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[托福语法] 托福语法技巧:改错之平行结构

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 有五到六道题 ..., ..., and ...
6 ]: U% g7 p0 E1 B$ _  由平行连接词连接两个或两个以上的对象构成
5 ~( H% k; [' V) I- A  一、平衡连接词
' H% E# V: X" @+ ]% t  1. 单一式:and, or, but
1 A  B% w2 w* j, A3 X  2. 短语式:as well as, rather than, other than, instead of. P6 ~/ |0 f  O2 Z, |) ~5 p$ k
  3. 相关式:both...and, not only ...but also4 ]" a7 H, e7 }; z9 I( K
  from..to, either...or
& x5 N0 l* s8 P* v5 C9 \  between...and, from...until
' }% H# s4 b8 m5 r  the same as, such as, as ...as) t, V1 J; p6 m1 h
  neither... nor, not...but, neither...or
: Q/ P7 @; S( N% c' V  二、平行的形式& ~3 F7 Z/ ~; ~3 C( k; H
  X and Y
9 v0 c2 [7 }+ n5 ?% u! a0 ^& W8 V  X, Y and Z(不常考): S+ j4 W+ w7 T8 x+ c6 b
  X, Y, and Z (常考)+ u( E  W! v1 _% s
  三、平行的性质4 C6 m0 L5 {5 v' O3 ~
  1. 单复数的平行(不是绝对要平行)
, X8 T7 J1 b  r+ O  比如:cells, organs, adn tissues: Q3 [2 S/ E, U5 J
  a heart, veius, and arteries1 j% u. ~( H. Z9 ^
  2. 词性的平行
' d0 d& f( P4 U; p' }' i  绝对,但是无adj的名词例外
, r; F* u# s, X2 G/ S; D  local, state, and national government 对5 b# K! [+ c5 t5 j1 Y' e2 {
  city and regional planning 对; l+ s& l, `. x8 G
  seasonally, or yearly 错
' @( M# G( I5 W* o: I/ p  ~~~~~~~~~~adv. ~~~~~~adj.
- z+ g3 }5 S, {' B' b2 Q5 f# L$ H  3. 时态的平行
% C  W; V& d- Q# l$ m  可以不平行,但是必须有相应的不同时间
. h+ p+ w/ {6 \' g4 D  4. 结构形式的平行
: @! l3 d5 x9 k  doing, to do, adj+n, 动+宾 结构要平行& q: i7 h5 j* @( u5 \* [
  5. 语态的平行* _- y2 h+ ~% \/ X# m
  Dallas, Texas, has become a national hub of bank,
$ c" f7 \: N! R* y" j  ~~~~banking
  R0 y5 Q+ o* E: j  fashion, manufacturing and transportation.' o! Z; T5 ~3 I
  6. 排列位置的平行. b6 q7 V* B/ z6 z* W( g
  主 not only 谓 but also 谓 对
- ~- q. Z; P! |: E! Q  x1 K. R  Not only 主谓(倒装),but also 谓 错) _' a; ]/ Z  m* W% |
  四、not only...but also的省略8 e- }, t8 }7 w3 S+ q6 v& g, g: [
  1. ...not only...but (also)...
' k. n6 o5 S$ a, X, ]  2. Not only 主谓(倒)but 主谓) q7 L0 ?' P2 O9 q, _: K
  3. Not only 主谓(倒),(;)主+also+谓) q" u" |6 X* P: ]  ^! p- @
  4. Not only... but...as well

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