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[托福阅读] 托福阅读材料:乒乓球男单包揽冠亚军

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
托福阅读材料:乒乓球男单包揽冠亚军( b' W3 m* k6 k$ Y7 a
 Zhang Jike beat compatriot Wang Hao 4-1 in an all-Chinese men's singles table tennis final. 张继科在乒乓球男子单打决赛中以4-1的比分击败队友王皓夺冠。3 ?: o! s( P7 B
  The 24-year-old won 18-16 11-5 11-6 10-12 13-11 as Wang suffered a third successive defeat in an Olympic final. 现年24岁的张继科以18-16 11-5 11-6 10-12 13-11的五局比分击败王皓。王皓已经连续三届奥运会获得乒乓球男子单打的亚军。: r2 `; e9 {6 K  C$ `& |6 M  _- Q7 T9 p
  Zhang dominated as China took their second table tennis gold at London 2012 after Li Xiaoxia's win over team-mate Ding Ning in the women's final. 在李晓霞击败队友丁宁获得女单冠军后,张继科获得中国乒乓球队在伦敦的第二块金牌。2 A: r* @  l6 O0 {/ m/ |( c7 C
  World champions Germany were crowned Olympic women's team [w]sprint[/w] gold winners in [w]controversial[/w] circumstances following the [w]relegation[/w] of China. 在中国队被戏剧性地判为犯规后,世界冠军德国队获得了自行车女子团体争先赛的金牌。2 u7 U! W+ h& X, w% W3 V0 v
  Guo Shuang and Gong Jinjie thought they had won gold when they finished in a time of 32.619 seconds compared to Germany's 32.798. 中国队的郭爽和宫金杰在以32.619秒的成绩领先德国队的32.798秒冲过终点后,认为自己已经夺冠了。8 d8 A4 P  ~& B1 J! C$ M6 z& G# Z+ n
  But officials announced that China had been relegated for an overtake [w]infringement[/w], with Kristina Vogel and Miriam Welte awarded gold.但随后裁判宣布中国队违例,德国选手获得金牌。www.Examw.com8 w/ U$ Z% u3 j" k9 S
  Ranomi Kromowidjojo claimed her first gold medal at London 2012 with victory in the women's 100m freestyle. 荷兰游泳选手拉诺米在女子100米自由泳比赛中获得她本届奥运会上的第一块金牌。# X9 C" g& S1 C: @* p! X1 f( e
  The Dutch swimmer clocked an Olympic record of 53.00 seconds to finish ahead of Aliaksandra Herasimenia of Belarus, while China's Tang Yi won bronze. 这位荷兰运动员以53秒整的成绩打破奥运会纪录,白俄罗斯选手获得银牌,中国选手唐奕获得铜牌。
( d9 n/ d: x7 X4 x  China's NBA star Yi Jianlian suffered a knee injury during an 81-61 defeat to Australia in the men's basketball. 在中国男篮61-81输给澳大利亚男篮的比赛中,中国球星易建联膝盖受伤。
4 H3 D) f6 f5 |) [, ]  The Dallas Mavericks player had to be helped off the court by team-mates as China slumped to their third defeat. 这位效力于达拉斯小牛队的球员不得不被搀扶着退场,中国男篮已经三连败。

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