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[托福阅读] 2011年新托福阅读之总结题分析

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
新托福阅读之总结题分析   现行的新托福考试依然重视对阅读能力的考查,并且托福考试不仅有单独的新托福阅读理解测试,还从各类型题全方位的考查考生的阅读理解能力。下面给大家推荐一篇关于总结题的解析过程:
% k& `, Z5 C5 F* X: I  总结题主要目的:
3 T8 U  W; I' g4 U# x( c  考查学生理解和识别主要内容和文中所提及重要的信息。2 U6 T3 ]# ]8 A0 U' D3 I+ k' H
8 S% R) t, ?! _7 W! p( R  ?  An introductory sentence or a brief summary of the paage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the three awer choices that expre the most important ideas in the paage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they expre ideas that are not presented in the paage or are minor ideas in the paage. This question is worth 2 points
- _7 D% L) ^" T' B# ^# K: J9 X  解决这类考题的方法:
4 Q/ ~& m1 p0 a  \$ _  一、清楚文章的论证类型www.ExamW.CoM
) Y& Y" j2 H4 l+ m; i+ e  总分型一般容易出这类考题。我以中文为例,丽丽老师是一个非常好的人。首先,她很乐于助人例如一次我看见她扶一个盲人过马路,其次丽丽老师很慷慨,有一次我看见她为希望工程捐了她当时兜里的全部钱(50元),第三丽丽很谦虚和平易近人。" k3 ?) o9 V8 P' [0 X
  如下面这样的文章特别容易出总结题" d1 _, C( g8 T7 i
  Lily is a nice person.1 P- l! I& |1 U: }9 a
  1、 丽丽乐于助人# L. U5 B6 ?3 d1 y% @& w& v4 T
  2、 丽丽扶一个盲人过马路
. E: `+ [' N$ M& ]; k  3、 丽丽老师很慷慨,' x* }' [8 A. B/ A* v- x+ a4 V; G
  4、 老余捐了100元
6 Y1 J6 [$ _: \. Z  5、 丽丽很谦虚和平易近人+ {& ?$ N, X9 @3 F
  6、 丽丽经常打架
% k2 G" R- G) p& [+ T) V1 x. Q  Z0 k3 Y1 ~: B

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:40 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  二、解决方法:
& h/ f. a: H; [2 D: m, I  一)主体词排除错误选项法
! o9 J" T$ d. C, [8 Q3 \  首先抓住要总结的关键词也就是主体词,就是要问哪方向的内容,如上个例子,主体题丽丽一定会在正确答案中出现,不然问的是丽丽可以答案谈论的是别人,就变得完全不相关了,根据这个特点我们可以排除 4老余捐了100元7 I- p6 {# j& I( w9 x' f
  如OG上的一道总结题可以直接使用主体词排除错误选项的方法1 _8 U) M4 d& F& Y7 W  K
  The technology of modern cinema evolved at the end of the nineteenth century.% p& T, C. V6 p( N& D7 ?
  1、 Kinetoscope parlors or viewing films were modeled on phonograph parlors3 q, p5 U3 M& k4 P+ i7 |
  2、 Thomas Edisorsquo design of the Kinetoscope iired the development of large screen projection.来自www.Examw.com
4 w0 V- C8 L7 d0 ^  3、 Early cinema allowed individuals to use ecial machines to view films privately.2 D5 W4 }( F# @, U+ t
  4、 Slides-and-lantern shows had been presented.
% {3 t! ]% V( g( W$ E. e/ Q6 K  5、 The development of projection technology made it poible to project images on a large screen, e) R! X9 ^& a; @! I' y
  6、 once films images could be projected, the cinema became a form of ma coumption
* @# I3 z$ Q* }$ n. q5 s$ K# v  其中只有三个选项有本问题的关键词,本问题的关键词是 the technology of cinema.
6 l! p/ f6 X# S% H, r2 _  二)细节信息排除法/ t, W' u! }* C& _4 \3 q
: f1 y) h- `3 j- b  如OG中的一道题目
. F& s2 W( j/ P; X  This paage discues foils that help to explain the likely origi of cetacea-whales, porpoises and dolphi
+ a; V  o8 ~6 V( n) c6 c8 b* e  e  Awer choices6 g/ R  N1 K+ X
  1 Recent discoveries of foils have helped to show he link between land mammals and cetacea(这是本文的主题)$ q/ J- H3 d- Q3 o' }9 ^1 z8 }& v1 v
  2、The discovery of Ambulocetus nata provided evidence for a whale that lived both on land and at sea.(总结性信息)
. {2 z4 E$ b/ P# q5 b. C8 k, u/ X8 P  3、The skeleton of Basilosaurus are found in what had been the Tehys Sea, an area rich in foil evidence. (绝对的事实细节)-排除
7 ~, ?. h0 s. J) J/ F+ q# p  4 Pakicetus is the oldest foil whale yet to be found((绝对的事实细节)-排除
6 {& s5 s- h9 z  5、Foils thought to be traitional forms between walking mammals and swimming whales were found.。(主题)9 z9 L: ?- t% ^/ v
  6、Ambulocetursquo;hind legs were used for propulsion in the water. ((绝对的事实细节)-排除  [; ?) x# u. G5 M  @$ b4 D: [
# [; T4 p( S9 s  如6:丽丽经常打架,原文没有出现,所以正确答案中一定没有。: H( f& b& ~( ]' A. m5 f% R
  由于篇幅所限,我们下期在继续谈总结题如何做,以及总结题的几大类型和不同类型的解法,本期讲的只是总结的题通用方式,总结题题型不同,做题方法也不同.& M: x4 @: O" {( o0 u  Z" A0 n
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