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[托福语法] 托福语法学习:条件句类型3

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  c% h) s8 c7 l# s0 ]7 b  If I had known that you were coming I would have met you at the air-port.
7 \3 O8 @& [- ~; ]  要是我早知道你要来的话,我就会在机场接你了。(但我不知道,所以我也没去。)! g( K8 Z; \) g
  If he had tried to leave the country he would have been stopped at the frontier., z; S- B4 U1 R  W4 ~3 I, y- q3 ]
  要是他当时试图离开这个国家,他就会在边界被阻拦。(但他并未这样做。), ~) U! l5 k2 u" G+ w8 G( l' z' R
( `( M: Z; m$ I1 G: S3 ?2 P2 B  1 可以用could或might而不用would:8 P: ?8 V# ]' V, d
  If we had found him earlier we could have saved his life.
+ J2 x8 ~* l. }  要是我们那时早点找到他的话,我们会把他救活的。(能力)5 W) O, S) R: a8 u
  If we had found him earlier we might have saved his life.
# t. i% U$ s: e6 m5 G" [  要是我们那时早点找到他的话,我们可能会把他救活的。(可能性)
' ?# e* ^( n; i( i7 t  ?# r  If our documents had been in order we could have left at once.( d/ q) ?$ F5 ]  G: R+ c
  要是我们的证明文件都齐备的话,我们那时就能够马上走。(能力或允许)2 T5 M4 S( X1 ~
  2 可以用条件完成进行时:
$ Q/ X- @1 _9 d. @$ Z1 m  At the time of the accident I was sitting in the back of the car,because Tom’s little boy was sitting beside him in front.If Tom’s boy had not been there I would have been sitting in front.
) o+ ~0 P/ ~) n# J  事故发生的时候,我坐在车子的后座,因为汤姆的小儿子坐在前边他的身旁。要是汤姆的孩子没坐在那里的话,我就会坐在前面了。3 [" h$ O( \$ Q5 L( Q5 T. v1 r4 z
  3 可以在if从句中用过去完成进行时:; |4 G) C( j  w+ S6 j8 Z
  I was wearing a seat belt.If I hadn’t been wearing one I’d have been seriously injured.$ t1 ~2 P. k/ [2 d
" ~4 ~7 g& H8 y9 b2 V; r3 n  4 可以把类型2和类型3结合起来:
% h) k4 @4 B2 F; n/ C0 @2 _) S  The plane I intended to catch crashed and everyone was killed.If I had caught that plane I would be dead now/I would have been killed.  b8 r7 `6 ]1 f0 N' O2 |* s3 J+ H
  我原想赶乘的那架飞机坠毁了,所有乘客都遇难身亡。要是我赶上了那架飞机,我也就没命了/我就会摔死了。(类型 3)8 ~6 I# s/ \* J4 h
  If I had worked harder at school I would be sitting in a comfortable office now;I wouldn’t be sweeping the streets.: N2 g9 v2 a% U, n& G
7 z) s& e' y2 T( n: d# n8 S4 U  不会是在扫大街了。(但我上学时不努力,因而我现在在扫大街。)- ?  h3 I; ?# j: H% i0 s5 e: K
  5 had可以位于句首并省略if:
' \7 Q/ @- l8 E- P/ y  If you had obeyed orders this disaster would not have happened.相当于:& Z' |& i' L" y- O2 I& d
  Had you obeyed orders this disaster would not have happened.
8 c+ Q7 G! |3 v  \  要是你当时服从了命令,这场灾难就不会发生了。

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