 \6 r' x/ F6 o: r  g/ B $ U* `0 U3 Z: ]; u5 v- m9 E3 c: u! _* o
  Green olives haven't ripened fully, so they contain roughly half the fat levels that they would have achieved had they ripened and blackened.
) G; l: T" F  N9 G( k. t
4 [" e; _4 c3 O$ M  绿橄榄还没有完全成熟,所以它们含脂肪量大约是成熟和变黑后的一半。( T' }! j- N2 b$ z1 Q4 `
7 X. h4 L) `" m# b3 s# ?1 s
  10. Apple or orange?
8 P9 @, H9 V0 E) Z) N ) q4 E- X; |# `. K
" h& e& b1 {: x/ f
* H2 z/ P7 S/ G3 l6 i  The old adage is true after all. A study from the University of Nottingham found that people who ate more than five apples a week had improved lung function, less wheeziness and fewer asthma-like symptoms. Eat them raw, try them baked, add them diced into a salad or sauté an apple with onions as a side dish for chicken or fish.& b; B4 ?8 x# |0 U2 V1 S
0 A3 y* i8 \7 z2 R  v. ~; C: v
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