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[托福阅读] 2012托福考试复习:双语阅读篇六

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A brain area that helps orchestrate mental activity works overtime in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, reflecting the internal struggle to hold more than one thing in mind at a time, neuroscientists reported Sunday.  
5 f8 h9 c3 G- P$ c( U5 m+ R8 ?8 W2 W, k  N- T; r2 ^
! P0 k. W/ S0 n6 J- f   
, h$ R3 p( t0 B+ ^The scientists used a functional magnetic imaging scanner to track signs of neural activity among 19 affected children and 23 other children who were asked to remember a simple sequence of letters. The scientists discovered that a critical mental control area, called the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, worked much harder and, perhaps, less efficiently among children with attention problems.   b2 C2 @2 Q( H) H. }0 G

- k* ?& C8 u/ K; D7 I1 W9 x7 e" i这些科学家让19名有此症状的儿童及另外23名儿童记忆一系列简单的字母,并用一台功能性磁力成像扫描仪追踪他们的神经活动迹象。他们发现,在有注意力问题的儿童身上,一个名为前扣带回皮层的关键的精神控制区域运行得比其他儿童更为剧烈,并且有可能效率较低。 4 s9 r" u3 [0 b, i0 k8 a! j$ ]1 r9 ^
) ]$ O" g6 s+ J3 PThis fundamental difference in brain function might be an underlying cause of the inattentiveness, impulsivity and focus problems that make it hard for ADHD children to concentrate in the classroom, the scientists said during an annual gathering of 31,000 brain researchers in Washington, D.C.
9 L4 P( e5 _! {  Y# s% ~& n. K4 c- i# Z
在神经科学学会(Society for Neuroscience)于华盛顿特区举行的年度大会上,这些科学家表示,大脑功能的这种根本区别可能是漫不经心、冲动性和注意力不集中等难以让多动症儿童在教室集中精神的问题的根源。共有31,000名脑科学研究者参加了本次大会。
' P  Y& c$ J* G) [0 {9 p    5 _3 |  l( }* T2 A0 v% F
'Our findings suggest that the function as well as the structure of this brain area is different in children with ADHD,' said Wayne State University biologist Tudor Puiu, who reported the team's findings Sunday at a conference held by the Society for Neuroscience. 'It might explain the cognitive problems we see in the classroom.' 11月13日,在其中一次会议中,韦恩州立大学(Wayne State University)的生物学家普尤(Tudor Puiu)报告了该团队的研究结果。) @. x( D' e; Q6 {" M+ }
4 N& r5 z, Z" z( |) S
他说,我们的研究表明,患有多动症的儿童在这个大脑区域的功能以及结构上是与众不同的;这也许能解释他们在课堂上所表现出来的认知问题。 2 u, ?0 x- r- `
    * d8 H* q* \8 F: \* i8 {* d
All told, about two million U.S. children have been diagnosed with attention problems. No one yet understands the basic neurobiology responsible for the mental ailment, which has grown more common since 2003, according to a survey by the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration. * h: N0 k2 ?8 z# a
1 t6 V1 n. ]2 A& k# j, b
在美国,共有约两百万名儿童被诊断患有注意力问题,这种病症从2003年开始愈加常见。据美国健康资源和服务管理局(U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration)的一项调查显示,目前没有人知道引发这种精神疾病的基本神经生物学原理。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:40 | 显示全部楼层


The portion of those with the most severe symptoms who are treated with prescription stimulants, such as methylphenidate (Ritalin) and amphetamine (Adderall), also has continued to rise, the National Institutes of Health reported in September. : e7 [# `0 {$ _- c$ e

4 y' j5 Q; g' Y7 e; H: ^* E1 g) ?美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)今年9月发布报告说,使用口醋甲酯(利他能)及安非他明(苯丙胺)等处方兴奋剂治疗的症状最严重患者的比例也在继续上升。
% C2 V4 u& ?4 t5 M2 X: s7 s& }5 q# y    ! w% S1 F/ s# k8 k& A" A
The finding reported Sunday adds to growing biomedical evidence that those diagnosed with the attention disorder─arguably the most common childhood behavioral issue─have unusual patterns of brain function that can persist well into adulthood. ( [. o, A; T) K

8 q/ x2 C' ?! P! |1 k& G注意力失调应该算是最常见的儿童行为问题。越来越多的生物医学证据表明,被诊断为注意力失调的儿童拥有异常的大脑功能模式,并会一直持续到成年。13日发布的这份研究报告提供了进一步的证据。 ! n/ g5 a1 v! s
$ _; |- @5 [! L* P2 ZOverall, the brain of an ADHD child matures normally, but it may take up to three years longer to fully develop, especially in areas at the front of the brain's cortex, an outer layer of tissue important in controlling attention, reasoning and planning. 3 ^6 `- \4 M1 T) Q2 p

% z* v; i! ^$ F6 C* h; N总的来说,多动症儿童的大脑是正常发育的,但可能会比一般人多花三年时间才能完全成熟,尤其是大脑皮层前部区域,这一外部组织皮层对控制注意力、判断力和组织能力起着重要的作用。 # y1 j+ Y, E; B6 q
% }5 R* ?+ V: d! r1 E& I3 _Researchers have also reported a range of specific anatomical differences among ADHD children that may be linked to behavioral problems. Earlier this month, researchers at New York University's Langone School of Medicine reported that ADHD children appeared to have a significantly thinner cortex and less gray matter than other children in some areas involved in regulating attention and emotion. ! Z7 g! s8 @# r* R' b& X5 w  y& y% j

% d# ?1 C: F( D' m2 }1 q9 j9 f还有研究人员的报告中提到了多动症儿童在解剖学上的一系列具体差异,这些差异可能与行为问题有关。本月早些时候,纽约大学(New York University)朗格尼医学院(Langone School of Medicine)的研究人员发布报告说,在某些与控制注意力和情绪有关的区域,多动症儿童的大脑皮层似乎比其他儿童要薄得多,灰质也比较少。
* j- W; w+ j6 a6 T7 g+ {   
( N3 J( {' @* }9 o/ H2 `7 u. c$ b) fIn a separate study, other scientists said they had determined that ADHD children have differences in the caudate nucleus, which is involved in learning and memory, compared to other children. 6 H# I, ]2 i7 M# Z1 e
; d6 A& ]2 ^  ?7 W4 T+ \
, Q, h, O) @$ q$ F" l* L    2 ?) ~4 d2 |' `: i5 I; k6 |
'These networks are disrupted,' said Mr. Puiu. 'The ADHD brain has to work harder than the normal brain.'! [. X5 i+ A+ S2 k, G% P; Y

& r& t0 \; S+ |/ S 普尤说,这些系统被扰乱了;多动症儿童的大脑不得不比正常大脑更加卖力地运转。
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