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[托福语法] 托福语法指导-并列连词及真题要点解析

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
) U& G& c) ]6 e+ X6 y2 i
2 k  @8 D3 U! a, P  1. 并列连词 and but or混淆来源:考试大
+ o3 j5 h- l0 a0 k( m+ Y  解题要点 这类题型主要分面布在written Expression (16-40题中) 当A、B、C、D四项选择中出现单独的and或but 或or 时,它通常就是此题的焦点,应根据句意判断此连词是否用错。- m8 }' ~% W) Q1 D9 F; B
& h- R. O! L5 ^4 }) ^7 R' a2 n. [
  全真例题要分析来源:考试大# R$ i# D3 ?: U5 b( r
(1) Harvesting of grains is affected by annual changes in temperature or in the amount of moisture, but both. (90.1)
# z! S" h" B' W7 A- |[答案] D 根据句意,这里并无转折关系。因此but 应改为or。* p4 D7 c* A( ^& d3 ]+ J+ b

' X) [- @& d8 T  @6 t(2) Porcelain is not a single clay, and a compound of kaolin. Ball clay, feldspar. And silica. (91.1)
) @& W. x1 N' I( b[答案] C 此句表达的是一个取舍关系,and应改为but. “not…but”是表达转折,到舍含义的固定并列连词搭配。
& p1 ~3 I6 R. d. h4 |
4 I7 ^# t- y& ?3. The structure or behavior of many protozoans are amazingly comples for single-celled artimals.
% C* \4 c* [5 m! Q# b0 e! a3 E  i[答案] A 根据句中复数谓语动词are 来判断,连词or是错误,它表述的概含是两项之一,应用单数第三人称动词。固而or应改为and。! P. G/ ~  P2 j
9 X  y) z' S9 n; F) g0 h2 \
(4) Cayenne popper comes from the seedpot of the pepper plant which is dried or then ground.
7 x3 z" }/ t3 E. i) J[答案] D 根据提示词then,我们可以判断dried 和ground (grind 的过去分词,碾碎)是顺序先后的两个动作,并非取舍选择关系。固此or应改为and。来源:考试大" f& R' `; n* P$ S
6 F1 Z0 A2 F& A7 }) P  L' K
  2. 并列连接词词组
2 L  k* W+ T/ b! f& T& l" m2 g4 M$ S
both…and as…as7 r4 k7 h; x' V2 R: o
not only …but also not so…as来源:考试大( f: w8 ?% r1 z, |' q/ |
either…or the same…as
6 N9 \+ ^) u- H: ]: W+ {9 Bneither…nor 比较级(more-re) …than
1 R6 t/ A1 z. j% T% m+ Lso…that to…to常与so…that 来源:考试大
: l; u" x& Y. n' iwhether…or 混淆搭配7 X# e+ V9 V; _) h0 d' e! z

0 A! M% b8 a) E# q  解题要点;上述并列连词词组和短语必须搭配使用,不能承意更换或省略。考题中如出现上述词组的任何一部分,则注意另一部分是否正确。 " X( ?! l& |  ~8 V3 C+ f+ }" m

. X7 [4 M" `: R6 o* b1 F$ E  s3 {  全真例题分析来源:考试大! y. I; t. w, S* \1 I1 Y
(1) In meteorology. Either formation of clouds and the oreciporddidon of dew rain and snow are known as condensation (93.1)
: i5 L& N$ X3 ~5 g+ S[答案] A either改为both,组成both…and词组来源:考试大
$ T6 u" D) B* s3 l, E# \, _5 f: X% L  y, N  J: ^0 b! ]
(2) The survival of a forest depends not only on amount of annual rainfall it receives. And also on the seasonal distribution of the rain.: ~- E% [) e7 ?4 V
[答案] C and改为but,组成not only…but also 词组
( ?. [9 h2 H9 K1 e) W5 }1 s' b  e
5 U/ E% \- ?+ h  _" o# S(3) Lucretia Mott*s influence was too significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United State. (91.1)7 O6 G) k, ~8 a4 R* w, U. E
[答案] A too改为so,组成so…that结构。来源:考试大
# N/ H8 z, L; _8 b4 w' z' q4 H# V
(4) The gorilla, not as curious than the chimpanzee, shows more persistence and memory retention in solving a problem. (90.5)7 S6 v* ]5 r) A2 `8 w9 C  A* d
[答案] B than改为as, 组成not as…as 结构。0 w7 J( u& G) F3 _+ x  G
( f5 a0 V2 z/ X' d5 Z7 _
(5) Some linguious believe that the earliest languages were no less complex as modern languages (94.5)5 q1 J# ?! D5 j* e5 b; [  f' O; t
[答案] D as 改为than,组成“比较级…than”的句型。来源:考试大
( m) H# `& G: H: @+ o  \' p0 a- v( ]1 h. q1 I
(6) Whether as statesman, scientist, and philosopher, Benjamin Franklin was destined to gain lasting honor throughout much of the world. (92.5)
: |: V6 ?- B4 M0 j! I7 @' l9 I[答案] A and改为or,组成whether…or的结构。来源:考试大
3 q0 T4 Q! I. E, N% ~( R
. \3 R$ }9 H2 ](7) Meadowlarks are about the same size than robins, they have heavier bodies, shorter tails, and longer bills. (89.5)
( k+ i9 z$ q" N* g$ z/ X% g[答案] B than改为as,组成the same…as的结构。来源:考试大
6 H# k# m* [; f# m" c" q! C; s" q7 s$ f% v8 j: P! H
(8) Nature not only gave the Middle Atlantic fine harbors, however endowed it with a first-class system of inland waterways. (91.1)
1 I/ h! k2 U6 I# l* G. A[答案] C however 改为but also,组成not only…but also结构。

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