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[托福语法] 托福考试语法指南--词性变化

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  词性混淆误用一直是TOEEL考题中最重要的命题形式。它与“基本句子结构”(本书要点之1)和“平行结构”(本书要点之4)组成TOEEL命题的三大焦点。有关词性混淆的试题主要集中在written Expression (16-40题)中,命题范围包括(1)并列结构中词性一致、(2)形容词与副词混淆、(3)形容词与名词混淆、(4)名词与动词混淆。其中,形容词用错的题型占此类命题的最大比例。词性混淆常考题型及解题要点1.并列连词and but or结构要求词性统一 全真例题分析
7 L( `8 b! V' [( _6 A(1) Bigness. Boastful. And strong. Frontiersman Mike Fink was the subject of many folk tales. (93.3) - K% Y$ V1 M$ C' g, ]9 |, ^+ J
(答案) A并列连词and连接三个形容词,故(A)Bigness应改为Big。
8 _, _; f4 a' I% v+ U9 p(2) The success of a naval ship is determined by its seaworthiness, speedy ,and maneuverability. (92.10)
  Z8 [" A) m9 W( W1 g(答案) D并列连词and连接三个名词,而speed是形容词,故应改为speed。9 O) F/ r" R* W# Z- N3 ^; K( x
(3) Regulation of public utilities in the United States is carried out by locally state and federal governments. (92.5)
3 t3 G+ ?3 y* ^9 R(答案) D并列连词and连接三个形容词性质的词,共同修饰后面的中心词governnenrfs。而locally是副词,应改为local。
5 \( N" S; J! o(4) In Middle Ages. Books called bestiaries were prepared in an attempt to describe animals, real or imagine, that exemplified human traits. (92.5)
/ r8 a$ @- Q% z- k4 }2 i7 o3 F2 c(答案) B并列连词or前面是形容词real。之后亦应是形容词imaginary。
8 Y; u, w" V9 \1 F/ u( A4 g6 t: d2.形容词错用为副词
& E, H3 V, q3 ?解题要点形容词用来修饰说明名词或名词性成分的,而副词则可修饰除名词以外的所有词性及句子成分。
2 m  A) |" m6 g; D2 {全真例题分析) t9 \. k  ]' ^( F  @$ T" L
(1) Animal life on Prince Edward island is confined large to ducks. Pheasants. And rabbits (93.5)
7 h; w9 }9 o# H5 y/ L(答案)C修饰限定介词短语to ducks pheasants and rabbits应用副词largely。# C) j4 i" X9 E  {, O
(2) The General Sherman tree a giant sequoia in California, has grown to be the world*s largest plant at approximate 272 feet tall.
. d8 l" X* ]* d2 [* l' v(答案) D修饰说明数词(272)应用副词approximately。
* d$ `' k; E# M: `, {: }; E2 D(3) Because its body is supported by water, the blue whale can grow to a size considerable larger than any land mammal alive today. (93.8)
; u0 ~$ e. n4 R2 L2 N) P4 p(答案)修饰形容词短语larger than…应用副词形式considerably。
& m/ r. K6 z' M, @+ ^' ]3 g0 b: N% X
9 s3 Z  x6 u8 o" C  @(4) Once an important port of entry for immigrants to the United States. Island recent reopened its great hall s a museum of immigration. (92.8)

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