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[托福语法] 托福语法学习:if从句中的will/would和should

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 L5 P' p+ G, _  if you will/would常用于有礼貌的请求中,此时可用更有礼貌的形式would。: n" R2 F) H3 D3 b3 M
  If you will/would wait a moment I’ll see if Mr Jones is free.
  E$ }; V& ^1 p$ S  请您稍候片刻,我看看琼斯先生是否有空。(请等候)
! F% j* ?/ \8 e$ X( J, b  I would be very grateful if you would make the arrangements for me.
: ?9 z/ F6 C- V4 |; [2 n  I  m  如果您能为我安排一下,我将不胜感激。! L7 x2 n( Q& ]0 l# f
  假如这种要求在当时的情况下通常都会提出,已成为套话,if you would+动词原形就常常单独使用。这表示说话人认为对方理所当然会照办。( F  r! c; l3 H' E
  If you’d fill up this form.
( h4 _2 i' ]1 w7 ^  请填好这张表。
& ]3 C# o7 u0 U! o9 A1 G5 ~) P  (in a hotel) If you’d just sign the register.8 i1 w: }+ Z/ f8 F6 l+ G
  (在旅馆中)请在登记簿上签名。3 a' m! b8 S: _7 v- S
  (in a shop)If you’d put your address on the back of the cheque./ r2 ]5 J; w' v0 {
  (在商店里)请在支票的背面写下你的地址。1 ]* ]  R. t4 i& v- n7 O
  (in a classroom)If you’d open your books.' B0 M2 R8 f0 @" d1 U' E9 b- U# _6 {
  (在教室里)请打开你们的书。# t. ^$ g$ R2 A8 _# j
  表示愿意的if+will/would适用于所有人称:2 u, g7 r# J# F: {8 V! _
  If he’ll listen to me I’ll be able to help him.9 w; @5 @, U( J, ?
  如果他听我说,我就会帮助他。(如果他乐意听……)0 `: R5 \# J: m# j7 i
  If Tom would tell me what he wants for his dinner I’d cook it for him.4 O! r8 ^6 v# M: @4 E
( b- l  S4 s  _- `/ U3 T0 a- N4 M  If he won’ t listen to me I can’t help him.
$ }: q- B0 C, Y  如果他不肯听我的话,我就不能帮他的忙。(如果他不愿听/如果他拒绝听……), y9 e+ L; H3 x* y
  If they won’t accept a cheque we’ll have to pay cash. & x6 n$ [2 d  P* o
: @' w3 q7 W) j7 f1 E  Will 可以用来表示执意坚持:
/ g+ K- h# M1 J0 Q+ ^! S) F7 W* _  If you will play the drums all night no wonder the neighbours complain.
5 X! J) [- a3 y0 n, N  如果你一定要整夜敲鼓的话,那就难怪邻居抱怨。(要是你执意敲的话……)
7 W% E* z; t+ f* a: {3 ]( k7 C& a  if+would like/care 可以用来代替 if+want/wish,而且比后者有礼貌:$ A2 p7 o9 F0 l4 i2 C
  If you would like to come I’ll get a ticket for you. 4 g! ~* Z) @; I+ W% r5 S9 ~
2 @0 Q. G# ?6 }$ n. T+ v$ w( C  I  If you’d care to see the photographs I’ll bring them round3 B1 Z( u: k0 i
  如果你有兴趣看那些照片,我就带来。4 x1 @( i. R8 `$ ~/ Y( J$ H7 }  T& J2 N
  If he’d like to leave his car here he can.
* G! k9 f0 Y3 J* b7 z/ ^$ s  如果他想把车停放在这里,他可以这样做。2 a/ w' B9 v+ K, t: m
  但是,如果改写一下句子,使 would like没有宾语,就可以省掉 would:
5 k1 J: B: j! a4 d  If you like I’ll get a ticket for you. " C* w2 m- F1 Y7 g' ?  ~4 L5 ^. i
0 i) h% E3 C8 o+ X+ z  但是说:* i0 T) a$ W$ b
  If you’d like a ticket I’ll get one for you. ) A! [( y. g2 S1 n) p
  (译文同上。)4 T) ]( u! b: y9 l7 P
  If he likes he can leave his car here. 9 z& z+ p) u1 H9 l
  如果他愿意,他可以把车停放在这里。* U% c: ^  [. s$ \) y  k' G- k
" l0 F3 [% }' {6 R5 \/ m) A9 b  If he’d like to leave his car here he can./He can leave it here
& E0 ^" X. s' h, i2 ~  if he’d like to.(译文同上。)! }4 t% O" w6 `- t( l0 ]
  if+should可以用于条件句类型1,用来表示动作虽有可能实现但可能性不很大。它常和祈使句结合使用,而且主要用于 书面的说明中:- n$ _. E2 x6 q7 x: W$ ]
  If you should have any difficulty in getting spare parts ring this number.& f5 X0 ^# d# C$ o: R! x4 U
  万一你买备件时遇到什么困难,请打这个电话号码。6 c/ M  `0 E3 ^' {
  If these biscuits should arrive in a damaged condition please inform the factory at once., _5 u* x; ?# z7 ~
5 b9 w9 Q5 f6 [+ c. G  should可以位于句首而省略掉if:( |. V7 w, L# W0 w5 w  F7 C# c. q
  Should these biscuits arrive…

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